• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2012

Just thought I would wish luck for everybody who is entered in the 2012 DV lottery year. The unique thing I realized about this lottery compared to any other is that every single applicant who enters has a goal and dream to move legally to the United States and to live a long enjoyable peaceful life there.

We are all on the same boat and just want to wish all you people for the best.
Just thought I would wish luck for everybody who is entered in the 2012 DV lottery year. The unique thing I realized about this lottery compared to any other is that every single applicant who enters has a goal and dream to move legally to the United States and to live a long enjoyable peaceful life there.

We are all on the same boat and just want to wish all you people for the best.

@LoveAmerica; I noticed u are located in Canada. Wuld u be kind enough to expanciate the advantages and disadvantages of living in America compare to Canada?
@LoveAmerica; I noticed u are located in Canada. Wuld u be kind enough to expanciate the advantages and disadvantages of living in America compare to Canada?

Well I have my reasons on why I want to move. Pretty much all my family live in the United States (no they can not sponsor me) and I have a lot of friends over there and all around. I have also noticed the house prices in the United States are much more cheaper than compared to Canada. Where I'm located Vancouver, is considered the most expensive city in the whole of the North America. If not the most then definitely the top 5 most expensive. It is currently the most expensive city in the whole of Canada.

Opportunities in America are much more wider compared to any other country. It has 50 states, within each are thousand of square miles of companies always wanting to recruit people for jobs. When I went there were loads of jobs being offered, sadly which I can not apply for since I am not a resident. I even had one guy asking me if he could employ me while I was there.
The main thing I adore about the United States is the large amount of variety. If you want hot climate to live in, then there is Arizona for you. If you want a nice cool climate with great views where you might want to ski in the winter then there is Colorado for you. If you want to live in a city there is NYC. The amount of locations containing many opportunities in the United States is just endless.

In Canada the population is only 30 million with only few major cities. The only cities I like in Canada are Vancouver and Toronto. Vancouver is a great place, in total honesty it is a very friendly all around city. Other cities such as Calgary and Edmonton do not really have a busting economy and I really do not like the idea of moving to Quebec. I'm not saying Canada is a bad country, it's a very good one, Marvelous even. Though if I could move to the United States that would be even better since in my eyes it's a country I will feel more happy and settled in. All of my family live there also... so that pretty much sums up why.
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So u intend going to the STATES without ur wife? U know it will take u up to 3-5 years b4 she will be allowed to finally join u over there. Well, i did applied for myself and my fiancee, and she is presently 4 months pregnant for me, though we applied as singles so as not to cause problem for us. We intend to get married legally if anyone us win the lottery atlast. She will be due for delivery by April next year according to the doctors scan. She was about 3 months pregnant when i applied for the lottery for both of us.

yea man i dont have a choice now, i actually applied for her this time, and i know she is already a winner.
@LoveAmerica; Thanks for ur explaination. I av gain alot from wat u just said and i know some of us in the house must av gain one or two reasons why America is the place to be. Thanks once again!
When u say ur family, do u mean ur parents and siblings or ur wife and children?
So u ar not allow to do any part-time job now?

You are allowed to work on campus, and if you decided to get permission to work off campus, you don't get the one year work permit after you graduate which eliminate your chance of getting a sponsor.
Well I have my reasons on why I want to move. Pretty much all my family live in the United States (no they can not sponsor me) and I have a lot of friends over there and all around. I have also noticed the house prices in the United States are much more cheaper than compared to Canada. Where I'm located Vancouver, is considered the most expensive city in the whole of the North America. If not the most then definitely the top 5 most expensive. It is currently the most expensive city in the whole of Canada.

Opportunities in America are much more wider compared to any other country. It has 50 states, within each are thousand of square miles of companies always wanting to recruit people for jobs. When I went there were loads of jobs being offered, sadly which I can not apply for since I am not a resident. I even had one guy asking me if he could employ me while I was there.
The main thing I adore about the United States is the large amount of variety. If you want hot climate to live in, then there is Arizona for you. If you want a nice cool climate with great views where you might want to ski in the winter then there is Colorado for you. If you want to live in a city there is NYC. The amount of locations containing many opportunities in the United States is just endless.

