• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2014 Kenyan Selectees Report here

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Thanks for the valuable info Dubai b

I want to point out a really important thing here. If in case the infant is not issued with a I-551 sticker at the airport and you want to move out of the US, please make sure you have visited the USCIS office and get the baby's green card before exiting. This is very important if you want to bring your baby back with you.

Thanks for all your prayers once again and to God be the glory. I really want to wish everyone on this forum all the best and from the bottom of my heart......... Thank you all
hi guys,me and nairobba went thru the medicals on 3 and 4th Dec successfully... in a nutshell, the 1st day was about x-ray and lab tests...then 2nd day was about vaccinations and general physical examinations... thanks to all forum mates on all the good wishes..the injections were thus made bearable..now wishing Nairobba all the best on interview.. as u open the flood gates for visas...

Thanks for all your prayers once again and to God be the glory. I really want to wish everyone on this forum all the best and from the bottom of my heart......... Thank you all

AM HAPPY FOR U 4trya.... go live ua america dream...
hi guys,me and nairobba went thru the medicals on 3 and 4th Dec successfully... in a nutshell, the 1st day was about x-ray and lab tests...then 2nd day was about vaccinations and general physical examinations... thanks to all forum mates on all the good wishes..the injections were thus made bearable..now wishing Nairobba all the best on interview.. as u open the flood gates for visas...

You are now all set...go and claim what is rightfully yours....

Thanks for all your prayers once again and to God be the glory. I really want to wish everyone on this forum all the best and from the bottom of my heart......... Thank you all

Nice stuff...when do you plan to leave for US? Maybe we should meet before you leave. I am still in Kampala
Sorry for not updating y'all on the progress of my medical exercise, but as Olelenku pointed out, it was a successful process. It was also awesome having Olelenku there, so glad to meet at least one person from the forum. We got to talking as a pastime and funny thing is, we are in the same industry job wise!!! I learnt a lot from him to be honest, I'm not sure the reverse is true.LOL.this guy is fully prepared bana if anything happens and he lands in the US like now now, he'll be so comfortable am sure he can call his neighbors by their names. We kept on missing our appointments every time tho' coz we both love to eat we kept on going out to look for food only to come back and find people queued in behind us had been called in before us. I think I should also point out to forumites how there were about a handful of DV applicants there, we tried adding them up they didn't get to 5!! I'm saying this to give some form of reassurance to the guys with CNs in the 80k, 90k, 100k range that as long as they keep on keeping on, they shouldn't worry coz they sure will get their fair share of the spoils when their time comes. And it may come in way sooner than you think/expect. Patience can't be over emphasized in this process.
Ooh and those vaccines tho', walalala those things are LEGIT!!! They kick in PROMPTLY!!PAP!! I'm not sure about other people, but myself I have serious side effects from those things, maybe its just me. Sorry Olelenku for throwing you under the bus like this but haha this guy is scared of injections,WHAT!! He had to psych himself up to go in and after he was done getting them, he was so excited guy was like Usain Bolt running across the tape numero uno!!he ran out the clinic pumping his fists in the air shouting YES YES while at the same time scratching his itchy shoulders, guy even forgot to take his Vaccination cert. It was so funny.
The doctors and nurses there are so friendly, they are multilingual, warm and all the positive adjectives you can find to describe. It cost me Kshs 19448 for everything, and the same for Olelenku. Yellow fever shots were not administered there, I guess we are gonna have to go get it some place else. Olelenku mentioned to me something about the US not being strict on yellow fever shots, but you have to realize you are from Africa, personally I won't take my chances on being quarantined for 10days at my P.O.E. I'll go get it and get a proper certificate for that.
The only downside I can point out is after all the working out I have been doing this whole past 2 MONTHS, reading all about the beautiful SHE doctors with beautiful eyes cute smiles and nice nails...my physical check was done by a MAN!! The only MAN DOCTOR!!I mean, what ARE THE ODDS???? He found my one pack and hairy legs soo unappealing I didn't even fully undress. Guy told me congrats u r ok while throwing me my cd towards the exit door and he facing the other direction.MEH! ;)
Sorry for not updating y'all on the progress of my medical exercise, but as Olelenku pointed out, it was a successful process. It was also awesome having Olelenku there, so glad to meet at least one person from the forum. We got to talking as a pastime and funny thing is, we are in the same industry job wise!!! I learnt a lot from him to be honest, I'm not sure the reverse is true.LOL.this guy is fully prepared bana if anything happens and he lands in the US like now now, he'll be so comfortable am sure he can call his neighbors by their names. We kept on missing our appointments every time tho' coz we both love to eat we kept on going out to look for food only to come back and find people queued in behind us had been called in before us. I think I should also point out to forumites how there were about a handful of DV applicants there, we tried adding them up they didn't get to 5!! I'm saying this to give some form of reassurance to the guys with CNs in the 80k, 90k, 100k range that as long as they keep on keeping on, they shouldn't worry coz they sure will get their fair share of the spoils when their time comes. And it may come in way sooner than you think/expect. Patience can't be over emphasized in this process.
Ooh and those vaccines tho', walalala those things are LEGIT!!! They kick in PROMPTLY!!PAP!! I'm not sure about other people, but myself I have serious side effects from those things, maybe its just me. Sorry Olelenku for throwing you under the bus like this but haha this guy is scared of injections,WHAT!! He had to psych himself up to go in and after he was done getting them, he was so excited guy was like Usain Bolt running across the tape numero uno!!he ran out the clinic pumping his fists in the air shouting YES YES while at the same time scratching his itchy shoulders, guy even forgot to take his Vaccination cert. It was so funny.
The doctors and nurses there are so friendly, they are multilingual, warm and all the positive adjectives you can find to describe. It cost me Kshs 19448 for everything, and the same for Olelenku. Yellow fever shots were not administered there, I guess we are gonna have to go get it some place else. Olelenku mentioned to me something about the US not being strict on yellow fever shots, but you have to realize you are from Africa, personally I won't take my chances on being quarantined for 10days at my P.O.E. I'll go get it and get a proper certificate for that.
The only downside I can point out is after all the working out I have been doing this whole past 2 MONTHS, reading all about the beautiful SHE doctors with beautiful eyes cute smiles and nice nails...my physical check was done by a MAN!! The only MAN DOCTOR!!I mean, what ARE THE ODDS???? He found my one pack and hairy legs soo unappealing I didn't even fully undress. Guy told me congrats u r ok while throwing me my cd towards the exit door and he facing the other direction.MEH! ;)
Thanks dear and am truly grateful for all your lovely wishes. Of course am praying for you and i know in Jesus name you will make it. Please don't forget that we've got to share a cup of tea together. just keep me posted. Bye
AM HAPPY FOR U 4trya.... go live ua america dream...
utamaduni dear thanks for all my lovely wishes and thanks for praying for me. Its been amazing here at the forum and sincerely i just want to wish you all the best. Remember God loves you much. Be blessed
Congrats 4turya !!! You are now the official flag bearer for Uganda. may the lord order you steps as you plan your journey to the land of milk and honey, where opportunities are endless ,hard work and determination will fulfil your dreams. We thank God for the victory.
olelenku dear, thank you for all your prayers. You guys am truly humbled. Thanks for the love and from the bottom of my heart i just want to wish you all the best. I truly know God knows you. I will keep praying for you all and i believe God has got an answer. Be blessed
congrats bro...u have really done it...u deserved it...congrats...
congrats bro...u have really done it...u deserved it...congrats...

