Hey All,
Sorry Its been a while since I've been here!
I have a question about paying my USCIS Immigrant Fee. Im heading over next Thursday (11 Feb) to activate (SO EXCITED), with the plan on moving in june/july or later (pending on my partners work). The address that I have on my forms is my partners work office, as I don't really know anyone living in the states.
I am wondering, do I:
A) Pay the USCIS Immigrant Fee now, and have my card sent to this work address, who will then forward it on to me.
B) Wait to pay the USCIS Immigrant Fee until my permanent move and updating my address at
Also, as the address is a business address, would this be considered my place of residence until I move and would this cause any issues and will this affect where my SS number goes to?
Thanks in advance!