Thanks for all the info! I guess what I can do is wait until I get the receipt from the 330 DV payment, and then send the AOS package (the only thing I could be missing is the 2NL if I haven't received it by then, but can take it to the interview later). Would this be ok?
And yeah you're right, I've been delaying starting the GC process... it's because I wasn't really sure of wanting this. The GC is an awesome opportunity but I'm not sure I want to stay in the US forever. In fact, it's likely I won't. So I wasn't sure that I could do this whole thing and then give up my GC after like 3-5 years without consequences...
From your experience, is it a bad idea to get a GC and a few years later move out of the US?
I've heard nasty stuff about taxes that was making me think twice. And I don't even know if there are more consequences in addition to tax liability that I should be aware of... ?