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DV 2016 OC Selectees

Well, 4 sleeps left until the interview and needless to say, I am having kittens!!:eek: What is "relaxed"?

I am sure that I will be the same with nerves and worrying, so I feel for you :)

You got this Violetion :) Just imagine the feeling when it is all done and dusted and you have you visa. Have you tried Rescue Remedy? might help relax a bit? Sending you chillaxing vibes!
Thabks for your feedback SusjeQQQ
Any more comments.....
Thanks guys

May be worth getting a new one just for peace of mind if you have the time. If not, the worst that will happen is that you will be put on AP until you produce a new certificate, they won't reject you outright. As long as you're not in a massive rush to move right away there's not really any harm done. :)
Me too!! The waiting is torture...

And having your life just hang in the balance until the CO delivers the verdict...

I am sure that I will be the same with nerves and worrying, so I feel for you :)

You got this Violetion :) Just imagine the feeling when it is all done and dusted and you have you visa. Have you tried Rescue Remedy? might help relax a bit? Sending you chillaxing vibes!

Thanks for the kind words, I should try that! My brain is telling me everything should be fine, but of course my gut can't help but worry about all the minor things that might go wrong.
Just quickly checking - what have people produced in the past for the high school requirement? Do they just want the actual award saying "blah blah has successfully completed the NSW higher school certificate etc" or are they after the subject results as well?
Actually I am starting to stress out now....ugh! Even though there's no worry to have we have done 80% of the process already.
Ha ha, oh no! I didn't mean to stress you out. I don't think there's anything to worry about either, but you know... human nature, freak outs etc ;) Hopefully it's good news all round on Tuesday!
Just quickly checking - what have people produced in the past for the high school requirement? Do they just want the actual award saying "blah blah has successfully completed the NSW higher school certificate etc" or are they after the subject results as well?
I just have my VCE certificate saying that I successfully completed high school - no results. I don't think they need results, just to know that you got your high school certificate. Thoughts, past OCers?
Ha ha, oh no! I didn't mean to stress you out. I don't think there's anything to worry about either, but you know... human nature, freak outs etc ;) Hopefully it's good news all round on Tuesday!
Not your fault in any way. Break a leg on Tuesday!:)
Hey team,
Like everyone else I have been stressing for the last 2 weeks leading up to the interview tomorrow, but ive had a slight hiccup. I've had to get one of my wisdom teeth removed on the weekend and i have a huge egg on my face from the swelling which i don't think will go down by tomorrow. Am i still going to be okay for my interview, ie. are they going to judge me in a weird way/in terms of identification will i be okay since I don't look like the passport photo i took the other day??

Im stressing out!!!!
Hey team,
Like everyone else I have been stressing for the last 2 weeks leading up to the interview tomorrow, but ive had a slight hiccup. I've had to get one of my wisdom teeth removed on the weekend and i have a huge egg on my face from the swelling which i don't think will go down by tomorrow. Am i still going to be okay for my interview, ie. are they going to judge me in a weird way/in terms of identification will i be okay since I don't look like the passport photo i took the other day??

Im stressing out!!!!

Nothing to worry.

You could always bring something from your dentist to prove you had your tooth out if you're really worried.
Well best of luck @gemka @Alex McDermott and everyone else who is interviewing tomorrow. I'm quite late in the morning (11:15) so I don't know if I'll see any of you there, but maybe you'll all be walking out with huge smiles on your face by the time I arrive to MLC. :D

Hard to believe the day is almost here! I'm a stressy mess right now, hoping it will be as easy and straightforward as everyone says it is. Now time to pick out of an outfit, feel like I'm getting ready for a hot date. :eek:
Well best of luck @gemka @Alex McDermott and everyone else who is interviewing tomorrow. I'm quite late in the morning (11:15) so I don't know if I'll see any of you there, but maybe you'll all be walking out with huge smiles on your face by the time I arrive to MLC. :D

Hard to believe the day is almost here! I'm a stressy mess right now, hoping it will be as easy and straightforward as everyone says it is. Now time to pick out of an outfit, feel like I'm getting ready for a hot date. :eek:
Go get that for OC, mate. Promise us you will post a pic of you walking out of the embassy with a big smile on your face :)
I really want to see a photo of @Alex McDermott with an egg shaped deformity and big smile after s/he gets the DV!

You will all be fine kids. Totally fine. It's a page turn. Administrative bureaucracy. Keep up updated. Tuesday is my favourite day of the week!
AP... Apparently the panel physician didn't tick a box that she was supposed to, so we have to wait while they go back to her. Gah!