• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2013 winners from Uganda, please holla!

I advise you to post this on the Kenyan thread as well. It seems most Ugandans do not know about this forum. I read that over 500 Ugandans won this year but I do not see any other on this forum except me and you. However, over 500 people have viewed this thread, never know they could be reading but are just lazy to join or post. That verification thing before posting is so annoying.

Ha ha, tell me about it. Sometimes you have to verify twice. Plus i posted on the Kenya thread too, am not sure if its 2012 or 2013 but i did and from the threads in Nigeria, on another forum, they do look at those subjects. I have however seen the KCSE grading system and the UNEB one i have managed to compare the two. My Pass 7 in Maths translates into a C-. Not good.
I read some one's post that his interview is most likely in Jan 2013 and his passport expires in May 2013.

Advice: Please ensure your passport is valid for 6 months after your visa issuance date.
Ha ha, tell me about it. Sometimes you have to verify twice. Plus i posted on the Kenya thread too, am not sure if its 2012 or 2013 but i did and from the threads in Nigeria, on another forum, they do look at those subjects. I have however seen the KCSE grading system and the UNEB one i have managed to compare the two. My Pass 7 in Maths translates into a C-. Not good.

Hullo catchme, you can also cross check with the occupation website to check whether your occupation/profession qualifies. I believe it does.
Police certs are so easy to get. Unless ofcourse you are a criminal. I got mine in May before I landed on this forum. Now I will have to renew it before the interviews because it expires in 6 months. My interview will be in Feb 2013 most likely. Had I known about the long processing time of the DV papers, I would have just relaxed!
Police certs are so easy to get. Unless ofcourse you are a criminal. I got mine in May before I landed on this forum. Now I will have to renew it before the interviews because it expires in 6 months. My interview will be in Feb 2013 most likely. Had I known about the long processing time of the DV papers, I would have just relaxed!

You say they are easy? Thats contrary to what i have read elsewhere. Everyone says it takes up to a month to get it. I will need your help somewhere in April, coz i think i might be current in June 2013.Alternatively, you can tell me how to go about it, requirements etc...
Processing Police Certificate in Uganda

You say they are easy? Thats contrary to what i have read elsewhere. Everyone says it takes up to a month to get it. I will need your help somewhere in April, coz i think i might be current in June 2013.Alternatively, you can tell me how to go about it, requirements etc...

Step 1:
Go to the new Police Headquarters at Naguru for fingure printing (go to a tent in the compound). Go with a copy of your passport and two passport photos. Get assessement of 9,500/= and pay at Stanbic Bank IPS branch on Parliamentary Avenue. There are no bank charges.

I advice you to get two assessments, one for fingure printing process and the second one for a copy of your fingure prints. Or one assessment form for 19,000 and tell them you want a copy of your fingure prints as well. They do not give it to you unless you pay for it as stated herein.

Take receipt back to Naguru. Pay 3,000/= (official officers allowance) and get another receipt. Payment Office is at the main gate.

Take all receipts back to the tent. They will give you a plain paper to write an application letter to Interpol.
Fill forms for fingure prints and they will do the fingure printing there and then.

You will have two sets of forms if you pay for a copy. Get your copy and go home.

Step 2:
Wait for 4 to 5 days then you go to Interpol offices in Kololo, Mabua Road next to the Anti Corruption Court. Keep all receipts and assessment forms (stapple them together) and go with them to Interpol.

Go and check whether your fingure prints have arrived at Interpol. Get assessment of 50,500/=, pay at Stanbic Bank IPS branch. Go back to Interpol and pay another 3,000/= (official Officer's allowance) and get another receipt. They will take your picture from there (though mine was not taken, they just scanned my picture which was on the fingure print form). Go home and wait for two to three days for the Certificate of good conduct. Keep all receipts and assessment forms.

Go back to Interpol and check the book at the gate. If your Cert is ready, your name will be there. Sign and off you go.

The process should take a maximum of two weeks unless other factors come in. For example, the Boss who signs was out that is why mine took two days before she signed other wise I would have got it the same day after paying.

What normally delays is the transfer of the forms from Naguru to Kololo cause they wait till the number is alot before they do the transfer. Otherwise, your forms should be at Interpol after three days from the date of fingure printing ordinarily.
Glad to share my experience..

