• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

is the affidavit of support a must?? Do i need to take my bank statements as well??

I wrote an email to the consular guys regarding the affidavit thing and this is the conversation:

Abu Hamza:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been scheduled to undertake my DV interview on June 5th, 2013. I wish to get confirmation of the same and also inquire on the school certificates of whether they should be certified. In addition to that, I wish to inquire on whether I would be required to get the affidavit of evidence from my hosts in the United States.

Looking forward to your reply. Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.

Consular guys:

Embassy of the United States of America

United Nations Avenue

Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: 254-20-363-6492

Dear Mr. Abu Hamza,

Thank you for your email. Please note that you do not need to certify the certificates and also we do not need an affidavit of evidence from your hosts in The US.


Customer Representative 5

Immigrant Visa Unit

Consular Section

US Embassy Nairobi

This email is UNCLASSIFIED.
Didn't realise I wrote affidavit of evidence instead of affidavit of support...I guess its the DV symptoms that has overtaken me. I hope they mean the same thing though
I wrote an email to the consular guys regarding the affidavit thing and this is the conversation:

Abu Hamza:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been scheduled to undertake my DV interview on June 5th, 2013. I wish to get confirmation of the same and also inquire on the school certificates of whether they should be certified. In addition to that, I wish to inquire on whether I would be required to get the affidavit of evidence from my hosts in the United States.

Looking forward to your reply. Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.

Consular guys:

Embassy of the United States of America

United Nations Avenue

Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: 254-20-363-6492

Dear Mr. Abu Hamza,

Thank you for your email. Please note that you do not need to certify the certificates and also we do not need an affidavit of evidence from your hosts in The US.


Customer Representative 5

Immigrant Visa Unit

Consular Section

US Embassy Nairobi

This email is UNCLASSIFIED.
Why does it take two days in Kenya? It only took me an hour for the whole medical to be done. I planned for the worst and got there and even had time to go and finish my missing vaccination at my Drs and e-mail them to the Knightsbridge doctors.

I gues dats the benefit of living in a developed country as opposed to a third country. As my lecturer would put it 'Third world country mean that particular country in question is 3 times behind as compared to a first world country (developed country). Coming to our case ie medicals, if we were to put that argument into practise, we are well off since it takes one day at Knightsbridge which I guess is in London and two days in Nairobi. It shd have taken 3 days in practise.

So we can now categorise Kenya in the sem level as the BRICS (Brasil, Russia, China, SAfrica).
Hy guys! Cant wait for this week to end. Its now exactly 7 days to go. Who's going to face the CO this week? Havent seen anyone posting their experiences yet. All the best to those facing the CO. Nyc tym everyone

haloo there Abu Hamza...will be facing the CO a day after you...Lets Pray for the best outcome for everyone.:cool:
I wrote an email to the consular guys regarding the affidavit thing and this is the conversation:

Abu Hamza:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been scheduled to undertake my DV interview on June 5th, 2013. I wish to get confirmation of the same and also inquire on the school certificates of whether they should be certified. In addition to that, I wish to inquire on whether I would be required to get the affidavit of evidence from my hosts in the United States.

Looking forward to your reply. Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.

Consular guys:

Embassy of the United States of America

United Nations Avenue

Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: 254-20-363-6492

Dear Mr. Abu Hamza,

Thank you for your email. Please note that you do not need to certify the certificates and also we do not need an affidavit of evidence from your hosts in The US.


Customer Representative 5

Immigrant Visa Unit

Consular Section

US Embassy Nairobi

This email is UNCLASSIFIED.

Thanks for the clarification.
haloo there Abu Hamza...will be facing the CO a day after you...Lets Pray for the best outcome for everyone.:cool:

Hy emmah! guess i'll b ur guinea pig to test how deep d waters are. Anyway i';ll b posting my experience no matter the outcome bt I already knw I got the visa! Need all ur prayas! Thanks
Today's Devotion

Joseph is another biblical example of someone who found the favor of God in adversity. He was sold into slavery in Egypt, mistreated, and taken advantage of. But the Bible says, "The favor of God was upon Joseph." No matter what other people did to him, no matter where they put him, he continued to prosper. Even when unjustly being accuses of rape, and he was thrown into prison, he continued to thrive. The favor of God eventually caused him to be released, and he was put in charge of all Egypt's affairs.
I'm in Nairobi for a conference and took sometime to visit the new IOM office in Gigiri and would like to share some info.

For those that have booked a medical, you will have received an email asking you to collect payment coupons, these help you make your vaccination payments in advance, but you need to show up with all your medical records (vaccination cards, etc), so they can decide what you still have to get. However, it also ok to come on the day of your interview and get the coupons then, since the the vaccinations are done over 2 days, you can pay before you come back for Day2. This is especially helpful for those not based in Nairobi.

