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DV 2014 AOS Only - New Thread

Hi all,
Sm1smom and britsimon, I need your advise regarding my situation.

I had infopass appointment today to inquire about my case. The immigration officer told me that the file has not been transferred to the field office yet and that is why I have not received my IL. Also, she said once they receive the file, they need 1-3 months to process the case and send the IL. I tried to explain that this is DV case and should be processed by Sep 30th, she said yes it supposed to be handled by that time and the only thing I can do is waiting. She was kind of rude and was getting frustrated so I did not ask more questions. The part I'm getting confused is when I called the 800 number 2 weeks ago and talked to the level two officer, he said that my file has been transferred to field office on May 14h. Also, he said that the field office should be looking for a spot for interview. When I told that to they lady today, she said no it has bot been received yet and it must be on its way.
I do not know who I should believe or what I should do. Should I wait more or get the congress person involved? Any advise or suggestion?

Thank you,

Which is your FO? Did you enter your information on the timeline spreadsheet? Have you checked to see if there are others from your FO going through the same thing?
I saw the "optional" remark, but I wasn't sure under what conditions it was optional so I filed that. In my opinion that remark is technically correct, but not quite useful.
Overall, there is no damage done though :) There is no additional fee and the form itself wasn't too long. In fact, I'm glad I filled it "just in case"! :)
However, if you are certain that it was unnecessary it would help to clarify under what circumstances it is optional. I'm not saying this for myself but the future applicants (I firmly believe this doc will be useful for the DV-2015 applicants too).
This situation reminds me of a famous management joke :) I can relate myself to the balloonist :) Thanks again for preparing this document!


A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced altitude and
spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me,
can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I
don't know where I am."

The woman below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon hovering
approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees
north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."

"You must be an engineer," said the balloonist. "I am," replied the woman,
"How did you know?"

"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is, technically
correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information, and the fact
is I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything,
you've delayed my trip."

The woman below responded, "You must be in Management." "I am," replied
the balloonist, "but how did you know?"

"Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you are or where you're
going. You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air.

You made a promise which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people
beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same
position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fault."

I like your story!
Which is your FO? Did you enter your information on the timeline spreadsheet? Have you checked to see if there are others from your FO going through the same thing?
My field office is Santa Ana CA. I looked through the spreadsheet and I found only one entry from previous years. Yes I entered my information in the spread sheet. I go under the name Hatid.
I think Moms input would be more valuable than mine about this situation. However, about the IO - it is a shame she got rude and frustrated. We have to tread very carefully in the way we handle them because they are used to working very slowly with people whose normal expectation is to accept the slow process and accept what they are told. Then we (more clued up DV applicants) come along and start telling them about timelines and we know we are to receive special treatment and so on. It could very easily get the IO to feel defensive and become aggressive. They shouldn't behave like that and I am sure you weren't rude yourself, but they are human and perhaps out of their comfort zone....
Ya it is sad they behave rudely sometimes:-(
My field office is Santa Ana CA. I looked through the spreadsheet and I found only one entry from previous years. Yes I entered my information in the spread sheet. I go under the name Hatid.

Oh! Ma bad! I wrote about the spreadsheet because I checked to find out about your FO, and I couldn't locate your information - (goosh! I wish people will stop creating copies on other tabs of the spreadsheet, it's making the information inconsistent as new people end up adding their information on those copies and not on the Master tab itself -- arrrrggg! :mad:) - sorry, I needed to vent!

Back to your case, sorry about the rude treatment you got at your infopass appointment. The officer you met doesn't seem to have an understanding of DV cases. I mean, it's possible your FO is waiting to receive your File from KCC, just like the IO told you, however they do not need 3 months to review it before sending out your IL.