Hi Ash,Nesh,etl

sorry ive not been very active of late on this forum..shd have responded way back..pls dont think am a mean person..coz am not...hahahahaha

u ok? hope so..

firstly..congs..for having been selected among the millions...am sure you will make it..

personally i ONLY thank God for this Visa...en the future ahead..it was only by His grace that i made it..

yeah.am frm Ug..en jst about to leave for the states..personally this forum helped much...en i too will be very happy to answer any questions frm ma experience...

about the c(on average) grade issue..i only learnt that s/1(kenyan) was denied the visa coz he dint have the c average grade..i had never heard abt that before en honestly i really felt very sorry for him.. personally i got only Cs en no Fs(ug grading) en many of them were C3s en C4s..so i guess i passed the C(plain or +) average grade..

in the mean time..it seems Ash yo CN is quite low so you shd be ready with yo dox as soon as by yesterday..hahahah (jokes)..anyways you need to get ready with your paper wk asap..am sure you've got the police cert(got mine frm Kibuli+kololo interpol offices),birth cert(frm Georgina hse,george street),medicals (frm Ngong hill rd, 1st/2nd strt..cd get this info frm the selectee web)yo academic credentials..pls rmbr that u wont need tp carry the big envelope for the xray film,for your interviews( i saw so many pple carry them...in the cold wen actually they r not needed at the interview..) also..pls note that in kenya(en at the embassy..S4 certificates r reffered to as High sch cert- to us Ugs its a little confusing as one wd think they r toking of an S6 cert.)

if you want me to share my interview experience..i will..though it was as short as jst like 3 minutes..)..

please feel free to ask any questions..am more than willing to answer &help in any way within my means..

All the Glory to God Almighty.....
Hi Ash,Nesh,etl

sorry ive not been very active of late on this forum..shd have responded way back..pls dont think am a mean person..coz am not...hahahahaha

u ok? hope so..

firstly..congs..for having been selected among the millions...am sure you will make it..

personally i ONLY thank God for this Visa...en the future ahead..it was only by His grace that i made it..

yeah.am frm Ug..en jst about to leave for the states..personally this forum helped much...en i too will be very happy to answer any questions frm ma experience...

about the c(on average) grade issue..i only learnt that s/1(kenyan) was denied the visa coz he dint have the c average grade..i had never heard abt that before en honestly i really felt very sorry for him.. personally i got only Cs en no Fs(ug grading) en many of them were C3s en C4s..so i guess i passed the C(plain or +) average grade..

in the mean time..it seems Ash yo CN is quite low so you shd be ready with yo dox as soon as by yesterday..hahahah (jokes)..anyways you need to get ready with your paper wk asap..am sure you've got the police cert(got mine frm Kibuli+kololo interpol offices),birth cert(frm Georgina hse,george street),medicals (frm Ngong hill rd, 1st/2nd strt..cd get this info frm the selectee web)yo academic credentials..pls rmbr that u wont need tp carry the big envelope for the xray film,for your interviews( i saw so many pple carry them...in the cold wen actually they r not needed at the interview..) also..pls note that in kenya(en at the embassy..S4 certificates r reffered to as High sch cert- to us Ugs its a little confusing as one wd think they r toking of an S6 cert.)

if you want me to share my interview experience..i will..though it was as short as jst like 3 minutes..)..

please feel free to ask any questions..am more than willing to answer &help in any way within my means..

All the Glory to God Almighty.....

Congs brother and thanks for sharing. It's me with the grading concerns. Yes we want the interview experience but i guess i might not benefit much from it. I happen to be married and have 2 kids too, so my interview will surely be a lot for than 3 minutes. Lol. Good luck though.
Hi Ash,Nesh,etl

sorry ive not been very active of late on this forum..shd have responded way back..pls dont think am a mean person..coz am not...hahahahaha

u ok? hope so..

firstly..congs..for having been selected among the millions...am sure you will make it..

personally i ONLY thank God for this Visa...en the future ahead..it was only by His grace that i made it..

yeah.am frm Ug..en jst about to leave for the states..personally this forum helped much...en i too will be very happy to answer any questions frm ma experience...

