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DV 2015 Oceania winners

Everyone, I have a question regarding the yellow envelope and the individual medical summary - We did not get a copy of the summary medical sheet (the one with the photo and the check boxes signing of the med vaccinations etc). I believe there is a copy in the yellow envelope .. open it .. no don't open it ... open it ... no don't open it ... (AAAHHH) - We will need a copy for the kids at school in the USA. Sure we have bits and pieces in the local records, but some was completed for the kids during the US nominated doctor review pre-interview. Any advice here? Did everone else get copies of their suummary sheets or not? Don't suppose the CBP officer is going to let us photocopy one from the yellow envelope at the POE !

Uh, did you miss all the stuff about not opening the envelope? Doesn't it actually say that on the envelope too? Your envelope is part of your visa, and opening it is the same as tampering with the visa.
Just contact the doctor who did the medical and ask them for a copy of the vaccination sheet. I'm sure they must keep a copy of the medical for their files. By the way ours didn't have photos on, just the names and record of vaccinations.
Argh guys my hubby forgot to put his middle name on the DS-260, does anyone know if this will be a major issue? I called KCC but they can't unlock my paperwork any more to change it...
I remember someone earlier in this thread talking about his validation trip to Honolulu, but can't find it now...
We have still not made our minds up on how to make the final move, but one option is of course to make such Hawaii trip first. The point is that I am slightly worried: our documents would be processed in Hawaii by the regional USCSIS and healthcare, we would provide postal address in mainland US for the GCs and SSNs and later again move to the continent.
Could this be troublesome?
It's here! My visa and yellow envelope arrived this morning :) so exciting! I received the Express Post envelope about an hour ago and have already jumped on the Jetstar site and booked flights lol. I'm not making the permanent move until mid-2016. So my POE is going to be with a week in Honolulu in November - I figure what better way to celebrate being a US permanent resident than arriving in Thanksgiving week. Then a few months later it'll be off to Denver for good. Can't believe soon I'll be spending my summer weekends hiking in the Rocky Mountains and snowboarding the mountains in the winter (as you probably can guess, sport is kinda my thing).
I remember someone earlier in this thread talking about his validation trip to Honolulu, but can't find it now...
We have still not made our minds up on how to make the final move, but one option is of course to make such Hawaii trip first. The point is that I am slightly worried: our documents would be processed in Hawaii by the regional USCSIS and healthcare, we would provide postal address in mainland US for the GCs and SSNs and later again move to the continent.
Could this be troublesome?

Nope. It seems pretty common to activate somewhere different than the address provided. We did the same, all that happened was the CBP officer asked us to confirm if we still wanted that address used.
@guestgulkan @eskimokisses Apparently it is law now (refer to NSW Dept Education School Attendance Policy PD20050259) - also I believe the dual purpose origin is that it had ties to preventing one or other parent taking off with a kid overseas without other parent consent, in disputed issues etc etc. The school said they can record unexplained absenses as truency on the kids files (or worse if suspectd), and that doesn't look good when you are in high school (older daugher) and soon trying to get into a good uni / college course, so we thought we would get the letter.

The Principal can say lawfully no and can inform immigration. There is even an official rejection letter you can receive with the bad news. (Why would they say no, unless it is clandestine ???).

That said, if you as a family are all going together, you are not the suspicious types, and I would not expect any Qs either. Note also that our school is private and tend to stick to "protocol", so we dont want to cause anymore friction than is required.

Anyway - just flash that RED and BLUE DV visa and say SEE Y'AAALLL LATER :D

Thanks @martinskypemartin I will have a look at that. We are in QLD and kids at private school but only in primary. I assumed that we would have to advise the school that we were taking out of school for xx amount of time if we were doing an activation trip outside school holiday terms, but will check the QLD laws on school attendance. I guess it is also a good thing if it stops one parent fleeing overseas with children. I guess it is a bit different like you said as the whole family will be going on trip. We also have to give a terms notice when leaving the school permanently as well, but of course so many variables so we won't know exact timing for quite some time depending on how everything goes :)
We took both boys out of school for two weeks here in Melbourne and there was no issue. We let both teachers know in advance verbally and confirmed via email, cc'ing in the principal.
Previous good posts just reminded me that we also face such dilemma.

We must make POE entry to the States before the end of Nov. Kids are still in primary but we are concerned what would be the best time for us to move for their best integration. Having the 2 countries' school years de-phased by 6 months makes our considerations a bit difficult to reconcile:
- September is too early for us to prepare
- November is a bit odd - Aussie school year isn't finished, in the US its first term is on 2/3. (US Schools have Thanksgiving break 23-27 Nov - may be of good excuse to first school day just after :) )
- January may be better (2nd term in the US starts) but will make our life miserable by having to make a validation trip to gain just 1 extra month.

Sounds similar to any concerns you may have (had)? :)
Previous good posts just reminded me that we also face such dilemma.

We must make POE entry to the States before the end of Nov. Kids are still in primary but we are concerned what would be the best time for us to move for their best integration. Having the 2 countries' school years de-phased by 6 months makes our considerations a bit difficult to reconcile:
- September is too early for us to prepare
- November is a bit odd - Aussie school year isn't finished, in the US its first term is on 2/3. (US Schools have Thanksgiving break 23-27 Nov - may be of good excuse to first school day just after :) )
- January may be better (2nd term in the US starts) but will make our life miserable by having to make a validation trip to gain just 1 extra month.

