• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2013 Under Administrative Processing

my country US consulates working hour is from 8 AM to 5 PM i just got this thriller status changed on exactly 4.35 PM

Ouch! Imagine if the guy issuing Visas had received an angry call from his wife at 4:30 and argued with her for half an hour only to realize after the call that he didn't issue your visa on time :p

Congratulations everyone!!!
Oh God, I can't really stop looking at my visa, I have fallen in love with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a pretty little sticker isn't it, with blue, red, and gold raised texture. All more beautiful considering all the energy, money, and stress spent getting it.
Dear friends, I have already post on this forum that i have received a response from the Embassy to re do the medical examination but my status did not change to the Issued from AP at that time, so i have ask from the Embassy about my situation by several E-mails but they replied me that "Please stop writing us" so its too much horrible situation, even though i hopefully checked my status until a little while ago (September 30 afternoon) what a thriller change, my status changed to miracle "Issued" , you know guys my country US consulates working hour is from 8 AM to 5 PM i just got this thriller status changed on exactly 4.35 PM, really i am suffer by deepest stress in last few days and i can't express such feelings finally almighty Allah graced my dream. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah and Alhamdulillah
My heartfelt congratulations to you, brother!
to gabam

Oh God, I can't really stop looking at my visa, I have fallen in love with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GABAM I here by come to salute u :) and come to wish u all the best for ur new life
I wanted so bad tocongratulate u but I was lock out all the time !!!!
I want to say that I followed the whole thread of the admistrative prossecing
Just becoz of u :) u made us sweat me and my wife we were praying for u all the way
I even phoned her to her job when u status changed just to tell her that ur visa had been
Finally granted . I promise u I had tears in my eyes we are so glad that u are through
U were so helpfull and kind. And because u are such a hero for us we all prayed like I said and god
Had mercy on ur case :)I send u my sincere regards and best wishes
Hip hip hip hora for gabam
Dear friends, I have already post on this forum that i have received a response from the Embassy to re do the medical examination but my status did not change to the Issued from AP at that time, so i have ask from the Embassy about my situation by several E-mails but they replied me that "Please stop writing us" so its too much horrible situation, even though i hopefully checked my status until a little while ago (September 30 afternoon) what a thriller change, my status changed to miracle "Issued" , you know guys my country US consulates working hour is from 8 AM to 5 PM i just got this thriller status changed on exactly 4.35 PM, really i am suffer by deepest stress in last few days and i can't express such feelings finally almighty Allah graced my dream. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah and Alhamdulillah

The wait was worthwhile. If anything we have been taught to humble ourselves before God.
hello buddies it wonderful reading some of the miracles in this thread woooow its really a miracle getting your visa on the last day after some of you had given up .i have a question if some got his visa today as in the last day 30th sep the six months period is still on ,you can travel like eg next year February.thank very much and GOD BLESS YOU and i wish you peeps success

I dont know about others but as far as my visa is concerned i should be in the US before the end of October 2013 (no 6months period)
My dear friends I am sooooooooooooo happy to see that all the cases in this forum had their visas issued eventually and I would like to say congrats to the captain of this crew my dear friend Gabam and also to Mohanad, eddy, alkamaly and other veterans.
and I hope that there is no DV2013 winner is left behind guys ?!!
and to all 2014 winners ,, guys just never loose hope I hope you all get ur visas without passing through this awful experience !!

Hello Dears
here is my good news .. i just received the passports stamped with the visas

Thanks God .. Thanks God .. Thanks God

Thanks for everybody here in the forums .. thanks for your help, support and prayers

Our story here and all what happened can't be forgotten for the whole life !

