Actually, this process is completely handled by my lawyer. The acceleration request was made on June 8 (they stated that we had limited time and that our number was not very large, and that numbers larger than us were approvedI'm so sorry and understand the frustration completely.
Have you followed up again with your Congressman? If you're not getting any action from them, I would recommend contacting your Senator. You've waited this long, I'd throw everything at it and take every opportunity you can to get updates on your case.
How long ago was the expedite request? And what reason did you give for it? That's a positive that it was accepted at least. Maybe try calling USCIS and ask them directly what the status is based on the expedite request. What has your lawyer recommended?
And they said it was accepted). It is also written in the uscis system that the file is expedote, in fact it is written
"- On July 15, 2024, your request to have your case expedited, referral number WKD1922401367MSC, was completed.
- On July 15, 2024, we sent a response to your request to have your case expedited, referral number WKD1922401367MSC.
On Juty 12, 2024, your request to have your case expedited,
- referral number WKD1922401367MSC, was assigned to an officer for response.
When congresman first inquired, he said that if there was no news in 45 days, he would inquire again and after 45 days they requested another inquiry.