Regarding the call you made to the 1-800 number, I think there's a little bit of a mix up here :). The file that got transfered to your FO on May 14th that the L2 officer referenced is your I-485 application package from the Chicago Lockbox, it's not the case file from KCC. Those are 2 different things. Some FOs have been known to go ahead and schedule interviews before receiving the case file from KCC, while others have waited to receive it. So again what the FO told you about still waiting to receive the file is most likely correct. Therefore, I would say give it about another week, if there's still no news, make another call and request to speak to a L2 officer. Ask them to initiate a service request to find out what's causing the delay. Then, you can also follow up by contacting your congressperson in addition.
I saw the "optional" remark, but I wasn't sure under what conditions it was optional so I filed that. In my opinion that remark is technically correct, but not quite useful.
Overall, there is no damage done though :) There is no additional fee and the form itself wasn't too long. In fact, I'm glad I filled it "just in case"! :)
However, if you are certain that it was unnecessary it would help to clarify under what circumstances it is optional. I'm not saying this for myself but the future applicants (I firmly believe this doc will be useful for the DV-2015 applicants too).
This situation reminds me of a famous management joke :) I can relate myself to the balloonist :) Thanks again for preparing this document!
A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced altitude and
spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me,
can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I
don't know where I am."
The woman below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon hovering
approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees
north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."
"You must be an engineer," said the balloonist. "I am," replied the woman,
"How did you know?"
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is, technically
correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information, and the fact
is I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything,
you've delayed my trip."
The woman below responded, "You must be in Management." "I am," replied
the balloonist, "but how did you know?"
"Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you are or where you're
going. You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air.
You made a promise which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people
beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same
position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fault."

Umm yes. Am I not supposed to do it too? This was also one of the forms that the field officer handed over.

Well, I guess I would have enjoyed your story if it wasn't included in what appears to me like a critic or short coming of the efforts that went into putting the spreadsheet together. You obviously went by the information you got from your FO, I doubt if what's on the spreadsheet would have made any difference to you anyways, because if it did, you could atleast have come out to ask 'what is optional about so and so forms' or something similar to that effect. In places where we put 'if applicable' those who didn't understand what that was all about did ask for clarification.

I ordinarilly don't mind being criticized or receiving inputs on how something could be improved, but I certainly don't appreciate being put in a position to take the fall for wrong assumptions or failure to ask the right questions especially when it comes to where a priceless and selfless service is being rendered.
Oh! Ma bad! I wrote about the spreadsheet because I checked to find out about your FO, and I couldn't locate your information - (goosh! I wish people will stop creating copies on other tabs of the spreadsheet, it's making the information inconsistent as new people end up adding their information on those copies and not on the Master tab itself -- arrrrggg! :mad:) - sorry, I needed to vent!

Back to your case, sorry about the rude treatment you got at your infopass appointment. The officer you met doesn't seem to have an understanding of DV cases. I mean, it's possible your FO is waiting to receive your File from KCC, just like the IO told you, however they do not need 3 months to review it before sending out your IL.

Regarding the call you made to the 1-800 number, I think there's a little bit of a mix up here :). The file that got transfered to your FO on May 14th that the L2 officer referenced is your I-485 application package from the Chicago Lockbox, it's not the case file from KCC. Those are 2 different things. Some FOs have been known to go ahead and schedule interviews before receiving the case file from KCC, while others have waited to receive it. So again what the FO told you about still waiting to receive the file is most likely correct. Therefore, I would say give it about another week, if there's still no news, make another call and request to speak to a L2 officer. Ask them to initiate a service request to find out what's causing the delay. Then, you can also follow up by contacting your congressperson in addition.

Thanks mom for the clarification. I will wait another week as you suggested. If nothing happens, I will call and also get the congressperson involved.

Thank you again for your prompt response.
Thanks mom for the clarification. I will wait another week as you suggested. If nothing happens, I will call and also get the congressperson involved.

Thank you again for your prompt response.

In the meantime, you can also call KCC to find out if your FO has requested your file from them. It's not like you can get them to send the file to your FO though if your FO is yet to make the request, but it doesn't hurt to know and it can paint a little bit of a clearer picture as to what is going on.
I ordinarilly don't mind being criticized or receiving inputs on how something could be improved, but I certainly don't appreciate being put in a position to take the fall for wrong assumptions or failure to ask the right questions especially when it comes to where a priceless and selfless service is being rendered.

We are having a big miscommunication issue here so let me clarify my position. First and foremost, I am not blaming you or or anyone on this forum. I have nothing other than thank you for your work. For the record, this is the third time I'm expressing my appreciation.

