Hi all,
I'm not sure why members are taking issue with Mombasa_guy's contribution. This forum is about sharing experiences, not just in applying for the GC, but also in life in the US. Not all experiences will be good, some people will fail to get the DV, we still want to hear about it, so it helps those of us still waiting to prepare better. Similarly, even for those that make it to the US, some will struggle, and we also want to know about it, so we can be realistic in our plans.
He is giving examples of what is actually happening on the ground, and I've seen this to be true. Its absolutely true that when you go to the US you can succeed and its great to know what people have done to achieve that, but it is equally true that the dream can turn out to be a nightmare and its great that he is pointing this out. And he is giving you pointers from his personal experience and what he has seen happening to people around him over the years. For instance, he suggests that instead of focusing on getting the CNA (which for most of us, is not a field we are currently involved in), consider starting to apply now to get into uni for a US degree in your currently field. For those with degrees already, maybe a post-graduate diploma may be sufficient.
Its not that your degree is inferior, but the US employer doesn't know enough about it to trust that you have the training he/she requires, so they will prioritise the US degree job applicants. But if you have the US academic documentation as well, you might even find yourself at an "advantage" over a US applicant, because you also have your work experience from here.
That said, any reference to abusive language is unwarranted, MG and all, please keep it clean. We are all just trying to help each other, but only GOD holds our future.