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Dv 2014 Kenyan Selectees report here

Hi am a selectee but only checked im May 2014 to notice have won and my Case is very Low 2014AF000009** what are my chances of getting 2NL next week??

Have you sent your forms back to KCC? When? Contact them and check they have received them.
Yes have sent back and got a reply they received them on 6th May 2014..........can i be slotted for next week group getting the 2NL??
Yes have sent back and got a reply they received them on 6th May 2014..........can i be slotted for next week group getting the 2NL??

The 2NL are already out for CNs of upto AF66,900. Your case number was a low one, it seems your lot already had their interviews, but am sure there is still time for you. If they said they received your forms, then they should be processing your papers for an interview?I stand corrected
The 2NL are already out for CNs of upto AF66,900. Your case number was a low one, it seems your lot already had their interviews, but am sure there is still time for you. If they said they received your forms, then they should be processing your papers for an interview?I stand corrected
Pose well thanks will keep my fingers crossed and see if will get 2NL next week
utamaduni i think i shall just take my chances and do it here in Mombasa. Nairobi am certain you shall get long queues and traffic as well. I would rather do it earlier here and wait. I was even thinking once i get my second notification letter i shall do my medicals right here in Mombasa, but that am not decided on yet. I love Mombasa too much to make a journey to Nairobi unless its absolutely necessary. Oh and the KCSE Cert I guess its Nairobi only where one can follow the confidential one?
am also planin to do my medicals in mombasa Nairobi is just kcsecert and interview
We thank the almighty for the 100% success rate in the forum...and i believe we will not register a denial!! So as akello puts it we shall share our experiences!! Any one in mombasa i think we can get our police cert from here but...they send your applications to nairobi...which i think will take a bit longer to receive it..than the ussual...i will either apply mine as soon as i get the 2NL...leave enough time for delivery. if not spend more and get from nairobi....
in mombasa it takes 3 weeks but in nairobi it takes less ,to my folks who will be current in the nxt VB and are in mombasa i think you should do it earlier ,am planin to apply for my good conduct nxt week and i will also do my medicals in mombasa ,this is all by GODS wish
utamaduni and pose waitin till you get your 2nl and then you apply for ya good conduct mighty be tricky cz you never know you mighty have few days of preparation ,so my advice the earlier the better
Hallo folks hop ya all in good conditin and waitin patiently .To my sister kenyan gal the journey will be long but dnt giv up ,to the rest of the folks who are prepering for their interviews and medical all the best .be blessed and remember GOD loves you

Todays devotion

Acts 2;39

For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
Hi am a selectee but only checked im May 2014 to notice have won and my Case is very Low 2014AF000009** what are my chances of getting 2NL next week??

Congratulation Banangeh,

well you don't have much time really...send the forms ASAP and I hope they are processed quickly by KCC and sent to the embassy. Appointments at embassies are usually done 2 months in advance so you have about a month or less...send them now
@ARNOLD NGANDA yes we in the backbench now have nay room for mistakes, we must have our papers right and
Eye Swear dont even mention that dreadful animal AP. Not in September...coz then rescheduling an interview is also something else....
4 Christsake...AP - God Please Lock up that Animal Permanently.