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DV Lottery 2022 Remove Accompany

How can I remove an accompany from my application? I see a button to add but not to remove. My son is 22 and not eligible to come with us, I don't know why he is in the system. Do I need to contact KCC so they can remove it on their end?
You can do that.
(He is presumably in the system because you listed him on the entry, which is a little confusing because if he’s 22 already he must have turned 21 before the entry period last year?)
I have the same question.
I have two daughters who I need to remove as they were born in the US and are US citizens.
I cannot even complete the ds260 as it does not give me an option to say they were born in the US.
I have emailed KCC twice and asked them to remove them from the application but all they have said is they do not need to complete the ds260 but did not remove them - seems like a standard response.
I submitted my husband and my application but it says it will not be processed until they are all submitted.
I am at a loss of what to do... @Britsimon any ideas?