In terms of location, the centre is on United Nations Crescent. As of yesterday, when I passed, they had not yet put up a sign post, and since they are new in the area, asking for directions to IOM from people on the street or even guards at the UN is totally useless, you'll be sent to the old offices, since that is what they know. Instead, ask for directions to TARA-SUITS, they are right next door, and those are known. So you'll get to the IOM easily.

The IOM sign posts from the old location where in the compound, so I imagine they will soon be put up, but in the meantime, this should help you get to the centre.

Thanks bro.
I wrote an email to the consular guys regarding the affidavit thing and this is the conversation:

Abu Hamza:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been scheduled to undertake my DV interview on June 5th, 2013. I wish to get confirmation of the same and also inquire on the school certificates of whether they should be certified. In addition to that, I wish to inquire on whether I would be required to get the affidavit of evidence from my hosts in the United States.

Looking forward to your reply. Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.

Consular guys:

Embassy of the United States of America

United Nations Avenue

Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: 254-20-363-6492

Dear Mr. Abu Hamza,

Thank you for your email. Please note that you do not need to certify the certificates and also we do not need an affidavit of evidence from your hosts in The US.


Customer Representative 5

Immigrant Visa Unit

Consular Section

US Embassy Nairobi

This email is UNCLASSIFIED.

Well, good job Abu. You did a lot of people a much needed favor.
Hy emmah! guess i'll b ur guinea pig to test how deep d waters are. Anyway i';ll b posting my experience no matter the outcome bt I already knw I got the visa! Need all ur prayas! Thanks

it shall be well Abu...waiting for a success experience
Hello Jimma Boy
how are you
I hope you are well

my visa application have been under Administrative Processing since January
and this month(May) first week tha embassy called asking me to send my passport
and i send via DHL, I am in Rwand and I did my interview in nairobi kenya,

I would like to ask you what is next once you send passport and when I checked on website about visa status
I saw visa have been printed the second week of May,
I have to wait so that the embassy contact me(send me passport) because i can not travel there since i don't have passport.
could you please tell me the next process, I went to the DHL headquarter in Rwanda to register so that my passport come back to me from the embassy via DHL,
but since a week nothing new.
I really don't know what to do.
please advice me because , I would like to travel in USA in June.

Thank you

or someone can advice me please
Hello Jimma Boy
how are you
I hope you are well

my visa application have been under Administrative Processing since January
and this month(May) first week tha embassy called asking me to send my passport
and i send via DHL, I am in Rwand and I did my interview in nairobi kenya,

I would like to ask you what is next once you send passport and when I checked on website about visa status
I saw visa have been printed the second week of May,
I have to wait so that the embassy contact me(send me passport) because i can not travel there since i don't have passport.
could you please tell me the next process, I went to the DHL headquarter in Rwanda to register so that my passport come back to me from the embassy via DHL,
but since a week nothing new.
I really don't know what to do.
please advice me because , I would like to travel in USA in June.

Thank you

or someone can advice me please

Hi Lucy10,

please send an email to ImmigrationVisaNairobi@state.gov they should be able to assist you.

Once they release your visa you should receive an email like this.

Dear ....................., This email is to inform you that a document has been submitted to the courier by the U.S. consular section for return to you. On average, it takes one to two business days for the package to be available. The document is being sent via the courier option you selected at registration. The air waybill tracking number for the package is.............. You will need this number to receive your document. For additional information on the current tracking status of the document, the delivery location, or for a list of identification required to receive the document, please log into our website at http://usvisa-info.com. Please remember that you must use your passport number, date of birth, and nationality to log into the system. For your reference, the passport number we have on file is:.......... Your documents will be available for pick-up at: .............................. Note: Documents not retrieved within 20-30 days (depending on country) will be returned to the Embassy/ Consular Section. For documents belonging to minors, parents must bring a copy of the birth certificate. If the person collecting the document is not a parent, you will need a notarized power of attorney and a photocopy of the ID of legal representative issuing the letter. Changes made to the courier location after this notification, will not be processed. Sincerely, The Visa Information Service
Hi Mates,

We're still praying for those with interviews and for all to be current in the next bulletin.

My time has come to depart, i leave on Sunday. Will keep you updated and of course will assist where i can.

God Bless
Safe journey and all d best
Hi Mates,

We're still praying for those with interviews and for all to be current in the next bulletin.

My time has come to depart, i leave on Sunday. Will keep you updated and of course will assist where i can.

God Bless