Give a link, that would be highly appreciated.
Here is a nice tool.
You put a number, like 2013 EU1, and you get an answer. Not all consulates are in the system though, so the information is not complete. Howeverm it is more than enough information to determine there cannot be any numbers higher than 30800 for EU.
Here is complete printout of what the tools gives between 30000 and 31000:
Number Full Number Status Fam Cons Diff
'EU' 30033 '2013EU30033' 'Ready' 2 'NPL' 41
'EU' 30046 '2013EU30046' 'Ready' 4 'SKO' 13
'EU' 30051 '2013EU30051' 'Ready' 2 'MDD' 5
'EU' 30067 '2013EU30067' 'Ready' 1 'FRN' 16
'EU' 30078 '2013EU30078' 'Ready' 1 'SOF' 11
'EU' 30096 '2013EU30096' 'Ready' 1 'TBL' 18
'EU' 30101 '2013EU30101' 'Ready' 1 'WRW' 5
'EU' 30103 '2013EU30103' 'Ready' 4 'SOF' 2
'EU' 30112 '2013EU30112' 'Ready' 1 'JRS' 9
'EU' 30124 '2013EU30124' 'Ready' 1 'WRW' 12
'EU' 30134 '2013EU30134' 'Ready' 3 'ANK' 10
'EU' 30153 '2013EU30153' 'Ready' 1 'BLG' 19
'EU' 30159 '2013EU30159' 'Administrative Processing' 2 'MOS' 6
'EU' 30160 '2013EU30160' 'Ready' 1 'WRW' 1
'EU' 30162 '2013EU30162' 'Ready' 1 'PRS' 2
'EU' 30165 '2013EU30165' 'Ready' 5 'SKO' 3
'EU' 30188 '2013EU30188' 'Ready' 6 'ANK' 23
'EU' 30189 '2013EU30189' 'Ready' 2 'SOF' 1
'EU' 30190 '2013EU30190' 'Ready' 1 'ANK' 1
'EU' 30196 '2013EU30196' 'Ready' 1 'NPL' 6
'EU' 30218 '2013EU30218' 'Ready' 1 'FRN' 22
'EU' 30228 '2013EU30228' 'Ready' 1 'NPL' 10
'EU' 30233 '2013EU30233' 'Ready' 1 'WRW' 5
'EU' 30240 '2013EU30240' 'Ready' 2 'WRW' 7
'EU' 30252 '2013EU30252' 'Ready' 4 'KEV' 12
'EU' 30294 '2013EU30294' 'Ready' 4 'FRN' 42
'EU' 30306 '2013EU30306' 'Ready' 1 'WRW' 12
'EU' 30323 '2013EU30323' 'Ready' 3 'TBL' 17
'EU' 30328 '2013EU30328' 'Ready' 1 'ANK' 5
'EU' 30346 '2013EU30346' 'Ready' 2 'LND' 18
'EU' 30347 '2013EU30347' 'Ready' 2 'ATH' 1
'EU' 30372 '2013EU30372' 'Ready' 3 'MTL' 25
'EU' 30380 '2013EU30380' 'Ready' 1 'WRW' 8
'EU' 30383 '2013EU30383' 'Ready' 2 'TIA' 3
'EU' 30407 '2013EU30407' 'Ready' 4 'FRN' 24
'EU' 30433 '2013EU30433' 'Ready' 3 'MOS' 26
'EU' 30461 '2013EU30461' 'Ready' 3 'TIA' 28
'EU' 30487 '2013EU30487' 'Ready' 4 'MOS' 26
'EU' 30514 '2013EU30514' 'Ready' 2 'WRW' 27
'EU' 30522 '2013EU30522' 'Ready' 1 'FRN' 8
'EU' 30527 '2013EU30527' 'Ready' 1 'BCH' 5
'EU' 30530 '2013EU30530' 'Administrative Processing' 2 'MOS' 3
'EU' 30531 '2013EU30531' 'Ready' 2 'BLG' 1
'EU' 30532 '2013EU30532' 'Ready' 1 'TBL' 1
The tools does not give anything after 30532, but should if there are numbers under 31000. The difference between 31000 and 30532 is 468, 11 times larger than the largest difference (42) between consequtive numbers (30294 - 30252 = 42, that is maximum so far)