about the c(on average) grade issue..i only learnt that s/1(kenyan) was denied the visa coz he dint have the c average grade..i had never heard abt that before en honestly i really felt very sorry for him.. personally i got only Cs en no Fs(ug grading) en many of them were C3s en C4s..so i guess i passed the C(plain or +) average grade..

in the mean time..it seems Ash yo CN is quite low so you shd be ready with yo dox as soon as by yesterday..hahahah (jokes)..anyways you need to get ready with your paper wk asap..am sure you've got the police cert(got mine frm Kibuli+kololo interpol offices),birth cert(frm Georgina hse,george street),medicals (frm Ngong hill rd, 1st/2nd strt..cd get this info frm the selectee web)yo academic credentials..pls rmbr that u wont need tp carry the big envelope for the xray film,for your interviews( i saw so many pple carry them...in the cold wen actually they r not needed at the interview..) also..pls note that in kenya(en at the embassy..S4 certificates r reffered to as High sch cert- to us Ugs its a little confusing as one wd think they r toking of an S6 cert.)

if you want me to share my interview experience..i will..though it was as short as jst like 3 minutes..)..

please feel free to ask any questions..am more than willing to answer &help in any way within my means..

All the Glory to God Almighty.....

Thanks for the info Yesuafuga! We need to know what happened at your interview. Those 3 minutes are the most important in this visa journey. Never know what they asked you was different from what we have read. So please, just post it.

Kindly let us know whether you lived with a friend or in a hotel in Nairobi. If it was a hotel, which ones do you recommend? What are the rates? How long did you stay in Nairobi from medicals to visa pick up? Will appreciate.
Thanks for the info Yesuafuga! We need to know what happened at your interview. Those 3 minutes are the most important in this visa journey. Never know what they asked you was different from what we have read. So please, just post it.

Kindly let us know whether you lived with a friend or in a hotel in Nairobi. If it was a hotel, which ones do you recommend? What are the rates? How long did you stay in Nairobi from medicals to visa pick up? Will appreciate.

Yes Ash, those details will surely help. I will need a family suite. Lol
Yes Ash, those details will surely help. I will need a family suite. Lol

I need not just an ordinary family suite, I need a 'double' family suite if at all it exits. We are seven people in number, wow! 3 biological kids, 2 adopted kids plus the two of us. These US guys are really making money on the visa fees. Can u imagine 330$ x 7 people! This DV thing is expensive but worth it. Add medicals, hotel, feeding, transport. Some cool millions!

By the way, we are so lucky. My brother got the GC in 2010 and they paid 819$ per person and they were three of them. I thank heavens for the price cut.
I need not just an ordinary family suite, I need a 'double' family suite if at all it exits. We are seven people in number, wow! 3 biological kids, 2 adopted kids plus the two of us. These US guys are really making money on the visa fees. Can u imagine 330$ x 7 people! This DV thing is expensive but worth it. Add medicals, hotel, feeding, transport. Some cool millions!

By the way, we are so lucky. My brother got the GC in 2010 and they paid 819$ per person and they were three of them. I thank heavens for the price cut.

Wow Ash, all this time, and from all your postings, it never occurred to me that you are that many. Wow, seven is such a big number. We are four, 2 kids and the two of us. I'll need your interview experience word for word (wink wink). I hope you have all the necessary paperwork for the adoptions. Good luck with everything.
Just discovered this forum, how does one use it, e.g. set up the signature. I'm a DV 2013 selectee from Uganda

welcome to the club;drinks r on the house,toast to the good times ahead

Anyway,For your signature, go to settings in the top right hand side of ur browser page,click on it and on your left hand side under my settings you will see edit signature.

ur sig structure would be sumthing like this....

Entry Checked: 00.00.2012
Forms sent to KCC:?
Forms received by KCC:?
Confirmed by KCC via email:?
Police : NOT YET
Medicals: NOT YET
Interview: NOT YET
Port of Entry aka POE:?.


You are very welcome. Cheers on that drink. suggested by Obeez.

Thx catchme and Obeezyb. Looking forward to the adventure, but I guess with a CN in the 57,000's, we'll have to be waiting until maybe April 2013 for things to start getting interesting. In the meantime, just trying to get the documents in order. Will need to re-do the Police certificate next year, since the one I got will have expired, by the time my number comes around.
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