Super Moderator
"I intend" is the important bit. Otherwise it's a promise to NOT support you.
One more question regarding the I-134. "I intend/do not intend to make specific contributions to the support of the person(s) named in item 3." Is this the essence of the I-134, or is this extra? Would checking "I do not intend" defeat the purpose of the I-134, or would the government still be satisfied with such an affidavit of support?
I thought this item is the important part, which would convince the government that I would not become a public charge, since someone intends to back me up in such a scenario. However, my sponsor thinks it is unnecessary, as I do not require assistance at the moment; he thought this item is directed towards spouses/other relatives who come outside of the US for the first time, and do not go to college (unlike me, F-1) or have a job yet.
So, how should we interpret this point?
Thank you!