• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.


I thought the birth certificate will always have a section for father's name...I guess it is also possible not to know who the father of the kid is and thus not include the father's name on the birth certificate. If that is possible, then you should be fine
It all depend with what you indicated during the initial application,unmarried,single,legally separated,divorced etc..so what did you say?Now if you are in good terms now,legalize your marriage and notify the KCC about addition of a new applicant and prepare all the documents ,photos,emails that proves an initial relationship.
Guys, 2nl are not all send once to all !
Some will only receive it right at the end of the month.
In DV game you will learn to be patient :)
Kindly expound,you mean they release in batches? I thought every 15th of every month is when they update their system and this include releasing the VB,Update on all AP cases as well as the release of all those who are current.Although i 90% concur with you.
It all depend with what you indicated during the initial application,unmarried,single,legally separated,divorced etc..so what did you say?Now if you are in good terms now,legalize your marriage and notify the KCC about addition of a new applicant and prepare all the documents ,photos,emails that proves an initial relationship.

? Why do you think she wants to take the father? Didn't sound like that to me.
Kindly expound,you mean they release in batches? I thought every 15th of every month is when they update their system and this include releasing the VB,Update on all AP cases as well as the release of all those who are current.Although i 90% concur with you.
I can not really explain how do they process the 2NLs ! But from what saw from following this forum for a year, is that some current selectees are notified before others, sometimes in the same country too!
And that disregarding the CN. Some wait until nearly the end of the month to be notified....
Weird, but its like that.
? Why do you think she wants to take the father? Didn't sound like that to me.
Reading between the lines,frequent visits to the mum means the dad has something and the mum does not want to risk sabotage.Definitely the father can make claim of the baby and its good they sought things earlier.
I can not really explain how do they process the 2NLs ! But from what saw from following this forum for a year, is that some current selectees are notified before others, sometimes in the same country too!
And that disregarding the CN. Some wait until nearly the end of the month to be notified....
Weird, but its like that.
No harm waiting.
Reading between the lines,frequent visits to the mum means the dad has something and the mum does not want to risk sabotage.Definitely the father can make claim of the baby and its good they sought things earlier.

Claim of what? What on earth are you talking about? They were never married and his name is not on the birth certificate. He can have no effect on her DV case whatsoever.
Are the Embassy bound to follow the Visa Bulleti,Example a case (8000) in DV 2014 was indicated to fall under November but the actual interview took place in Late January.Who can explain.
Claim of what? What on earth are you talking about? They were never married and his name is not on the birth certificate. He can have no effect on her DV case whatsoever.
Recently,In fact 5 days ago ,abill was passed in Kenya parliament where all men who sire children outside marriage will be obligated to take care of their needs.regardless of whether you are married and this can be a loophole in ADVERSING PERSONAL INTERSTS
Are the Embassy bound to follow the Visa Bulleti,Example a case (8000) in DV 2014 was indicated to fall under November but the actual interview took place in Late January.Who can explain.
I guess it could happen, but I never hear of such a case!
May be if the embassies are busy, or were closed for a certain periode for some reasons ( terror attack...) They might reschedule some interview for later if necessary, To accomodate everyone.
I guess it could happen, but I never hear of such a case!
May be if the embassies are busy, or were closed for a certain periode for some reasons ( terror attack...) They might reschedule some interview for later if necessary, To accomodate everyone.
By your estimation,would you know how many DV cases are processed daily by the Nairobi Embassy?
Are the Embassy bound to follow the Visa Bulleti,Example a case (8000) in DV 2014 was indicated to fall under November but the actual interview took place in Late January.Who can explain.

When did the applicant send in their DS-230 form to KCC?
Recently,In fact 5 days ago ,abill was passed in Kenya parliament where all men who sire children outside marriage will be obligated to take care of their needs.regardless of whether you are married and this can be a loophole in ADVERSING PERSONAL INTERSTS

Regardless of what the bill says, if the mother has indicated that she's single and the father's name is not listed on the child's birth certificate, as far as the embassy is concerned, the existence of the father is immaterial and he has no claim on the mother's selection.
By your estimation,would you know how many DV cases are processed daily by the Nairobi Embassy?
Daily I don't know !
By if you monitor the Data you can have a monthly estimation. But again its not 100% accurate, because some month especially in the beginning, shows a smaller number, but after ward show beggier number with APs clearing and so on....
Are the Embassy bound to follow the Visa Bulleti,Example a case (8000) in DV 2014 was indicated to fall under November but the actual interview took place in Late January.Who can explain.

Well obviously if someone with a CN of under 8000 submitted their paperwork late, then they would have a late interview. No big mystery.
Daily I don't know !
By if you monitor the Data you can have a monthly estimation. But again its not 100% accurate, because some month especially in the beginning, shows a smaller number, but after ward show beggier number with APs clearing and so on....
Thanks for the insight
Are the Embassy bound to follow the Visa Bulleti,Example a case (8000) in DV 2014 was indicated to fall under November but the actual interview took place in Late January.Who can explain.

Because the person returned their forms late. Interviews are only scheduled when KCC have processed the DS forms.
Regardless of what the bill says, if the mother has indicated that she's single and the father's name is not listed on the child's birth certificate, as far as the embassy is concerned, the existence of the father is immaterial and he has no claim on the mother's selection.
Thats why at first posed a question before making my comment of what she indicated as her status during the initial application. Now the question she asked and I stand to be corrected is that "should I request her consent?"my question to her would be,the baby's dad has been visiting her residence and how sure is she to know whether he makes deliberately triggers a conversation that proves their relationship and may be he secretly records such talks for future defense.The lady is worried that the dad might bring some complications.i STAND TO BE ADVISED TOO