• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!


If according to your CN you are current, you should move on to email the KCC and request them to send you the date of your interview as you wait for the 2NL which will be contained with all your interview appointment details.

thanks for the info
What is the Selective service System? constitutes such registration in accordance with the Military Selective Service Act.
On Form DSP-230 part 1 # 32, I filled that I would like to be a US ARMY though am 27yrs can this be contradicting? Or What does it mean by 18 years through 25?
@Obeezy, where are you,This quiz waitin' for yu

In this system,one can be forced to serve in the military in times of war/conflict as will be required by the powers that be(Congress/President).During the Viet Nam war & others,they used to conduct draws & if ur birthdate was selected,u would be called to serve.



Thanks Obz. You are a great man. I filled just as it was Last First and the middle initial but, do you think I should swear an affidavit just to be safe?

Looks like you and I will be current in July 2013. I have not started anything, not even my children's passport. Only have my wife's and mine. But I will do that before Dec.

Anyway, thanks for keeping the forum alive and enlightening many of us on specific details of the DV lottery. I am confident we will pass the interview.


Thanks Obz. You are a great man.

I filled just as it was Last First and the middle initial but, do you think I should swear an affidavit just to be safe?
To be on the safer side,it would be appropriate for you to do so.

Looks like you and I will be current in July 2013. I have not started anything, not even my children's passport. Only have my wife's and mine. But I will do that before Dec.
Me too,I'm yet to get my passport;my spouse_she's yet to get her birth cert,KCSE cert & passport_probably Dec too.

Anyway, thanks for keeping the forum alive and enlightening many of us on specific details of the DV lottery. I am confident we will pass the interview.
Amen to that
Im i the only one or there is somebody else?

There's Lucy10
CN 2013AF0000222X
Status Checked : 10 May 2012
Forms sent to KCC :1 August 2012
Forms received by KCC :Not yet
KCC Confirmation :Not yet
Birth certificate one
Passport : Done
2nd Notification : Not Yet

Medical:Not Yet
Interview:Not yet

Im i the only one or there is somebody else?

I hope you are calling the Embassy every single day cause your situation makes one nervous. I can imagine the pressure you are undergoing. But take heart, since the October bulletin is out, they will probably remember to update your page. And please remember to update us cause we are equally worried about you.
What is the Selective service System? constitutes such registration in accordance with the Military Selective Service Act.
On Form DSP-230 part 1 # 32, I filled that I would like to be a US ARMY though am 27yrs can this be contradicting? Or What does it mean by 18 years through 25?




On Form DSP-230 part 1 # 32, I filled that I would like to be a US ARMY though am 27yrs can this be contradicting?
the age cap is 42.




Or What does it mean by 18 years through 25?
Its between 18 & 25.Us english uses 'through" instead of 'to" thus in UK english,18 years to 25 years.Given that u r 27,u can enlist but it isn't manadatory.
Time is over-speeding as "we" who are current on Oct and now on Nov, waiting for the interviews.
For me, what I see is a total change of life whether positively or negatively. Though we should always prepare for the best n' for the worst, am worried 'bout the life after the interview;
What 'bout if I succeed? The life in America! av never been out of my country...............Am a Hustler.
What if I fail? after wasting all my hard earned cash! and time! Another change of life in my own country..........For me it can be back to zero.....GOD BE ON MA SIDE.....
All I have is I know my docs are smart, av obtained all of the necessary docs and am still gathering the info as much as I can waiting for the medicals and the big day.
I have confidence,I hustle for everything, I pray, I believe and am waiting for this day but phobia concerning life after the interview is killing me.
Its like am dead waiting for the resurrection day which will depend on the judgement. Now I don't know my judgement, so once again don't know whether will resurrect or no but my hope is that I will live.
My word is that; We need a counsellor and a prayer day for posting prayers only to strengthen our members towards their interviews.
Am missing to share a positive interview experience.....................

Time is over-speeding as "we" who are current on Oct and now on Nov, waiting for the interviews.
Lucky u:D

For me, what I see is a total change of life whether positively or negatively. Though we should always prepare for the best n' for the worst, am worried 'bout the life after the interview;

What 'bout if I succeed?
u will succeed:p

The life in America! av never been out of my country...............Am a Hustler.
we always have to start somewhere:cool:.

What if I fail? after wasting all my hard earned cash! and time! Another change of life in my own country..........For me it can be back to zero.
we live & we learn.


All I have is I know my docs are smart, av obtained all of the necessary docs and am still gathering the info as much as I can waiting for the medicals and the big day.
when r u going for the medicals?

I have confidence,I hustle for everything, I pray, I believe and am waiting for this day but phobia concerning life after the interview is killing me.
the good thing is if u feel u r not cut out for the other side,Kenya ni baba na mama.

Its like am dead waiting for the resurrection day which will depend on the judgement. Now I don't know my judgement, so once again don't know whether will resurrect or no but my hope is that I will live.
I'm aliiiiiiive...

