• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

Today's devotion

Let us live for God; let us believe him at his word. Let us wrestle with God, if necessary. (Don’t worry, he can handle it.) Let’s speak. Let’s act. Let’s Get up. Get out. Let’s care––till it hurts––and go on caring. Let’s do something for God. Let’s be zealous, passionate, connected, even when bad things happen to good people, even at times like these. Yes, life does seem unfair. But there is a light. And there is a way. And more than this, God has made a shocking promise, “In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” All things
Matatu no 108 alight at UN avenue. go straight on the UN avenue and the 1st turn on the left to Gigiri police station is the route to take going down till gate no.78
chest X-ray and blood drawn for syphilis test after counseling
one is given payment coupon to go and pay money at CBA bank at village market which is afew meters away
Day 2
Physical checkup and vaccinations
all this costed me ksh23310.

Thanks for informing guys coz I know its a different location with new things like paying at the bank lol:p
Lucy's status

Dear Lucy,
I am happy that since January now your AP process is finally over. Am sure someway you will get the passport and the visa (you have been through the longest process already)
All the best in your future life; am really happy for you.
June Current

To all the current people, I wish you all the best. Like we say, this is a house of winners. God bless and keep us posted.
I am giving Thanks to GOD for what he always does for us.I prayed for miracle and here it is, haha
Thank you Karendi,Ash, Makiki, Nickelly, Fomogho, and all members for your prayers.

I am now going to seach for new travel documents then i will come to take oups passports
I wonder if I will have to come with my son or if I will collect the passport for him without a problem or complications.
stay blessed.
hahah our God is Awesome.

Dear Lucy,
I am happy that since January now your AP process is finally over. Am sure someway you will get the passport and the visa (you have been through the longest process already)
All the best in your future life; am really happy for you.
I am giving Thanks to GOD for what he always does for us.I prayed for miracle and here it is, haha
Thank you Karendi,Ash, Makiki, Nickelly, Fomogho, and all members for your prayers.

I am now going to seach for new travel documents then i will come to take oups passports
I wonder if I will have to come with my son or if I will collect the passport for him without a problem or complications.
stay blessed.
hahah our God is Awesome.

Our God is surely great. All is well.
I Wrote an email to the Nairobi embassy about the Affidavit of Support and the following was there reply:

Embassy of the United States of America
United Nations Avenue
Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 254-20-363-6622

Thank you for your email.

Please note that you do not need an affidavit of support for your case, in case the interviewing officer will need an affidavit of support then you will be instructed on the day of your interview.

We would also like to apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused.

Customer Representative 4
Immigrant Visa Unit
Consular Section
US Embassy Nairobi

From the previous thread makiki mentioned that affidavit of support is not needed please somebody clarrify this coz we guys keep on asking this question
From the previous thread makiki mentioned that affidavit of support is not needed please somebody clarrify this coz we guys keep on asking this question

From our forumites who were interviewed, none have been asked to provide the AOS. So I guess there is nothing to worry about
From the previous thread makiki mentioned that affidavit of support is not needed please somebody clarrify this coz we guys keep on asking this question

This is one requirement that is grey area. In my time i was asked for it despite indicating i have my own bank statement and other things to show.
It's a question of chicken and egg, but since they have clarified with an email reply, i would print the email conversation in case the issue arises at the interview time.
Lucy 10 you don't need to come with your son,
Once the documents are ready for pickup, the applicant(s) must bring official identification along with the Waybill (AWB) Number to the selected courier location to retrieve the documents.
a.Official Identification can be one of the following:
i.Original Birth Certificate,
ii.Military ID,
iii.Passport, or
iv.Photo Voter Registration ID
b.Parents must prove their identity with one of the above mentioned IDs as well as the child’s Original Birth Certificate, or Adoption Certificate.

To find the status of your documents you must log in to your account in our system and upon viewing the applicant summary page you will see the status of pickup availability. The document status information only appears once your personal documents have been returned by the Consular Section for shipment to your designated DHL location. Please click here for detailed instructions on how to check the status of your shipment.
c.If group representatives of Temporary Workers are picking up the Visas they must prove their identity with one of the above mentioned IDs.
d.If a third party is picking up the Visas, the individual must provide ID as mentioned above, a signed letter from the Visa holder, and a copy of the Visa holder’s official identification
Wow! dats my bday...congrats. Can u roughly tell us the average ticket prices? Thx

Thanks Abu.
Got bad news for anyone travelling in July/August. The flights are crazily expensive, actually double what june travelers are paying. Apparently july/august is the travel months for most people in the world.
Wow! dats my bday...congrats. Can u roughly tell us the average ticket prices? Thx

Most of the guys (and I inclusive) who paid for June travels we paid roughly between 72K to 79K per person (i.e. British Airways)
July the lowest fare is 116K upwards. (cheapest emirates)

That's my rough estimate.

I am giving Thanks to GOD for what he always does for us.I prayed for miracle and here it is, haha
Thank you Karendi,Ash, Makiki, Nickelly, Fomogho, and all members for your prayers.

