I've also been a student in the US for 4 years, and I desperately, desperately, desperately need this green card. However, when applying there is no option where you can share this information or explain to them your situation. I really don't understand why they made this a lottery and don't decide on a case by case basis. I could have written a killer essay. But now I'm left with a 0.05% chance of a possible life.
It's funny when you think that the US was originally made out of people from different countries coming together, but now they've locked their borders and aren't allowing anymore (deserving) people in. Not exactly sure how is it my fault that my grandfather had more important things to do back home than leave everything and sail to America.
Right, you know there are plenty of people who couldn't even afford studying in the states ( like me for instance)and the lottery is their only chance. It's a bit selfish of you saying they should give priority to guys like you. That wouldn't be a lottery then..And I think, having studied there for 4 years, you've got plenty of ways to stay..at least more than I do that's for sure. I'm not saying it's easy, but the fact that you've been there for so long and graduate with american diploma, is already a huge plus..
That essay idea made me laugh, you know others would've done that too lol) And if they decided yours wasn't good enough, what would you do then.. Beg Obama to let you stay ? lol don't be silly man.
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