In Canada the population is only 30 million with only few major cities. The only cities I like in Canada are Vancouver and Toronto. Vancouver is a great place, in total honesty it is a very friendly all around city. Other cities such as Calgary and Edmonton do not really have a busting economy and I really do not like the idea of moving to Quebec. I'm not saying Canada is a bad country, it's a very good one, Marvelous even. Though if I could move to the United States that would be even better since in my eyes it's a country I will feel more happy and settled in. All of my family live there also... so that pretty much sums up why.

Your right the US is an amazing place, with lots of opportunities. Canada is also a great country but cold, I live about 8 hours drive from Toronto and Montreal. I am actually busy now with immigration lawyers to apply for Canada in case I don't get to stay in the US.
You are allowed to work on campus, and if you decided to get permission to work off campus, you don't get the one year work permit after you graduate which eliminate your chance of getting a sponsor.

I don't think everybody gets a work permit, you can get something called an OPT. However that's only for certain majors, or so I heard.
@LoveAmerica; Thanks for ur explaination. I av gain alot from wat u just said and i know some of us in the house must av gain one or two reasons why America is the place to be. Thanks once again!
When u say ur family, do u mean ur parents and siblings or ur wife and children?

In America I have Aunts/Uncles both sides of the family and lots of cousins. I also have long lost relatives living in America I am currently being introduced too, they pop out of the blue.

Where I live I only have my parents and sibling.
I don't think everybody gets a work permit, you can get something called an OPT. However that's only for certain majors, or so I heard.

OPT is a 12 month work permit, and every major can receive one after graduation. You receive one after every degree, as long as it's a higher degree than the previous one. CPT is using your work permit while in school, but then you don't receive the 12 month work permit aka OPT after graduation. The US is very strict with these things, Canada allows you to apply for Permanent Residency after graduation and you receive a 3 years work permit to do so, that's why my lawyer is trying to convince me to complete my studies in Canada.
OPT is a 12 month work permit, and every major can receive one after graduation. You receive one after every degree, as long as it's a higher degree than the previous one. CPT is using your work permit while in school, but then you don't receive the 12 month work permit aka OPT after graduation. The US is very strict with these things, Canada allows you to apply for Permanent Residency after graduation and you receive a 3 years work permit to do so, that's why my lawyer is trying to convince me to complete my studies in Canada.

Yep, Canada is your safest bet. Canada's education system is quite unique since it is more carefree towards students who intend on staying after their studies and wishing to reside in Canada for their job. While the US government on the other hand do not even consider this since they would see it as immigration intent and therefore call it "breaking the immigration law for student visa's".

The rules for PR in Canada when it comes to international students is for them to study a minimum of 2 years post secondary education along with 1 years work experience on the same field. So that would be a minimum of 3 years in total before their eligible for residency in Canada. They do not have to do this but it is optional for international students who further their studies in Canada upon graduation.
While in the US you would have to get a sponsor... Which you have to be REAL lucky to get. Then you would have to wait a 5+ years minimum before the application comes through and you receive your green card. The worst thing about that also is, you get fired on your 4th year and yep... you have to start all over again from scratch.
Right now in the Visa Bulletin the cut off date for work visa's in the US is February 2005. So pretty much people who applied for work sponsorship visa's around February 2005 are only getting their green cards now, which is a 6 year wait.
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OPT is a 12 month work permit, and every major can receive one after graduation. You receive one after every degree, as long as it's a higher degree than the previous one. CPT is using your work permit while in school, but then you don't receive the 12 month work permit aka OPT after graduation. The US is very strict with these things, Canada allows you to apply for Permanent Residency after graduation and you receive a 3 years work permit to do so, that's why my lawyer is trying to convince me to complete my studies in Canada.
Are you sure about the fact that if you use the CPT, then you cannot use the OPT?
I think that as long as you have less than 12 months of full-time CPT, you can still apply for OPT. Moreover, if you use CPT part-time, you can use it for as long as you want without losing your rights to apply for OPT.

But, both CPT and OPT require you to work in a job related to your field of study, so you cannot take any off-campus job. I think CPT is a bit more strict, as it has to be part of the curriculum.
Another correction, you can use OPT either before or after you complete your studies, it is not only post-completion.
Yep, Canada is your safest bet. Canada's education system is quite unique since it is more carefree towards students who intend on staying after their studies and wishing to reside in Canada for their job. While the US government on the other hand do not even consider this since they would see it as immigration intent and therefore call it "breaking the immigration law for student visa's".

