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DV 2017 OC Selectees

I think he needs the original email address for that or other info he shouldn't have. It does sound like you've been properly hacked or otherwise stalked.
Is your screen name close to your actual name? Could he have used a photo you posted to find your real identity elsewhere using image recognition software? Etc?

There was obviously enough out there to piece it all together. I'm just going through and removing all evidence of me on SM (that I can get to)... not that it's going to do me any good now.
There was obviously enough out there to piece it all together. I'm just going through and removing all evidence of me on SM (that I can get to)... not that it's going to do me any good now.

Good luck....what a horrible thing to happen. Hope you manage to get it sorted out.
I think he needs the original email address for that or other info he shouldn't have. It does sound like you've been properly hacked or otherwise stalked.
Is your screen name close to your actual name? Could he have used a photo you posted to find your real identity elsewhere using image recognition software? Etc?

It's much simpler than all that....
I think it is significant that we haven't seen any OCer above 8XX - and the distribution of numbers with some "German tank problem" thinking suggests the max will be just over 900. In DV2016 the max case number is 959 (despite KCC pretending it is higher), so it is likely to be around that number again, perhaps even slightly less.

That would suggest OC will be current again, and also hints at a slightly lower selectee count globally.

I have now a 9XX Ocer - less than 950. That is the only one I know of...
It's much simpler than all that....

Well that's rather worrying then. People need to be careful. It's not particularly difficult to add a few things up especially for people who desperately want green cards. We have heard reports about "agents" adding derivatives to cases in certain countries, but this is the first I've heard of it happening in this fashion via presumably insecure information posted online - it is probably not the first case though so a timely warning to people to be careful about how they reveal their personal info online. Hopefully it doesn't mess her case up, it's probably easier for an Aussie to explain this in Sydney than some poor scammed victim in Accra.
@JessicaElle Wow.. There are some creeps in this forum :O
So sorry that you had to go through all this!

@JessicaElle I'm so sorry this happened to you! What a stress :(

Well that's rather worrying then...

Hopefully it doesn't mess her case up, it's probably easier for an Aussie to explain this in Sydney than some poor scammed victim in Accra.

Thanks all, all sorted thankfully! :)

The KCC said this type of stuff is not uncommon and it should have no bearing on my case. It's just creepy as heck.
Also, I guess now would be a good time to confirm to any would-be scammers thinking of doing the same thing to someone else:
by fraudulently adding yourself to someone's case, or otherwise being found to have tried to coerce someone into committing immigration fraud, YOU WILL BE BANNED FROM ENTERING THE UNITED STATES. EVER. Yes, this means as a tourist, as someone's legitimate spouse, or as a future DV winner.

In my case the KCC has this person's details as he's entered them on the form (and those of his child, too) and will be referring this to other relevant authorities and taking further steps to prevent this person from ever setting foot on US soil in any way, shape or form. That means that, by this person adding himself to my DV case, he has committed immigration fraud (and other illegalities) and has ruined any chance him of ever being able to immigrate to the US.

*poof* and one silly decision later, he's ruined his chances forever.

If you want to immigrate, do it the right way.
Excellent work Jessica! It certainly does speak volumes about their character. The US really have no choice but to ban them from entering, because they would most likely over-stay any visa granted. They are clearly willing to bend the rules and act illegally, so there would be no stopping them from over-staying.

I'm glad you got it all sorted. I was in shock when I read what was happening! I also immediately jumped back on to check mine... just in case :)
Yeah I've compulsively checked mine each day since! It'll be interesting to see if this person actually tries to submit these forms or access them again- if he does, the authorities will have a nice, clear path straight to his front door!

On a more happy note, yay for having submitted my forms. :D
Hello all! This is my first post. DV-2017 selectee from Australia.

I'm in the middle of filling out my 260 form and wondering, in the section where it asks what address you will be staying at when you arrive in the US... How could I possibly know this yet? It's probably more than a year away! I don't have a friend whose couch I can stay on, so should I list a hostel? Will that hurt my chances of getting through the interview round? Also, can I change this address later or would I need to completely re-submit the 260 form?


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