Second, my application is accepted and so far going well (waiting for an interview letter) so I have nothing to complain about. I sure would have told it if I had any, but I don't. I have used your spreadsheet as a guidance, but chose to follow FO's instructions in doubt. That's true. But again, NO ISSUES yet so NO ONE to blame.

Third, my suggestion is as selfless as well. I'm not asking this improvement for myself, I'm asking this for the next people to come. Sure, they can ask here if they have any questions, but I bet a lot of people would prefer to see this information in the spreadsheet instead of typing out the question in this forum and waiting for an answer. I see that you are very responsive and answer all kinds of questions which is so nice of you. However, the answers are buried in this long thread and it is very time consuming to cherrypick the answer I need. Also I notice that the people ask the same question over and over sometimes. I haven't gone through the archive, but you said that people who don't understand what "optional" means asked you what it is. This fact makes me believe my suggestion would save you some time by reducing the number of repetitive questions you receive.

I'm sorry for any misunderstanding. I'm not here to fight. I'm here to contribute your efforts to make this community better for everyone :)
We are having a big miscommunication issue here so let me clarify my position. First and foremost, I am not blaming you or or anyone on this forum. I have nothing other than thank you for your work. For the record, this is the third time I'm expressing my appreciation.

Second, my application is accepted and so far going well (waiting for an interview letter) so I have nothing to complain about. I sure would have told it if I had any, but I don't. I have used your spreadsheet as a guidance, but chose to follow FO's instructions in doubt. That's true. But again, NO ISSUES yet so NO ONE to blame.

Third, my suggestion is as selfless as well. I'm not asking this improvement for myself, I'm asking this for the next people to come. Sure, they can ask here if they have any questions, but I bet a lot of people would prefer to see this information in the spreadsheet instead of typing out the question in this forum and waiting for an answer. I see that you are very responsive and answer all kinds of questions which is so nice of you. However, the answers are buried in this long thread and it is very time consuming to cherrypick the answer I need. Also I notice that the people ask the same question over and over sometimes. I haven't gone through the archive, but you said that people who don't understand what "optional" means asked you what it is. This fact makes me believe my suggestion would save you some time by reducing the number of repetitive questions you receive.

I'm sorry for any misunderstanding. I'm not here to fight. I'm here to contribute your efforts to make this community better for everyone :)

No, I never said people asked for the meaning of 'optional'. As a matter of fact, you're the first person I know of who has had an issue to it's implied or otherwise actual meaning. Maybe 1 or 2 other people have asked for clarification with regards to "if applicable" - this has to do with supporting documents, and of course it turned out to be they weren't applicable to those asking, that's why they didn't know what the document was.

Glad to know you're only interested in making this community a better one. So truce!
Hi All,
I have got some problems while filling I485. I am on F1 visa which expired on Nov 2013. But my I20 expires next year. Under the expiry date of current USCIS status, what should I write? The one on visa or I20?
In Part 2, what should be my application type? Is it ok if I tick 'h' and write 'Diversity visa lottery winner' in the blank space provided?
Hi All,
I have got some problems while filling I485. I am on F1 visa which expired on Nov 2013. But my I20 expires next year. Under the expiry date of current USCIS status, what should I write? The one on visa or I20?
In Part 2, what should be my application type? Is it ok if I tick 'h' and write 'Diversity visa lottery winner' in the blank space provided?

1. Write the expiry date on your I-20

2. Yes
i am asking on behalf of my sister's friend, who is also a dv selectee. he has a panic attack now because he does not have a military record. he did not serve in military because he kept petitioning for postponement and failed to do it in later years. anyway, his crime for not serving the military got expired years ago; he doesn't have any documents/records in regards to his military service. will this work against him for his interview? is the military record necessary?he is doing AOS.

will $20K in his bank account enough as financial support documents for two applicants (him and his wife). if not, how much should they have?

i am asking on behalf of my sister's friend, who is also a dv selectee. he has a panic attack now because he does not have a military record. he did not serve in military because he kept petitioning for postponement and failed to do it in later years. anyway, his crime for not serving the military got expired years ago; he doesn't have any documents/records in regards to his military service. will this work against him for his interview? is the military record necessary?he is doing AOS.

will $20K in his bank account enough as financial support documents for two applicants (him and his wife). if not, how much should they have?


