If you're aware of this doc, it may be interesting:
http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Outreach/Notes from Previous Engagements/2012/April 2012/NBC-FloridaBar042412.pdf
These are the relevant part:
Question 8:What are the current processing times for DV Lottery cases which must be completed by September 30, 2012. Are the local field offices cooperating with scheduling these in a timely manner?
Response 8

reliminarily, we note that “winning”the State Department’s annual DV “lottery”does not ensure that an applicant will be found eligible to adjust status on the basis of the DVprogram. Selection in the “lottery” merely renders the person eligible for further processing for aDV visa (or adjustment of status) in the relevant fiscal year. An alien may not apply for adjustment of status before the current State Department Visa Bulletin indicates that a DV visa number has become available to the person in question. USCIS has procedures in place to process DV adjustment applications in an expeditious manner, but because of existing variables (e.g., admissibility, need to complete background checks), it is impossible to guarantee that theagency can approve a given I-485 application beforethe end of the relevant fiscal year. DV cases are initially identified by the Lockbox. When the Lockbox identifies DV cases, a coversheet is placed on the file indicating to NBC that the application is a DV case. As thesecases are received at NBC, they are sorted and shipped immediately tothe Field Office with jurisdiction. Interviews for these cases are manually scheduled by the Field Office with jurisdiction as soon as possible.DV lottery applicants will be scheduled for biometrics through the normal system; however, if necessary, the Field Office may send the applicant to the ASC to expedite the capture of biometrics and fingerprints.NBC tracks DV lottery cases from the date electronic case data is entered into our Local AreaNetwork (LAN) to the date the case is shipped tothe local office. As of 5/22/12, 961 DV cases have been received by NBC in FY 2012. These were shipped to the Field Offices on average in10.2 days. During FY 2012, NBC has shipped 165 DVlottery cases to the Field Offices in the Southeast Region. There have been 107 DV cases sent to Field Offices in Florida.If you are concerned about the processing of a particular DV Lottery I-485 application, please contact the NBC so we may review the matter.
Question 9: What methods should members use to bring these DV Lottery cases to the attention of NBC to make sure they are being processed in a timely manner.Making inquiries through NCSC will not work as they will not take inquiries on cases unless they are at least 30 days past posted processing times.
Response 9: To clearly identify the applicant’s DVstatus to the Lockbox, submit the I-485package with the “Notification of Selectee Letter” starting with “Congratulations” from theDepartment of State with the applicant’s DV casenumber. This letter states the applicable DVyear and fiscal year in whichthe applicant is eligible. On Form I-485, the applicant shouldcheck box “h” under Part 2, Application Type, and write or type “DiversityVisa” in the blankwithin box “h.” NBC recommends filingas soon as possible after receiving the“Congratulations” letter to ensurethat the application is processedprior to the end of the fiscalyear.