My word is that; We need a counsellor and a prayer day for posting prayers only to strengthen our members towards their interviews.
Let me think about it,any volunteers?
Has anyone received such a package..Oct Selectees???

@Wankinmaster et al


Me! I'm not an Aussie, but a New Zealander with a low CN and my interview is scheduled for October !

I received my 2NL by e-mail mid-August - which was just an e-mail from the status-check website telling me log-in
"You have received this email notification to inform you that you have updates available at http: //www.dvlottery.state.gov/ESC. Please log in using your confirmation number from your original application to complete further processing."

A few weeks later (in late August) I received a letter from the Consult with an invitation letter (for the interview of course), blank medical forms, police check forms and NZ-specific instructions for the interview. As per the instructions I was requested to submit all my documentation to them prior to the interview WITH bank statements and a CV - so obviously this is quite different to the Australian consult process.

I have also completed my medical which was painless (aside from the blood test!) - I was able to find proof of all my childhood immunization records plus a few travel vaccination records and I was 100% up-to-date! The medical cost me around $120NZD and the X-RAY was about $80NZD. I think the medical took around an hour or so.

Anyway, I will report back after my interview - so fingers and toes crossed! Any questions just fire away!
Last edited by chch_james; 11th September 2012 at 12:48 PM.
@Wankinmaster et al

I think consular/embassies are totally different from each other.
Ok for me, I got the same message (email) from noreply@state.gov. notification informing that I have updates available at http: //www.dvlottery.state.gov/ESC. Please log in using your confirmation number from your original application to complete further processing."
That how I got the 2Nl dated August 17, 2012 on 18th August 2012
Since then I haven't booked for medicals, am waiting to book at the start of next month since my interview will be on 16th Oct.
Regarding Selective Service System

The Selective Service registration is a requirement for "almost all male U.S. citizens, and male aliens living in the U.S., who are 18 through 25".


Some Green Card holders do not bother to comply with this requirement. However, it is highly advisable for any male Green Card holder between the ages of 18 - 25 who plan on acquiring US citizenship down the road to ensure they register with the program since this is a question they will have to deal with when they apply for citizenship.

Its between 18 & 25.Us english uses 'through" instead of 'to" thus in UK english,18 years to 25 years.Given that u r 27,u can enlist but it isn't manadatory.
Good conduct

HI house,
Hello everyone and best wishes to all. I am mjamhuri and have a an issue to ask and that is i've being selected for 2013 lottery and cn 27xxx but living in foreign country for a couple of years do i have to do the good conduct of my country or its enough the one of the current address i.e the foreign country.:confused::confused::confused:
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Hi Forum this a reminder that the Embassy is very strict on grades C and above .... but then can one change and use work experience if the grades are low? ama it depends on how one filled when during the 1st application? ..

HI house,
Hello everyone and best wishes to all. I am mjamhuri and have a an issue to ask and that is i've being selected for 2013 lottery and cn 26xxx but living in foreign country for a couple of years do i have to do the good conduct of my country or its enough the one of the current address i.e the foreign country.:confused::confused::confused:

You must obtain police certificates from all countries you have lived for more that 6 months since attaining the age of 16yrs.
Hi Forum this a reminder that the Embassy is very strict on grades C and above .... but then can one change and use work experience if the grades are low? ama it depends on how one filled when during the 1st application? ..
For me av no idea 'bout the work experience if yu never filled yu got an experience on the DSP-122.
Otherwise I hear that the grade C is a serious issue.
Good day.
what is the validity of medical examination is it 6 weeks or 6 months because from the state website they say if you work in an environment where you are exposed lets say TB for example then you should go for your medicals at least two months.. i also believe you should be in US soil 6 months before your medical expires ...can someone shade some light...
what is the validity of medical examination is it 6 weeks or 6 months because from the state website they say if you work in an environment where you are exposed lets say TB for example then you should go for your medicals at least two months.. i also believe you should be in US soil 6 months before your medical expires ...can someone shade some light...

NOTE: Medical examination results are valid for one year in normal circumstances. But if you have certain medical conditions your examination results could expire in as little as 3 months. In any case you should not have your medical examination until the NVC/KCC notifies you of your interview appointment date. You may be denied entry to the United States if your medical examination results expire before your arrival.

How much time do I have to immigrate after my visa is issued?

Review your visa when you receive it and also carefully note its expiration date. You must enter the United States before your visa expires, and before your medical examination results expire.
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No captcha

Thank God we do not have to type those 'hard to read' words before we post. THANK YOU ADMINISTRATOR.

As if that was enough I sent another and another....atleast I tried, i virtually joined a forum that is against this codes and vented my arse off. If a reply comes it will be soooo plastered here. Merci

Seriously,, everytime I think that I will comment in the forum; i think of the image verifications, they are sooooo annoying. Half the time they are illegible, also time wasting. I hope the administrator of this forum can approach the main administrator of the site and save us the agony.

I did an email jana to the admin, complaining about the verification. Hope he/she replies and does somezink about it.

Hoorayyyyy;@Karendi,now that ur prayers have been answered,u can now come out of hiding:p