In case anyone is interested, there was a zoom meeting last night with the lawyers that worked in the DV2020 lawsuit and that have started working on a DV2021 as well. They said they expect for a TRO within the next weeks/January (January was the most conservative expectation) and that they feel they have good chances.
They also mentioned these lawsuits might help Biden get rid of these bans as it will allow them to do so without getting in a lot of political mud and/or they might not even fight them because that'd mean wasting their lawyers time when they have better things to do. They also mentioned that they are trying to work around the Schengen ban, this one is the most complicated to remove and they expect the new administration to be working with the CDC on how to do this so they won't challenge the legality of the ban itself but bring up the possibility of having the visas issued and then quarantine in another country for 14 days before entering the US.