The rules for PR in Canada when it comes to international students is for them to study a minimum of 2 years post secondary education along with 1 years work experience on the same field. So that would be a minimum of 3 years in total before their eligible for residency in Canada. They do not have to do this but it is optional for international students who further their studies in Canada upon graduation.
While in the US you would have to get a sponsor... Which you have to be REAL lucky to get. Then you would have to wait a 5+ years minimum before the application comes through and you receive your green card. The worst thing about that also is, you get fired on your 4th year and yep... you have to start all over again from scratch.
Right now in the Visa Bulletin the cut off date for work visa's in the US is February 2005. So pretty much people who applied for work sponsorship visa's around February 2005 are only getting their green cards now, which is a 6 year wait.

Canada sounds really nice, and I will go check it out this winter... I wish they had the same immigration system in the US as in Canada.
Are you sure about the fact that if you use the CPT, then you cannot use the OPT?
I think that as long as you have less than 12 months of full-time CPT, you can still apply for OPT. Moreover, if you use CPT part-time, you can use it for as long as you want without losing your rights to apply for OPT.

But, both CPT and OPT require you to work in a job related to your field of study, so you cannot take any off-campus job. I think CPT is a bit more strict, as it has to be part of the curriculum.
Another correction, you can use OPT either before or after you complete your studies, it is not only post-completion.

My international advisor has no clue what she is talking about sometimes. So I just go by what she told me, and I am sure you are right. I was told CPT counts towards your OPT, so you lose days on OPT, so I figured if you do CPT throughout your studies you wont have any more OPT days left. I also tried to apply for CPT and she told me that my major doesn't require an internship and I am not illegible. I need 6 more classes and then I'll do my second OPT. Maybe I get lucky this year with the lottery and don't have to worry about visa's anymore :)
I wonder if our fate has now been decided by way of the random drawing by KCC? It's so unfortunate that we have to wait so long to find out. They really should revise the process to enable applicants to at least find out if they were selected within 1 month.
Well I have my reasons on why I want to move. Pretty much all my family live in the United States (no they can not sponsor me) and I have a lot of friends over there and all around. I have also noticed the house prices in the United States are much more cheaper than compared to Canada. Where I'm located Vancouver, is considered the most expensive city in the whole of the North America. If not the most then definitely the top 5 most expensive. It is currently the most expensive city in the whole of Canada.

Opportunities in America are much more wider compared to any other country. It has 50 states, within each are thousand of square miles of companies always wanting to recruit people for jobs. When I went there were loads of jobs being offered, sadly which I can not apply for since I am not a resident. I even had one guy asking me if he could employ me while I was there.
The main thing I adore about the United States is the large amount of variety. If you want hot climate to live in, then there is Arizona for you. If you want a nice cool climate with great views where you might want to ski in the winter then there is Colorado for you. If you want to live in a city there is NYC. The amount of locations containing many opportunities in the United States is just endless.

In Canada the population is only 30 million with only few major cities. The only cities I like in Canada are Vancouver and Toronto. Vancouver is a great place, in total honesty it is a very friendly all around city. Other cities such as Calgary and Edmonton do not really have a busting economy and I really do not like the idea of moving to Quebec. I'm not saying Canada is a bad country, it's a very good one, Marvelous even. Though if I could move to the United States that would be even better since in my eyes it's a country I will feel more happy and settled in. All of my family live there also... so that pretty much sums up why.
I wonder if our fate has now been decided by way of the random drawing by KCC? It's so unfortunate that we have to wait so long to find out. They really should revise the process to enable applicants to at least find out if they were selected within 1 month.

@WIN DV; I really agree with u. Y do we av to wait 4 over five month to be able to know our faith. With the modern technology which they av , they ought to av been thru within one month. Well, we still av to wait cos they are only trying to assist the world. Wat they are doing right now is worth commendable. They are other countries that can do as much as US, but refuse to come out to help the world. This time Lottery was just 4 one month. Maybe the number of applicant might be few thereby giving greater chance for higher selection. I beliv the higher the applicant, the more difficult and strict it will become for thier selection. Lets keep our fingers cross and hope for the best., atleast the result wont be posted anymore.
Dv lottery for 2012

Hello Guys, This is the total number of applications that was received for the just concluded visa lottery for 2012 according to a US journal report. I guess the number continues to rise everyday despite the reduction of the entry date.

