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DV 2014 Kenyan Selectees Report here

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hey guys, please tell me when i should do my medicals and police report. my cn 2014AF00043***.
thank you.
Below is the order how I did mine
2.Police certificate (after confirming that I had passed the examination)
But all these are done after you have received your second NL because both the medical report and the police certificate expire so you have to do them when you have really confirmed your interview date.
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Thanks for all your prayers once again and to God be the glory. I really want to wish everyone on this forum all the best and from the bottom of my heart......... Thank you all
Congs once again bro', so that means the passport takes 3 days to reach the DHL point, right?
Nice stuff...when do you plan to leave for US? Maybe we should meet before you leave. I am still in Kampala
Guys when you are meeting, keep me in the circle. I do not know whether you have already met, I have been in the field far from kampala.
Sorry for not updating y'all on the progress of my medical exercise, but as Olelenku pointed out, it was a successful process. It was also awesome having Olelenku there, so glad to meet at least one person from the forum. We got to talking as a pastime and funny thing is, we are in the same industry job wise!!! I learnt a lot from him to be honest, I'm not sure the reverse is true.LOL.this guy is fully prepared bana if anything happens and he lands in the US like now now, he'll be so comfortable am sure he can call his neighbors by their names. We kept on missing our appointments every time tho' coz we both love to eat we kept on going out to look for food only to come back and find people queued in behind us had been called in before us. I think I should also point out to forumites how there were about a handful of DV applicants there, we tried adding them up they didn't get to 5!! I'm saying this to give some form of reassurance to the guys with CNs in the 80k, 90k, 100k range that as long as they keep on keeping on, they shouldn't worry coz they sure will get their fair share of the spoils when their time comes. And it may come in way sooner than you think/expect. Patience can't be over emphasized in this process.
Ooh and those vaccines tho', walalala those things are LEGIT!!! They kick in PROMPTLY!!PAP!! I'm not sure about other people, but myself I have serious side effects from those things, maybe its just me. Sorry Olelenku for throwing you under the bus like this but haha this guy is scared of injections,WHAT!! He had to psych himself up to go in and after he was done getting them, he was so excited guy was like Usain Bolt running across the tape numero uno!!he ran out the clinic pumping his fists in the air shouting YES YES while at the same time scratching his itchy shoulders, guy even forgot to take his Vaccination cert. It was so funny.
The doctors and nurses there are so friendly, they are multilingual, warm and all the positive adjectives you can find to describe. It cost me Kshs 19448 for everything, and the same for Olelenku. Yellow fever shots were not administered there, I guess we are gonna have to go get it some place else. Olelenku mentioned to me something about the US not being strict on yellow fever shots, but you have to realize you are from Africa, personally I won't take my chances on being quarantined for 10days at my P.O.E. I'll go get it and get a proper certificate for that.
The only downside I can point out is after all the working out I have been doing this whole past 2 MONTHS, reading all about the beautiful SHE doctors with beautiful eyes cute smiles and nice nails...my physical check was done by a MAN!! The only MAN DOCTOR!!I mean, what ARE THE ODDS???? He found my one pack and hairy legs soo unappealing I didn't even fully undress. Guy told me congrats u r ok while throwing me my cd towards the exit door and he facing the other direction.MEH! ;)
Hahahaa;) , I imagine two funny guys meeting for the first time, Nairobba and Olelenku in one basket!!!!, I should have been there. Let us pray that you will board the same plane. All the best in your interviews guys.
all folks goin for the interviews this month i wanna wish them all the best may God be on their side .As we wait for the bulletins lets all give thanks to the almighty i believe everybody will have a smile at the end DV2014 fiscal year includin our mates dannyden and family ,you folks are really great .GOD BLESS you house
Thanks Akelloh, this is so encouraging especially to Danny and I.
Good morning good people?

The day is 5th Dec 2013, time 6am at US embassy consular section gate. After a few minutes the gate is opened, we line up for security screening......pass 1,...gate two screening Pass.

