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DV 2015 Oceania winners

Hi Essey,

I haven't been able to attend the interview due to work/travel commitments. With regards to the reschedule, it was only after numerous emails that I finally received a response. The consulate indicated that a reschedule is possible for next year depending on visa quantities and to just sit tight.

With the consulate not giving any other information away, I'm not exactly sure if the reschedule will occur. I'm just hoping it works out as I already have a position lined up in San Francisco..

Not the type to worry too much about it, just grateful for the opportunity.

All the best for your interview Essey.. hope it goes smoothly = )
Thanks and hope you get a new date soon. Goes to show that they really don't seem to prioritise people who need to reschedule. Must have been frustrating being in a position where you couldn't attend. I wish they'd given me your date!
I have just started researching every town within commuting distance of Dallas/Fort Worth and Denver (and larger surrounding towns with Corporate/Industry). Here is my research so far...will post the final one when it's completed. I posted some info on Texas a while back in this forum as it's our backup if Colorado doesn't work for us. Cost of living is dirt cheap in Texas.

I just have to work how to attach a file.
We are moving to Dallas, Tx (McKinney area) people are super nice, cost of living cheap, direct flight back to Australia (if needed), good schools, homes cheap (when we decide to buy), good business/manufacturing hub (for hubby), good medical hub (for me) ...we are pretty excited :) the only thing that turns me off is the weather (thought its been pretty good this winter).
One other thing you may want to take into consideration when researching place to live is the politics.
Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, civilized or redneck......... it seems the folk of good ol USA usually demonstrate and are proud of their beliefs. You dont want to be singing Kumbaya at aKKK meeting, if you know what I mean............;)
One other thing you may want to take into consideration when researching place to live is the politics.
Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, civilized or redneck......... it seems the folk of good ol USA usually demonstrate and are proud of their beliefs. You dont want to be singing Kumbaya at aKKK meeting, if you know what I mean............;)
This is a very good point. The majority of the Southand mid-West is super conservative and pretty religious too.
One other thing you may want to take into consideration when researching place to live is the politics.
Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, civilized or redneck......... it seems the folk of good ol USA usually demonstrate and are proud of their beliefs. You dont want to be singing Kumbaya at aKKK meeting, if you know what I mean............;)

Yeah, this. I don't want to call anyone out but there have been a couple of places people rave about in the forums for low cost of living, jobs etc but they are not places where we could stomach the politics!!
We also thought about the politics in our decision making. Hence we didn't pick California or some of the North Eastern states.

North Carolina is a good political and cultural mix for us.
We also thought about the politics in our decision making. Hence we didn't pick California or some of the North Eastern states.

North Carolina is a good political and cultural mix for us.

EEEEK - you aren't a right winger are you?? Once you get in will you stop immigration??? :p:D:eek:
And if I was ;)...... Plenty of nut jobs on both sides unfortunately.

No, I'm more libertarian / liberal democrat but with a strong sense that government has responsibilities to play a leading role in health, education, welfare, infrastructure, defence. So I am pro choice, same sex marriage, decriminalisation of drugs etc and believe that government's role should be limited to its core strengths.

So I'm basically f*cked when it comes to political parties because no-one (besides the burgeoning Liberal Democrats in Oz) speaks to my inner soul.
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And if I was ;)...... Plenty of nut jobs on both sides unfortunately.

No, I'm more libertarian / liberal democrat but with a strong sense that government has responsibilities to play a leading role in health, education, welfare, infrastructure, defence. So I am pro choice, same sex marriage, decriminalisation of drugs etc and believe that government's role should be limited to its core strengths.

So I'm basically f*cked when it comes to political parties because no-one (besides the burgeoning Liberal Democrats in Oz) speaks to my inner soul.

You would do fine in Northern California.... you aren't as odd as you believe.
And if I was ;)...... Plenty of nut jobs on both sides unfortunately.

No, I'm more libertarian / liberal democrat but with a strong sense that government has responsibilities to play a leading role in health, education, welfare, infrastructure, defence. So I am pro choice, same sex marriage, decriminalisation of drugs etc and believe that government's role should be limited to its core strengths.

So I'm basically f*cked when it comes to political parties because no-one (besides the burgeoning Liberal Democrats in Oz) speaks to my inner soul.

I'm restricted to the North East (Vermont, NYC, Massachusetts) and Chicago: they're the only places wealth-redistribut-y enough for me. Strangely, they seem to attract large numbers of rich people who drive up the cost of housing. Go figure :p
We're low 900s. I'm confident we will get an interview but, where I was hoping March (or even February), I'm now thinking we're looking at May or even June for an interview.

Which totally bums my planned summer activation holiday.

I won't lie. It's frustrating at this point. Sure 775 is still high compared to previous years, but we've had two very low incremental increases.

It won't matter to those who've already gone current but we OCers need some VB love. The VB is acting like that boyfriend who gets your text but won't respond LOL.
I'm low 9xxs too and we have planned a March interview. I'm not too disappointed though...I can still feel it in my bones that we'll be current next month :)
Ok, I'm going to pull up my big girl panties, stop wallowing and think optimistically. Groaning about the VB won't change it so I'll put positive energy towards us going current.
Exactly what I thought.... Big reason why we moved there. There is too much government but I think that's true of the entire country tbh.

Edit: lol, I said "moved". Well in a week we will have....

We'll need to look at that. We (perhaps erroneously) thought all of Cali was big government focussed (recognising that's a relative phrase), which isn't for us.