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Hello again, I had a quick question regarding how my sponsor on my I-134 form needs to answer field 11 on the I-134. It asks something like (I intend/I do not intend to support the alien in field 3). If he has to select "I intend" since he agreed to fill the form, what is a good amount and a good length of time for him to put down on the form for a single person such as myself.
Note: I am filling out I-134 just to cover my bases. I technically do not need financial support since I currently have a full time job and an H1-B employer sponsor who I will be starting with later this fall. Just want to fill this form out correctly. I appreciate any/all assistance.
Wanted to take a moment and thank you for creating this amazing forum that has answered so many questions regarding the tricky DV process particularly the DV AOS process (special thanks to Sm1smom who always replies promptly). Thanks again!
Your sponsor could be as broad as saying something to the effect: "I intend to furnish food, board and lodging until ...... is able to secure a decent job and apartment to support him/herself". Could say he intends to pay your rents for 6 months (find out the cost of the apartment and indicate the amount), in addition to giving you a monthly stipend allowance of $750 or whatever he's comfortable indicating.