• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

Mombasa its Kshs. 19750 adult Kshs.21000 kids

Thanks Makiki. I also found the below info posted sometime back. It has really helped me and thought it will help someone else as well..

Found something in the forum for guys who are going for medical

Nairobi medicals experience

Quote Originally Posted by PAPASAN View Post
Below see Njugunuts' posting some times back about his medical experience; I believe it might answer some of the questions you've posed:

" Anyway, after I was done with KCC, I called IOM on the chance that they would agree to schedule my medicals without the 2nd NL and they had no problem, they gave me a 7.30 appointment. Now, for all those doing their medicals in Nairobi, take note that the IOM at which the medicals are done is the one on 4th Ngong Avenue, a blue gate just after AAR. This is because when I called to make an appointment, they didn't tell me which IOM this was and so I went to Nairobi Hospital.

I showed up at IOM 4th Ngong Avenue, just after AAR at 7.50am (I think most appointments are around this time and the earlier you go the sooner you leave the place). At the gate, the security guys make sure you are on the list for the day. You then take a seat in the reception area and hand in your passport. The ladies there make a copy of it, then send you for a counseling session where some guy lets you know what tests they'll carry out,how long they will take etc. They check mainly for Syphilis, TB and Hepatitis B though they also do other baseline tests e.g blood sugar. After the counseling session you go pick up your passport and copy, and go the lab where they take an instant photo of you, sign the medical exam forms, hand in 1 passport photo and then proceed for bleeding. You then go and pay for the medical exam.

The exam itself costs 138 USD so depending on the exchange rate for the month which they set, you pay the equivalent in Ksh. The exchange rate for December is 80.3 so I paid Ksh. 11,081. You can pay in dollars if you want but it attracts a 5 USD surcharge since all their accounts are in Ksh.

You then enter an IOM van and are ferried to Nairobi Hospital IOM where you hand in your forms, are X-Rayed (ladies, wear pants not dresses or you will have to completely disrobe and wear the open-back hospital gowns) and then ferried back to 4th Ngong. Once you are back, you then proceed for the physical where a nurse checks your height, weight, vision, blood pressure and pulse. You hand in the 2nd passport photo here. You are then sent to the doctor's where he/she asks about your past medical, surgical and hospitalization history. You are then sent to strip down to your underwear. She checks your ears,teeth and asks you to breath in and out deeply as she listens to your breath and heart sounds. From here I guess its gender specific: because she will feel your breasts, both male and female, and general look and touch at the rest of your body as you lie down, straight to the toes (she doesn't look at sehemu nyeti [Smilie] , just asks if everything is OK there). Females, she will check the back of your legs for varicose veins as you face the wall, and for everyone she will check to see if your spine is straight.

After the exam she fills in the required immunizations which will vary depending on whether you are pregnant (females), having had chickenpox in the past and your age. Kids get quite a number of shots so for those with young ones (below 12), remember to carry their immunization cards to avoid traumatizing the kids with unnecessary shots coz without the cards, they will have to be repeated. I got three shots: Dultavax (32 USD), MMR (26 USD)and Varicella (54 USD and quite painful!). The pregnant ones don't get the first one and the ones who have had chicken pox don't get the last one. You can therefore calculate approximately how much you need by multiplying by the ones you're likely to need by 80.3. You then go and pay for the vaccinations and receive them. I was done with this by 1.30pm.

After that you are sent home to go and wait for the results. IF there is a problem, they call you the next day so you can come and see the doctor and discuss treatment options etc. and the way forward. IF you don't get any call in the morning, you are fine. I couldn't be able to go the next day to pick up my results so I begged and pleaded for an expedite so I left with my results at 5.10pm (quite a long wait, had to wait for the doctor to finish seeing everyone so she could sign my report). I was given a big envelope with my X-Ray (don't carry this to the interview, but carry it in your hand luggage when emigrating), Vaccination card copy (make a copy of this, carry to the embassy in case they need it, carry in hand luggage and keep safe coz in the States, it'll determine health insurance premiums) and a SEALED medical report (don't attempt to unseal unless you want to pay another 138 USD). They then bid you goodbye and all the best in your interview!

