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DV-2012 -- Looking for people who applied on Oct 5 or 6 and WAS NOT selected


Registered Users (C)
Just trying to collect some statistics here. If you have a copy of the submission confirmation web page that contains the confirmation number and the date/time of the submission (like in the example below) or remember that information, please let me know.

I don't need your confirmation numbers, or any other personal information, just submission date (and time, if you have it).

Please respond only if you WERE NOT selected.

Your entry for the 2012 Diversity Visa Lottery Program Lottery Entry
Form was received on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 11:35:10 PM EDT.
Please do not close this window until you have printed this
confirmation page or made a record of your Confirmation Number.
no need this, just simple mathematics...
14.7 millions entries without deriviatives...
Concidering that each single day recieved the exact same amount of entries like DOS like to think & which it's not, that would make 14.7/30 = 0.49 = 490 000 peoples each dayss (concidering each days getting the exact same amount of entries which it is wrong, the first day get the higest entries because most peoples want to be sure they applied in time...)

So 490 000 entries per day
now, they said 90% of the selectees were from the first 2 days (while i believe that the vast majority of the entrant are at the very begining...), that mean 90 000 selectees for day 1 & day 2... that is even less than what a single day get on an average... meaning that (DOS logic) 45% comes from day 1... 45 000 from day one out of 490 000... not even 10% meaning that it was random because it chosed 10% of all the entrans from day 1 (according to DOS logic in which every single day has the same amount of entries)... thoses who says it wasn't random either do not know what random means or are biased...
DOS have that strange logic that each dayss recieved the exact same amount of entries while i am 100% sure that Day 1 & 2 got a huuuuge amount of entries...

What DOS should have done is to calculate each amount of entries each days recied & then they would know if the computer had a glitch or not...
I am sure that the vast majority applied on day 1 & 2
Just trying to collect some statistics here. If you have a copy of the submission confirmation web page that contains the confirmation number and the date/time of the submission (like in the example below) or remember that information, please let me know.

I don't need your confirmation numbers, or any other personal information, just submission date (and time, if you have it).

Please respond only if you WERE NOT selected.

Your entry for the 2012 Diversity Visa Lottery Program Lottery Entry
Form was received on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 11:35:10 PM EDT.
Please do not close this window until you have printed this
confirmation page or made a record of your Confirmation Number.
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I can't upload the image, there's a problem with the attachment manager...
Here are the details:
entered Wednesday, October 6 2010 at 2:50:20 AM EDT
According to http://www.govorimpro.us/showthread.php?t=28753&page=5 , 177 out of 1000 participated submitted on October 5th or 6th (that is 1/6) for Europe. Out of those 177 102 won and 75 did not win. My guess would be that those 102 have small rank numbers and were published first. The rest of winners (75) had larger rank numbers and were not published yet, but were expected to appear as winners later (with almost no chance to get the visa though, because their rank number is large).
1/6 of 1000 is 167.
102 of 177 is 57.6%
I can't upload the image, there's a problem with the attachment manager...
Here are the details:
entered Wednesday, October 6 2010 at 2:50:20 AM EDT

great, and do you have that information for your wife's application?
DV2012 The last two days entries received by KCC was 1.5m entries,while on a daily statistic entries received, 65 000 per hour.
Mr. White requested this information:

"If you have a spouse, friend, or parent who was NOT selected, but submitted on October 5th or 6th **and has proof**, please e-mail to Kenneth White" (e-mail deleted)