Sounds similar to any concerns you may have (had)? :)

It is way more complicated with kids isn't it @Permutation :) What date do you have to POE in November, ie if towards the end of Nov school year is kind of winding down (I guess depending on the year level) and even if they finished a little early it probably wouldn't do any harm as they have pretty much completed that year level.

Are you planning any holiday time (once landed in USA) prior to settling in USA and starting work? If you moved over towards the end of November, perhaps consider if you have a break until either just before Christmas or just after Christmas and then start them?

I want to know when you do start over there, what year level do they start in? ie. still in the one they have just finished or do they move up a year (but have missed potentially the first half of the year?) Do you just start them in the year level that has kids the same age? do they have to do any testing? I am also thinking we will have to organise some kind of tutor or extra study at home to get them up to scratch with all the American relevant school information (ie. Presidents, States, Country specific info :) )

We of course are just speculating as we are a year behind all the 2015OC winners, but hopefully we will be in this situation next year all approved :)

When are you to start your kids in USA schools @EmilyW?
Yes, @eskimokisses it is far more complicated with kids :)
I will probably move with a job, so may be no much time for vacation once landed, but one never knows.
I have understood that new migrants' kids there start with kids the same age. There is some entry testing, but I hope this may only lead to be assigned extra-curriculum activities, and not move them down a year.
@eskimokisses @Permutation @EmilyW We already emailed a test (reaching out) resume to one potential school for my oldest daughter, noting their geographic area was a possibility for us to settle - they need plenty of time to get back to you - you need to fill in the Principle, the lead (head) secretary, the counsellor, the year head, etc etc - the list of cc's grows as teachers add more and more other teachers to the mail trail.

You have to Americanize things we have found - eg: we made a point that my daughter's 8 years of Japanese study was finishing and she was taking up (beginners) Spanish. We checked the demographics and found this school was (rounded) 50% white 50% latino so pretty much 0% black / 0% Asian / o% N/Indian / 0% Eskimo. We called her Commerce subject Economics and Legal studies, her Australian Geography subject simply Basic Geography (remove Aus terms for confusion), ... We did this by checking their subject and student course handbook online, and trying to match things up. The more you can make things sound normal the more likely they will put you in a favorable timetable.

Show you appreciate the values of the school system there, but do not threaten them in any way - we changed netball (goal defence) to basketball, and mentioned she wants to try out as a guard in any of the LOWER reserve teams. (You really would be committing suicide to says you want to try out in firsts in the U S A B A S K E T B A L L A L L STA R S - unless your initials are MJ).

My sister's daughter just came back from a 6 month study exchange and unfortunately she got to repeat the (1/2) year she had done in Aus - she was bored stiff, did no homework, and passed every test (but not very perfect on US content items of course). If you can get the picture sounding like your child needs to be same or go up, then the only other risk factor is the age of the child, and any tests required. The mistake my sister / niece made was that she didn't really prepare for the school - just let it happen - do not be passive in the process - take and active participatory role.

Voluntary and extracurrucular activities are important - but make it relevant - my daughter SCUBA dives - who cares coz she is gonna be miles from the ocean - skip this. Checked their "clubs" - found out they are really good at choir and band - great she plays something - we included that. All these things made for a positive initial response from the school - try and see how you can add value to the school in your emails, otherwise you will get the ok wek come in at emrolment time and we will see then. No - they have no idea about Aussies - you have to use a thorough attentive pre-enrolment timeline for the older kids.

Hope this helps - until they are sitting in US class happy, this is all taking a best shot at it. No harm. And if we do the same process to 10 other schools - we learn more and more. No harm.

PS - younger daughter - have not done anything yet - less critical in one sense, but also we are guaging her response to the older child's journey in all this. Psychology.

Previous good posts just reminded me that we also face such dilemma.

We must make POE entry to the States before the end of Nov. Kids are still in primary but we are concerned what would be the best time for us to move for their best integration. Having the 2 countries' school years de-phased by 6 months makes our considerations a bit difficult to reconcile:
- September is too early for us to prepare
- November is a bit odd - Aussie school year isn't finished, in the US its first term is on 2/3. (US Schools have Thanksgiving break 23-27 Nov - may be of good excuse to first school day just after :) )
- January may be better (2nd term in the US starts) but will make our life miserable by having to make a validation trip to gain just 1 extra month.

Sounds similar to any concerns you may have (had)? :)

We also moved in the middle of the U.S. school year, and like much else it turned out to be a lot of stress about nothing! Especially if your kids are young. They will place them in an appropriate class, either a bit ahead or a bit back probably at that stage mostly dependent on age, all their new friends will love their accents, they'll take all of about a week to adjust to the new system and then you'll wonder what you were ever worried about :)

We had one put "back" (but she was still technically younger than allowed for that year so she could not have been put into the next grade) and one put ahead. The older one they wanted to see some school reports and do some testing. Make sure the school knows the grade equivalency, don't expect them to know or investigate the different grading system. I think the most important thing is to make sure you end up somewhere with decent schools where they will take care on these things, but I can't imagine anyone from Australia plans to move to a 5 or 6 school area surely... Check the rankings on greatschools, ideally 10, if you are going below 8 then think hard about it. My 2c.
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@Britsimon - where is Britsimon - he's been quiet lately - has he gone on a world holiday with all those paypal donations from his top notch website ? - I hope so - an amazing resource.

Lol. I am here. As for the donations, Sofia would not let me touch that. It is strictly to buy materials for the treehouse. People have also left some lovely messages which I read with Sofia. She asked the other day if we can have those messages carved into wood inside the treehouse. So, that is going to happen!