@janique Have you filled your DS260 form yet?
With your CN, you have some time.
1. Do you have the current passport?
2. Birth Certificate
3. 2nd Generation ID?
All these should match in names.
1. In the DS260 form, use the correct names
2. Have you officiated the marriage? That us, you have an official document aka Marriage Certificate. Indicate that on your DS 260 form. On the main page, it will then give you an option to add a DS260 form for your now husband.
3. I believe once you indicate in the DS260 form that you have one child, another option to add DS260 form will come up too. Make sure you fill one out for the baby.
4. You CN is high but this year, we have read that there are many holes so you just never know. Sometimes high case numbers are asked not to submit DS 260 forms so soon so as to avoid the "immigration intent" clause when applying for NIV ...incase the number does not go current. I'd say go for it anyway.
PS: Do not continue as single if you have a marriage certificate.