That was my day. Met a few people who were doing their medicals for DV, most seemed to be family sponsored migrants. One guy was doing his medicals for an interview next week on Tuesday, and I thought that was too close. I suggest you do your medicals as soon as possible, since they last for 6 months anyway, coz in-case there is a problem e.g TB which takes 6 months treatment and 2 more months observation, you may not be able to apply for your visa within the DV window. Anyway, the incidence of TB among people without HIV is not high so you shouldn't panic, but those who are positive should do it quickly so that if they have TB they can be treated and still apply. I was freaking out about the TB test coz I work in a HIV and TB clinic, but turns out mungu amenichunga. Amen!

In summary:
1. Get to your interview on time to avoid wasting the whole day there.
2. Carry immunization records where available, especially for children.
3. Carry about Ksh. 21,000 for the whole process (I spent Ksh. 20,075). A little more is better in-case of any eventualities.
4. There is a cafeteria on the premises so you can carry some little money for lunch and/or snacks, especially those with kids.
5. Make sure your passport photos (2) conform to the standards. Those with bad photos were sent to re-take them and wasted more time and money. They should be on a white background with a really big face in them (about half the photo)
6. Don't forget your passport.
7. Say a big prayer and wish for all the best.

Hope you have all learnt something from this. @ Kamauz, go right ahead and schedule your medicals, with or without the 2nd NL. Just carry your 1st NL so they can confirm your case number.

Applied for police clearance on Wednesday 8th and the process is quite straight forward: go to CID headquarters on Kiambu Road, follow the signs to the office (it's on the right). Pay Ksh. 1,000 at a window at the entrance and produce your national ID. Get a copy of the receipt and your ID inside the office @10 bob. Get the original receipt and ID copy stapled to some form, fill in your name and ID number and wait to be called for printing. After printing, get your form and copy of receipt signed and stamped. The certificate is ready in 2 weeks. Don't detach the printing records from the certificate when handing it in to the embassy or it is invalid."

*Posted by Nickelly earlier on..
Hello brothers and sisters,

I wrote to the Embassy, my visa application is still under Administration processing,
please keep praying for us.

this waiting periode is killing me.

thank you.
We need a miracle, Jesus come and be on our side.

Jeremiah 32:27

"I am the LORD, the God of the whole human race. Is anything too hard for me?" (NIV)
Hey good people,my interview is first week of June!butterflies zimeanza lol
Dont worry I could not sleep,eat name it,but there is one verse that used to comfort me Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Mjamaa from DV 2010 winners from Kenya

DEDICATION TO Gabam, Lucy10, Jarmsbi, Mjamuhuri, Sami and Jesyka

I have gone through the DV 2010 winners from Kenya and the story of this guy called Mjamaa is so so i dont know how to put it but if you start right from page 7 and get to page 11 where he goes to the embassy and is put on AP on 10th of September those of you who are in hurry to get out of AP if you were in his shoes i think your blood pressure would have shoot so HIGH by 1st October in page 12 where he says that he'd called KCC and the answered him that "they dont have anything to do with the matter as the consulate is responsible for answering his queries". Mjamaa now has accepted that the DV is over and life has to go on but he has to call the Consulate so that he can get his passport back on 6th October page 13 where he is told that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . please read that story if you are on AP and relax for you still have 5 months for the dv2013 to close curtains. Until your God says its over no one should Discourage you. Be positive and see that visa in your passport
I have a question about how people whose English level is very low (especially in spoken English) are treated during the interview. As you know, some of the selectees to be interviewed at Nairobi don’t have a strong background in the English language (for exemple, some come from French-speaking countries or from countries where the use of English is quite recent as in Rwanda). I have a concern if such people can'get troubles before the CO. Could anyone know something about such a situation?
welcome to the family of winners.at the us embassy nrb i believe they have translators,if u are not good in the english command it is good to use what u are good at eg french.they know there are countries that dont use english.my 2cents.