If he had done military service they would have been expecting military records, but given that he didnt do it, no military records will be required. Also in aos, police certs are not required - so the lack of military service obligation won't be an issue.

$20k is enough cash for the two of them.
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Hi all, first, I want to thank you for all the information that everyone shared on this thread, especially the google documents, it's really helpful. This is my first post although I have been reading this thread for a long time. We (my husband and I) had our interview last Thursday 6/19. I am writing this post to share our interview experience and ask a question.
Here is what happened during our interview:
On the date of our interview, my husband and I arrived our FO (San Jose) at 9 A.M. (our interview time was at 9:20 ). At 9:30 A.M., an officer came out ,called both of our names and led us to his office. He was a polite/nice guy and seems to know very well about DV cases. After getting into his office, he asked us to take the oath and then sit down. He asked for our passports and driver's licenses. Then he went over the questions on I-485 for both of us. He asked about our last entry date, asked to see the original DV fee receipt, the original I-797 notice (we are both on H1 VISA), original marriage certificate, employment verification letter, and original birth certificates. After that, he said everything looks good and took away our I-94. He told us we should see update online within 24 hours, and he'll let us know if there is anything else he needs from us. While walking out, I asked him the average number of DV cases they need to handle each month. He told me about 10 cases each month for our FO. The total process took about 25 minutes, and it went smooth and well. After the interview, I keep checking our online status, but it's still at"Acceptance" stage until this point. However, we got the welcome letter yesterday. I looked through the timeline people post, seems like everyone sees the CPO updating status before they receive welcome letter/green card. I hope it's just their mistake and my status will be updated soon.
So my question is: Is it uncommon that they send you your welcome letter/green card without updating your online status? Should I be worried? o_O
Thank you for your time to read/reply my post. We won't be able to make to this point without this thread. I already put my timeline info into the google document. :)
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If he had done military service they would have been expecting military records, but given that he didnt do it, no military records will be required. Also in aos, police certs are not required - so the lack of military service obligation won't be an issue.

$20k is enough cash for the two of them.

Last time I checked records of military service were not needed for AOS, regardless.

You only need to answer yes/no questions properly.
Hi all, first, I want to thank you for all the information that everyone shared on this thread, especially the google documents, it's really helpful. This is my first post although I have been reading this thread for a long time. We (my husband and I) had our interview last Thursday 6/19. I am writing this post to share our interview experience and ask a question.
Here is what happened during our interview:
On the date of our interview, my husband and I arrived our FO (San Jose) at 9 A.M. (our interview time was at 9:20 ). At 9:30 A.M., an officer came out ,called both of our names and led us to his office. He was a polite/nice guy and seems to know very well about DV cases. After getting into his office, he asked us to take the oath and then sit down. He asked for our passports and driver's licenses. Then he went over the questions on I-485 for both of us. He asked about our last entry date, asked to see the original DV fee receipt, the original I-797 notice (we are both on H1 VISA), original marriage certificate, employment verification letter, and original birth certificates. After that, he said everything looks good and took away our I-94. He told us we should see update online within 24 hours, and he'll let us know if there is anything else he needs from us. While walking out, I asked him the average number of DV cases they need to handle each month. He told me about 10 cases each month for our FO. The total process took about 25 minutes, and it went smooth and well. After the interview, I keep checking our online status, but it's still at"Acceptance" stage until this point. However, we got the welcome letter yesterday. I looked through the timeline people post, seems like everyone sees the CPO updating status before they receive welcome letter/green card. I hope it's just their mistake and my status will be updated soon.
So my question is: Is it uncommon that they send you your welcome letter/green card without updating your online status? Should I be worried? o_O
Thank you for your time to read/reply my post. We won't be able to make to this point without this thread. I already put my timeline info into the google document. :)

Congratulations on your new status - The online updates seem a bit funky - don't stress about that...