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DV 2014 Kenyan Selectees Report here

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hey geemot is good for me to see that i will not be alone in chicago IL now. i got a forummate, anyway which country are u from?

Am from Kenya, just like you. Figured we could travel pamoja to Chicago so that we dont get bored at the long stop overs :) :) What do you think?

I also think that booking the flight in mid June might be risky because thats estimatedly the time we shall have our interviews, however there is no harm in making reservations maybe late June. Ama you are in such a hurry to leave our beloved country?
On Saturday 15th March, Ugandan DV winners had their first convention in Kampala. Over 12 winners attended, we had fun, lots of eats and shared experiences.
The 2nd convention will be on location Oklahoma city-date will be communicated and we hope it will be bigger including not only Ugandans but Africa at large. We shall set the venue for the 3rd convention in Oklahoma.

Awesome...O I missed...

Am from Kenya, just like you. Figured we could travel pamoja to Chicago so that we dont get bored at the long stop overs :) :) What do you think?

I also think that booking the flight in mid June might be risky because thats estimatedly the time we shall have our interviews, however there is no harm in making reservations maybe late June. Ama you are in such a hurry to leave our beloved country?

Well booking won't do much harm...it is just a booking which will eventually get kicked out of the system in a couple of days...hehe
Do I understand correctly that the baby was born after entry but before selection and she didn't include the birth certificate with the pack she sent to KCC? (Judging by the dates, if she was DV2013)

Yes, precisely what happened.

That's really sad. You'd think KCC could have told them to send it?!

Going by what some of the DV 2014 selectees have reported about KCC contacting and asking them to provide their US address (since they did not fill out that section on the DS-230 form), yes KCC could have contacted this person and requested for them to send in the birth certificate. Unfortunately KCC never did, they opted to flag the file instead, and this selectee ended up meeting with a CO that probably got out his bed from the wrong side or had is coffee over-spiced and wouldn't listen to any explanation from the selectee. Quite a sad case!
Hey man! Y r u worried. Check pg1 of thread obeeyz is in states with cn 105+k
,ondoa shaka en comfirm ua attendance., ""4. Family 23 's party

Am so worried my friend! Obeezyb's cn was 70something k. 105628 was the number of first round selectees.
Good to here You arrived safely......now start scouting for good places to eat and lovely menus the first meal will be on you...ama!!!!! and not McDonald's etc when I land there...are you in contact with your man Olelenku???? he has vanished in thin air since he got over there.....

ooh yeah one more thing.:I've been here since friday,I've already added 1.8pounds. :eek:
Dear all,

We finally relocated to US on February 14, 2014. Our flight was safe and rather short. Mombasa-Istanbul-Washington Dulles. Left Mombasa 5.50 am arrived in Istanbul 11.35am and left Istanbul 1.30pm and arrived in Washington Dulles 6.30pm same day. We live in Maryland in the Interim. I work overseas. So I settled my family, ensured we leased an apartment, Children got schools and I left for my place of work in Asia on 1st March. I will not return until 3rd July. Upto now we have not received our green cards yet. I called and was told 30-45 days. Still waiting. Can anyone who has waited this long (31 days now) share his/her experience?

Otherwise all the best to all who have got their visas and my prayers to those who are waiting.

GOD bless you all.
hallo folks still counting days to the next bulletins keep the faith and remember GOD loves you be blessed

Todays devotion

John 15;4-7

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

Remember God loves you your miracle is on your way
my E-family,how's everybody doin 2day?apologies for goin a bit quite, but I got here safe, am just idling away while waiting for my SSN which I went to register for on friday. I found there was a bit of a mix up with my names, I hope its nothing serious. I'll b headin there tomorrow to follow up on the progress. In the meantime I'm excited for this forum, u guyz will definitely love it here. London was beautifull too. I managed to get into the country and went for some SERIOUS sight seeing, beautifull experience I kid y'all not. Midlfight from london to A I got some serious muscle cramps coz of being packed like an orbit in the plane. Definitely I'm inspired to work hard and fly 1st class thro and thro'. Keep on keepin on####
Glad that you got there safely ,packed like orbit indeed tutamake !i am counting days to see all those beautiful places,all the best and you will definately make to fly in 1st class if you work hard.
Hi e-fam,i can see we are still growing,all new members you are welcome.Congrats to all those that received their 2nd nl,Kaia n aimanda I hope you don't have your interviews far apart so that you can keep each other company in Nairobi ,guys with high case numbers I know it's not easy but pliz wait upon The Lord and he will fulfill your desires.
Hi e-fam,i can see we are still growing,all new members you are welcome.Congrats to all those that received their 2nd nl,Kaia n aimanda I hope you don't have your interviews far apart so that you can keep each other company in Nairobi ,guys with high case numbers I know it's not easy but pliz wait upon The Lord and he will fulfill your desires.

Hey gal!
Aimanda and I are going to rock in Nairobi! Watch that space!!!! Our interviews are just 2 days apart!!!
Dear all,

We finally relocated to US on February 14, 2014. Our flight was safe and rather short. Mombasa-Istanbul-Washington Dulles. Left Mombasa 5.50 am arrived in Istanbul 11.35am and left Istanbul 1.30pm and arrived in Washington Dulles 6.30pm same day. We live in Maryland in the Interim. I work overseas. So I settled my family, ensured we leased an apartment, Children got schools and I left for my place of work in Asia on 1st March. I will not return until 3rd July. Upto now we have not received our green cards yet. I called and was told 30-45 days. Still waiting. Can anyone who has waited this long (31 days now) share his/her experience?

Otherwise all the best to all who have got their visas and my prayers to those who are waiting.

GOD bless you all.

Hi Ronny

Average waiting time is 60 days at the moment. You can check on your ELIS account (the one you used to pay the immigrant fee). When it switches from "accepted" to "optimized" in the bubbles your card has been sent for production. It is usually about a week after that that you will receive it.
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