A record 15 million people around the world this year entered America's green-card lottery, an immigration program that offers a quick path to legal, permanent U.S. residence for 50,000 people a year—selected purely by the luck of the draw.

The so-called "diversity visa program" lottery drew nearly 25% more entries than last year, according to the State Department. The limit of 50,000 green-card recipients through the program was established years ago by Congress. Some lawmakers are now calling for an end to the program.

Here is a lottery that offers something priceless- a coveted U.S. green card. WSJ's Miriam Jordan reports on the Diversity Visa Program.
The annual lottery creates a buzz across the developing world. Applicants from Kenya to Khazakstan brave lines at Internet kiosks to fill out electronic entries. In the final hours of the month-long enrollment period, which this year closed Nov. 3, entries were rolling in at the rate of 62,000 an hour.
WOW!! I won't be surprised if they cease this program.
Hello Guys, This is the total number of applications that was received for the just concluded visa lottery for 2012 according to a US journal report. I guess the number continues to rise everyday despite the reduction of the entry date.

A record 15 million people around the world this year entered America's green-card lottery, an immigration program that offers a quick path to legal, permanent U.S. residence for 50,000 people a year—selected purely by the luck of the draw.

The so-called "diversity visa program" lottery drew nearly 25% more entries than last year, according to the State Department. The limit of 50,000 green-card recipients through the program was established years ago by Congress. Some lawmakers are now calling for an end to the program.

Here is a lottery that offers something priceless- a coveted U.S. green card. WSJ's Miriam Jordan reports on the Diversity Visa Program.
The annual lottery creates a buzz across the developing world. Applicants from Kenya to Khazakstan brave lines at Internet kiosks to fill out electronic entries. In the final hours of the month-long enrollment period, which this year closed Nov. 3, entries were rolling in at the rate of 62,000 an hour.
WOW!! I won't be surprised if they cease this program.
I checked the www.state.travel.gov website and found that they have given the total number of applicants for the DV lottery. In the visa statistics section – immigrant visas visa statistics they have a table of total visa applications for 2007-2012 and total entries for each country. The total Number of Diversity Visa Applicants for year 2012 is as follows:

Entrants =14,768,659
Derivatives (wife and child (ren) =4,903,609
Total =19,672,268
Check out the website for information on how many people applied in your country.

Conserning case numbers, there are some who have more numbers than alphabets and others vise versa. I saw a confirmation number of one of the individuals in either the nigeria or ghana forum having stated his confirmation number with a mixture of a lot of numeric digits and few numbers. Actually it was only 3 alphabets and 13 numberic digits; 2012 3 numeric digits 13 alphabets = 16. Others i know have a mixture of 13 alphabets and 3 numeric digits; 2012 3 alphabets 13 numeric digits = 16

In the form section of the www.state.travel.gov website, they have made an announcement that they are going to gradually replace form DS 230 with online registration form DS 260. They have further stated countries that they are going to begin with and will gradually add others. Check out the section for more information.

We should thoroughly prepare for anything concerning the DV lottery process.

This is good information. It is noted that there was a decrease of 70 applicants for my country for FY-2012 vs. FY-2011.
I checked the www.state.travel.gov website and found that they have given the total number of applicants for the DV lottery. In the visa statistics section – immigrant visas visa statistics they have a table of total visa applications for 2007-2012 and total entries for each country. The total Number of Diversity Visa Applicants for year 2012 is as follows:

Entrants =14,768,659
Derivatives (wife and child (ren) =4,903,609
Total =19,672,268
Check out the website for information on how many people applied in your country.

Conserning case numbers, there are some who have more numbers than alphabets and others vise versa. I saw a confirmation number of one of the individuals in either the nigeria or ghana forum having stated his confirmation number with a mixture of a lot of numeric digits and few numbers. Actually it was only 3 alphabets and 13 numberic digits; 2012 3 numeric digits 13 alphabets = 16. Others i know have a mixture of 13 alphabets and 3 numeric digits; 2012 3 alphabets 13 numeric digits = 16

In the form section of the www.state.travel.gov website, they have made an announcement that they are going to gradually replace form DS 230 with online registration form DS 260. They have further stated countries that they are going to begin with and will gradually add others. Check out the section for more information.

We should thoroughly prepare for anything concerning the DV lottery process.

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