We are issued with numbers and told to wait...

Shortly our number is called to window number 4 for verification by a black lady. She approves and asks us to proceed for payment. Paid

Back to waiting bay.

Shortly my wife's name is called, being the principal applicant, to window number six. She is asked to call us(my daughter and I)...pap!

CO:I want the two of you raise your right hand side and swear.

ME/wife: swear

C:(to me): Are you so and so
Me: Yes
Co: (to my wife): What have you done since you completed High School?
Wife: blaa blaaa wa waaah
Co: (to wife)Where are you going to stay in the US?
Wife: Georgia
CO: what is the rship with the host?
Wife: My brother.
Me and wife: THANK YOU!!!

Then she educates us on DHL registration, and USCIS fees. Gives us forms containing instructions.

My overall experience: The visa is yours, only waiting for you to pick it once you have all correct documentations.

But always remember this godly saying when you are inside there: "BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!"
Congs man, that was so easy. Which post did you do from?
I wanna thank everybody for the prayers and support I finally got my visa thru mum via Ksm, she's the one who went to pick it up for me after a long wait finally I GOT IT!!!! I can now breath easy mates....May God continue to guide us all and especially family and dannyden I know your time is coming in style....just patience and Prayers guys we are together in this.
Thanks Godia, I wish you smooth preparations, God will definitely continue to guide us. Do not forget to give me a call before you leave, I will be grateful.
folks am happy for those who had successful medicals and i wanna wish them a great and GOD FILLED interview may the lord guide them during their interview,Remember GOD loves you.i believe this is a wonderful month with the lords glory God bless the forum

Mathew 7;7-8
Ask, Seek, Knock
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Be blessed folks
In Jesus's mighty name, amen.
Still fresh in this forum but tend to love it every tme and very educative i find it too, glory unto God for those have been successfully in their interviews, keep on enlightening us I salute yu too guys kina godia, jorj, mutu14, olelenku, akello utamaduni, patitas, dannyden and nickelly I love every bit of yua hard work let's keep on praying for each an every forumite and together we shall make this journey thru prayers I op also am not alone on family based category pliz I need to know God bless!
Family2133 is also here:)
hallo folks hop ya doin great ,as we wait for our members who are goin for their interviews this month lets all pray for their success to folks who are plannin to relocate we wish you all the best remember God loves you and praise him always .

Our daily Monday prayer
Lord God, almighty and everlasting Father, you have brought us in safety to this new day: Preserve us with your mighty power, that we may not fall into sin, nor be overcome by adversity; and in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Be blessed and remember God loves you! AMEN

hi guys, i cant say am new but i guess this is my 1st post here. allow me to congratulate all of yous who have already succeeded in getting their visas processed and may God bless you as you even prepare to leave. as for us who are yet to go through the process lets not loose hope coz we are heading there and all will be well...... thanks for all the updates you guys are so amazing and friendly no wonder God chose to give you this opportunity..... lets keep the forum running and encouraging each other.
hallo folks hop ya doin great ,as we wait for our members who are goin for their interviews this month lets all pray for their success to folks who are plannin to relocate we wish you all the best remember God loves you and praise him always .

Our daily Monday prayer
Lord God, almighty and everlasting Father, you have brought us in safety to this new day: Preserve us with your mighty power, that we may not fall into sin, nor be overcome by adversity; and in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Be blessed and remember God loves you! AMEN
In Jesus name Amen. I love the quote "Remember God loves you", it sounds good whenever I recite it in my mental faculties. Keep up the good job Akelloh.
hi guys, i cant say am new but i guess this is my 1st post here. allow me to congratulate all of yous who have already succeeded in getting their visas processed and may God bless you as you even prepare to leave. as for us who are yet to go through the process lets not loose hope coz we are heading there and all will be well...... thanks for all the updates you guys are so amazing and friendly no wonder God chose to give you this opportunity..... lets keep the forum running and encouraging each other.
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