isaacus dear, thank you for all your prayers. You guys am truly humbled. Thanks for the love and from the bottom of my heart i just want to wish you all the best. I truly know God knows you. I will keep praying for you all and i believe God has got a miracle for you. Be blessed
I'm Dv lottery winner from Rwanda, C.N 2014AF00030xxx. And would like to ask you how much you have payed from Medicals to interview.
congrats bro...u have really done it...u deserved it...congrats...

I'm Dv lottery winner from Rwanda, C.N 2014AF00030xxx. And would like to ask you how much you have payed from Medicals to interview.

Partitas dear, thank you for all your prayers. You guys am truly humbled. Thanks for the love and from the bottom of my heart i just want to wish you all the best. I truly know God knows you. I will keep praying for you all and i believe God has got a beautiful answer for you and your family. Greetings
God had done it again!!congrats my brother!!
congrats bro...u have really done it...u deserved it...congrats...

I'm Dv lottery winner from Rwanda, C.N 2014AF00030xxx. And would like to ask you how much you have payed from Medicals to interview.

God had done it again!!congrats my brother!!

engmtolera dear, thank you for all your prayers. You guys am truly humbled. Thanks for the love and from the bottom of my heart i just want to wish you all the best. I truly know God knows you. I will keep praying for you all and i believe God has got a special miracle for you. Be blessed and greetings
Congratulations 4turya,all the best in your new life
congrats bro...u have really done it...u deserved it...congrats...

I'm Dv lottery winner from Rwanda, C.N 2014AF00030xxx. And would like to ask you how much you have payed from Medicals to interview.

God had done it again!!congrats my brother!!

Congratulations 4turya,all the best in your new life

Ormania dear, thank you for all your prayers. You guys am truly humbled. Thanks for the love and from the bottom of my heart i just want to wish you all the best. I truly know God knows you. I will keep praying for you all and i believe God has got an answer. Be blessed
Congratulations 4turya! Am so happy for you. Wish you all the best. Cheers :cool:
congrats bro...u have really done it...u deserved it...congrats...

I'm Dv lottery winner from Rwanda, C.N 2014AF00030xxx. And would like to ask you how much you have payed from Medicals to interview.

God had done it again!!congrats my brother!!

Congratulations 4turya,all the best in your new life

Congratulations 4turya! Am so happy for you. Wish you all the best. Cheers :cool:

Juelzangeir dear, thank you for all your prayers. You guys am truly humbled. Thanks for the love and from the bottom of my heart i just want to wish you all the best. I truly know God knows you. I will keep praying for you all and i believe God has got an answer. Be blessed
Congratulations Brother 4turya !! All the best !!
sorry folks for posting todays devotion at this time but i know we as members are praying for succes for the whole house ,4turya may God bless you in your trip and relocation indeed its Gods work that we are able to see you smile,

Today's devotion

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

remember God loves you be blessed folks
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