I am now going to seach for new travel documents then i will come to take oups passports
I wonder if I will have to come with my son or if I will collect the passport for him without a problem or complications.
stay blessed.
hahah our God is Awesome.

i think traveling to the embassy without their appointment will be total disappointment coz you wont be allowed inside.let them send you anemail inviting you to get the documents from them otherwise you will be stranded and frustrated.

My wife and I arrived at the embassy at around 5:50am and we joined around 8 other people waiting outside the American Embassy.at around 6:10am we were allowed to get in the embassy and that meant getting to the second security clearance where they checked our names on the appointment list and also this is the point where you leave your electronic gadgets,I remember my wife being told to give her nail-cutter and hear-phones.We left our phones at this point and proceeded to the main building where the actual interview was to take place.
We were taken finger prints and for the DV applicants were given papers saying that to qualify one had to have a cplain and above or a c+ if one was to qualifywith degree.
We paid the money to the cashier and while waiting for our numbers to be called for the 3rd time so as to go and face the interviewer or the dreaded CO we met a lady who was single and also a winner.She told me that she reads the comments in the thread but has never joined the dv2013 kenyan winners thread,Shetold me of her cousin who had entered as single,applied for visa as married,now herinterview is next week and she broke up with the boyfriend and they don’t talk so the lady is talking of getting a death cert for the guy.!!by the way the gal passed as she was interviewed immediately after us.We saw 2 people who were denied and 2 who were put in administrative processes.
If one is given a red sheet of paper it means one has been denied, if one has been given yellow it means one has been put on administrative process, if one gets the green one it means their case has been approved .I didn’t know of anybody from greencard who was denied,SO GUYS BE SURE THAT ALL WILL BE WELL.AS WANKIN MASTER SAID BELIEVE ME YOU ALL HAVE VISAS ITS JUST YOUR TIME THAT IS NOT READY.
I was not asked for my album and my main worry was the fact that I didn’t have my photos for traditional wedding,dowry payment time or even introduction ceremony.we were interviewed by a middle-aged American man and he was not smiling but he looked as if not so interested in what you were saying but guys the CO is as sober as a judge.HERES THE MAIN INTERVIEW GUYS.
We were called to window 6.
I:Good morning sir!
CO: Hi to you!
CO: Raise up your hands and swear.
(we lifted up our hands and swore to tell the truth,nothing but the truth)
CO: I will ask your wife to go out as I ask you some questions.(she left)
CO:Are you married?
Me: ;;;;;;;;;
CO:Whats your date of marriage?
ME: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
CO:How much did you pay for your dowry?
ME : ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
CO: What do you do currently?
ME: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
CO:Go out and call your wife.
(I went out and called her and I was left out)

the CO just asked her the name of her husband and my date of birth and she was told to call me,he then asked us how we inted to support ourselves in the us and we told him and he asked my wife our date of marriage again as if to confuse her.she answered and then he looked at us keenly and said,I approve your visas welcome to America!
And that’s it guys,it took us less than 4 minutes,the whole affair was so short and he picked the green slip without even looking and told us to register with DHL so that we can get our passports and visa back.in our excitement we left our marriage cert but we went back to the embassy to get it(we were not allowed to get in there but were brought to the second gate)I thank the lord guys for what saved us was the whole lot of prayers guys.We had done several mistakes on the visa application form guys and even mistakes on our initial EDv form,like my date of birth and also we realized that we had not written where my wife was born correctly as we had written we were b orn in the same hospital,she had not even filled two spaces on her visa application form but they did not ask.My host has changed address and I told the CO to check the email she wrote to me but he said its Okey we will sort out the new address later.!!lol,guess he was already in MEMBERS DAY MOOD!! You know their Friday starts on Thursday!!!lol,thanks for your support ,goodwill and care members,looking forward to seeing you all there!!!
Ultimately though, I strongly agree with a dv winner from the previous thread who wrote -

“u have to understand that while it pays to go with genuine certificates,it neither by might nor by power.There are so many people who have gone with genuine documents and were still denied visas.This is where faith comes in.Remember,the race is not to the swift,the battle is not to the strong,neither bread to the wise,not yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill(Ecc. 9:11).More over,it is not of him that wills nor of him that runs,but of God that showeth infinite mercy.

so when all ur papers are intact and genuine,u commit ur ways to the Lord so that he will direct ur paths.It is not of our efforts,it just by the grace of God that we have been selected and we can only make it by the same grace.
God Bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Nesh! Dat will serve as an inspiration for me. Thx
members am glad to inform the house that i was called by the embassy to take my passport for the visa an indication my AP is over
this was later 143 days but GOd is there for us.
members am glad to inform the house that i was called by the embassy to take my passport for the visa an indication my AP is over
this was later 143 days but GOd is there for us.

WHAT???? Isn't our God great??? Congratulations Jarmsbi, you truly are a show of resilience. God is great and am happy for you.
All the best in your future life and go with God.