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Dv 2014 Kenyan Selectees report here

Welcome to the house kenyan gal it will be along journey just have faith and believe that your day will come .To my brother gurixx congrats once again and wish yua well in your relocation ,Jonge ,arnold and the rest of the backbenchers we are on the last lap of the race and all will be ok ,to those having their medical and interviews we are waiting for the success stories. backbencher have your documents ready and be prepared ,wishin yu all great success in your journey in the comin days .we should not loose heart folks Godd is we us .Remember God loves you and be bless house

Todays devotion

Luke 18;1

The Parable of the Persistent Widow

And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.

TEAM 2014
Hehehe cant wait to see some folks in this house ,the experience will be great i know for sure .TEAM 2014
Big Congrats too you buddy...I wish you all the best with the relocation and finally the move.....!! go live your wildest dreams Pal

My Experience

I got to the Embassy at 6 for a 6.30 appointment as indicated on the letter. Went through security and got to reception to get a token number. Went outside to wait in the Nairobi cold..carry a book, buy a newspaper. Its going to be a while.

Called in to Window 4 to give documents. They only took birth certificate, Certificate of good conduct, KCSE school leaving certificate, passport and 1 passport photo (They gave me back one that i sent to Kentucky and one of the two i gave at the window). I was told to go and pay $330 at the cashiers and a copy of the qualifications.

Cashier wasn't open so i went back outside..The cold is your friend, get familiar..Was called again to Window 8 to take fingerprints and found a Rwandese dude trying to be me ( hehe, his token number was after mine but he was confused, the embassy can do that to you) had to give my birth date for the dude to believe its me. Done. Cold outside..luckily they had snacks and coffee now so you could warm up.

Cashier finally opens up and we all line up to pay, then take the receipt back to window 5 and wait..you guessed it outside.

At 9.10 i'm called to Window 10..white lady will be the CO today.

Her: Please raise your hand and swear that all you have included in this process is the truth and nothing but the truth..
G: I swear bla bla..
Her: Sign here
G: Signs
Her: What did you do after high school?
G:Bla bla..
Her: Where are you going in the states?
G: bla bla
Her: Who is there?
G: bla bla
Her: Have you ever been to the US?
G: bla bla
Her : How many times?
G: bla bla
Her: How long did you stay?
G: bla bla
Mieen..this is becoming long..that is the thought in my head
Just then..
Her: I see you want to join us now permanently?
G: (sheepishly) Yes
Her: Your visa is approved..bla bla bla DHL..bla bla register..bla bla pay online..bla bla (as she returns my originals)
G: Thanks Ma'am

I'm out of the gate at 9.22..phew, that took a while..

Passed by IOM round the corner to check on flights..June to September is high season folks..but i got Ksh. 69000 (USD 793) on British Airways.
We thank the almighty for the 100% success rate in the forum...and i believe we will not register a denial!! So as akello puts it we shall share our experiences!! Any one in mombasa i think we can get our police cert from here but...they send your applications to nairobi...which i think will take a bit longer to receive it..than the ussual...i will either apply mine as soon as i get the 2NL...leave enough time for delivery. if not spend more and get from nairobi....

Hehehe cant wait to see some folks in this house ,the experience will be great i know for sure .TEAM 2014
Hehe @CHRISTABEL yeah we r just the same range then, we are the as the swahilis call them "wakongwes" elders of this forum since we shall be the last lot to state our interview experiences!otherwise you had said your busying yourself with school or did I confuse you with someone else here?

Nope absolutely right i am keeping myself busy with studies and work too which is pretty tough:(
Hello guys we all back benchers and i hope our time wil come. patience is the first chapter in the book of wisdom! We get the chicken by hatching the eggs but not by smashing! we have patiently waited for ten good months may the Lord make our interviews a successful one.

hehehehe 12 months plus and still counting in some few weeks all shall come to pass with testimonies
Welcome to the house kenyan gal it will be along journey just have faith and believe that your day will come .To my brother gurixx congrats once again and wish yua well in your relocation ,Jonge ,arnold and the rest of the backbenchers we are on the last lap of the race and all will be ok ,to those having their medical and interviews we are waiting for the success stories. backbencher have your documents ready and be prepared ,wishin yu all great success in your journey in the comin days .we should not loose heart folks Godd is we us .Remember God loves you and be bless house

Todays devotion

Luke 18;1

The Parable of the Persistent Widow

And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.

TEAM 2014

Thanks Akelloh...awesome...we shall all be successful in Jesus name....
hehehehe 12 months plus and still counting in some few weeks all shall come to pass with testimonies
Yeap indeed...I believe everyone in this forum will have a success story to share with the others who have already left and the 2015 peeps...
I've just started a thread for 2015selectees......please join so that we can encourage each other in this loooong wait for our dreams to come true!!
We thank the almighty for the 100% success rate in the forum...and i believe we will not register a denial!! So as akello puts it we shall share our experiences!! Any one in mombasa i think we can get our police cert from here but...they send your applications to nairobi...which i think will take a bit longer to receive it..than the ussual...i will either apply mine as soon as i get the 2NL...leave enough time for delivery. if not spend more and get from nairobi....
utamaduni i think i shall just take my chances and do it here in Mombasa. Nairobi am certain you shall get long queues and traffic as well. I would rather do it earlier here and wait. I was even thinking once i get my second notification letter i shall do my medicals right here in Mombasa, but that am not decided on yet. I love Mombasa too much to make a journey to Nairobi unless its absolutely necessary. Oh and the KCSE Cert I guess its Nairobi only where one can follow the confidential one?
how many people have been selected for further processing in DV 2015???
Hi guy,for those who r yet to receive their visas I wish u all the best,congrats to 2015 selectees.I admire how u guys soldiered on together in solidarity.I hope 2015guys will be as awesome as u guys.btw,is there 2015selectee forum?