Thanks God... Thanks God... Thanks God
GABAM I here by come to salute u :) and come to wish u all the best for ur new life
I wanted so bad tocongratulate u but I was lock out all the time !!!!
I want to say that I followed the whole thread of the admistrative prossecing
Just becoz of u :) u made us sweat me and my wife we were praying for u all the way
I even phoned her to her job when u status changed just to tell her that ur visa had been
Finally granted . I promise u I had tears in my eyes we are so glad that u are through
U were so helpfull and kind. And because u are such a hero for us we all prayed like I said and god
Had mercy on ur case :)I send u my sincere regards and best wishes
Hip hip hip hora for gabam

Thanks my dear. I feel so blessed to have well wishers like you guys. God bless you and your wife. Give my respect and regards to her. I hope and pray that you will have a smooth and successful interview. Amin!!!
My dear friends I am sooooooooooooo happy to see that all the cases in this forum had their visas issued eventually and I would like to say congrats to the captain of this crew my dear friend Gabam and also to Mohanad, eddy, alkamaly and other veterans.
and I hope that there is no DV2013 winner is left behind guys ?!!
and to all 2014 winners ,, guys just never loose hope I hope you all get ur visas without passing through this awful experience !!

thanks dear
Salam Dearest ...

today I would like to demonstrate that biggest myth is not right ..many selectees will not get visa and the main reason "administrative processing" and as they metioned in their first letter selection does not gruntee u will receive a visa .... ok ... how I know that ?? ok go to the web site ceac.state.gov and insert this cases number u will find the fact ...







the above cases number processing in Mumbai consulate and this only one consulate ... please imagine that how many consulates or embassies in the world ???!!! without comment !!!!
alhmdulillah I received my visa ..........alhmdulillah all forum mates receiced their visas ...alhmdullillah
Salam Dearest ...

today I would like to demonstrate that biggest myth is not right ..many selectees will not get visa and the main reason "administrative processing" and as they metioned in their first letter selection does not gruntee u will receive a visa .... ok ... how I know that ?? ok go to the web site ceac.state.gov and insert this cases number u will find the fact ...







the above cases number processing in Mumbai consulate and this only one consulate ... please imagine that how many consulates or embassies in the world ???!!! without comment !!!!
Who says that AP guarantees a visa. AP only guarantees a visa, and is completed on time, if your record is clean and there is nothing wrong with your documentation. And if they found something wrong, they will simply not give you the visa. And as I guess, pending Administrative Processing after 30th September means rejection, so they do not need to put a "Rejected" on one's status. IF YOUR AP DIDN'T END BEFORE 30TH SEPTEMBER, THEN IT MEANS THAT THERE WAS SOMETHING WRONG IN YOUR CASE.
Who says that AP guarantees a visa. AP only guarantees a visa, and is completed on time, if your record is clean and there is nothing wrong with your documentation. And if they found something wrong, they will simply not give you the visa. And as I guess, pending Administrative Processing after 30th September means rejection, so they do not need to put a "Rejected" on one's status. IF YOUR AP DIDN'T END BEFORE 30TH SEPTEMBER, THEN IT MEANS THAT THERE WAS SOMETHING WRONG IN YOUR CASE.

Dear Alkamaly,
In the list you have provided,I have just checked and noticed that the first two numbers have their statuts updated to issued Today (1st of october) but the remaining still has their status on AP,it might change today we never know as the other two guys have their status changed today after the 30th of september
Hi my dear friends, here is the news that you and me were waiting for. My status has finally been changed to "Issued". I am sure you dear friends will be much happier than me to hear this. Thank you so much for your kind wishes and prayers, I owe you friends a lot. God bless you and your families. Amin! I am so indebted to my creator, the Almighty Allah who picked me out of millions, and gave me an opportunity to make my dreams a reality, and do something for myself and my poor family.

Congrats Gabam... at last AP journey is over....
Again thanks to you for this forum thread... i cannot forget how I benefited from this forum....
AP waiting made me crazy..... i was lost..... this forum helped me a lot....

Now it is time to enjoy.... Again congrats bro...

I am planning to book ticket on 29th Dec. My visa is valid till 29th Feb.......

Take care
Congrats Gabam... at last AP journey is over....
Again thanks to you for this forum thread... i cannot forget how I benefited from this forum....
AP waiting made me crazy..... i was lost..... this forum helped me a lot....

Now it is time to enjoy.... Again congrats bro...

I am planning to book ticket on 29th Dec. My visa is valid till 29th Feb.......

Take care

Thanks and best of luck!!!!
What a story was all that! huh am so relieved.....

CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! You guys are amazing! Good luck and please don't forget us! :eek:
i've recently got my visa....now i'm worry about my study because i've to left it so can any body have any idea what can be done for continue of my study..?is there any credit transfer criteria that i could go through???