They are much more reasonable and are located a stone throw away from Nairobi's CBD...As Makiki said they can arrange a taxi to and from the embassy...
2014 selectees
Shorrie, I am praying that computer chose your name randomly and you will have a broad smile on 1st of may. I also entered hehehe :p incase i wasnt given the visa but i thank God it was granted but i'l still be happy to see my name again on DV2014 selectees
Ladies and gentlemen, I never expected my appointment to be that soon. It is 11th June and I have not even done police certificates and passports for my children. But I know GOD is in control. I am also thinking of rescheduling. What is the risk of rescheduling? Am I sure that I will get an appointment by 30th Sept if I reschedule? Someone advice me. GOD bless you all
My advice would be: Stop freaking out. Dont reschedule...God will get you through....
Congratulations to all who got their 2nd NL. It really feels nice. All the best.
Now, to the lady who want to re-schedule because of lack of time, kindly dont. Actually between now and June there is more than enough time to get all the required stuff if you start NOW.
The passport take less than two weeks (trust me I renewed mine and it was so fast) you can actually track from the net to see the progress (their website) the medicals just two days, the police certificate is two weeks (exact) so if you start the process say tomoroow by mid May you have everything.
Dont fear, just do your stuff and leave the rest to God.
I thought I also read someone who was asking if they could give work notice, NOPE, please dont. U never know if you can be on AP and take more time than you intended to. Until you have the visa and all the arrangments in place ad advice you not to give resignation notice.
Also, kindly let all people who just log in to read updates become members too that way our forum grows. Don't just be a withdrawer from our resources, also deposit some info too.

Yap correct there is no time to waste,I didn't have an ID until I had to get my finger prints done at the Chief's then take them to Head office NSSF,so that I can get good conduct at the CID and it was that period of election. My hubby didn't have a passport i had to bulldoze him to get one,no birth certificate still I had to push for it in a span of 2weeks everything was ready u can do it just trust God but you have to make a step.
A brief history: Back in 2006 i applied for the DV2008...Through my hubby's we had been selected....Funny thing was We found out too late. In those days notifications came thro post office. We happened to share a post box with my hubbies family....My father in law stumbled upon a pile of 'trash' that were to be thrown out...So he find the envelope and informs my hubby who at the time was hospitalised. Since my dad in law dint know what it was he opened and saw the words 'green card' He quickly rushed the envelope and its contents to hospital....[It had arrived in Feb and this was October 2007] we filled it and i later mailed it. Few months had gone by....in Feb 2008 we got a call from our host who told us to start getting ready....To date we never received the 2nd NL...I know it was mailed but someone had hid it. I knew who[with much enthusiasm they kept the post box key and they released it after i guess the 2nd NL came(they were so against us 'leaving')] but couldn't proof....So For you who get that opportunity work at making it happen. After much persuasion from a buddy i applied for the DV2014....At least now they notify you online...Don't be faint hearted this is a great opportunity especially for those who want to advance in their studies....
Yap correct there is no time to waste,I didn't have an ID until I had to get my finger prints done at the Chief's then take them to Head office NSSF,so that I can get good conduct at the CID and it was that period of election. My hubby didn't have a passport i had to bulldoze him to get one,no birth certificate still I had to push for it in a span of 2weeks everything was ready u can do it just trust God but you have to make a step.
Talk of bulldozing and trusting in God my hubby didnt have his passport until 12 days to our interview. Please do things on time otherwise you end up spending much more when days are moving. No wonder we did our medicals 4 days to our interview.
A brief history: Back in 2006 i applied for the DV2008...Through my hubby's we had been selected....Funny thing was We found out too late. In those days notifications came thro post office. We happened to share a post box with my hubbies family....My father in law stumbled upon a pile of 'trash' that were to be thrown out...So he find the envelope and informs my hubby who at the time was hospitalised. Since my dad in law dint know what it was he opened and saw the words 'green card' He quickly rushed the envelope and its contents to hospital....[It had arrived in Feb and this was October 2007] we filled it and i later mailed it. Few months had gone by....in Feb 2008 we got a call from our host who told us to start getting ready....To date we never received the 2nd NL...I know it was mailed but someone had hid it. I knew who[with much enthusiasm they kept the post box key and they released it after i guess the 2nd NL came(they were so against us 'leaving')] but couldn't proof....So For you who get that opportunity work at making it happen. After much persuasion from a buddy i applied for the DV2014....At least now they notify you online...Don't be faint hearted this is a great opportunity especially for those who want to advance in their studies....

These are the people who make the devil to triumph and hell exist, how can someone be that mean? Anyway i wish you good luck and just know in everything that happens there is a reason so lets hope that God's time is now
2014 selectees
Shorrie, I am praying that computer chose your name randomly and you will have a broad smile on 1st of may. I also entered hehehe :p incase i wasnt given the visa but i thank God it was granted but i'l still be happy to see my name again on DV2014 selectees
Amen! To that...God sure knows why and He holds my future....
Wishing you well!

Am happy for all you who are current...God's guidance as you prepare and I also pray that whatever it is you need esp finances that God will avail them to you...For those still waiting to be current....May God clothe you with patience...:D