hello sai-473, this is what capeolive gathered by Feb, 2010 in the post #1,244 of {dv2010 AOS only}
i quote:
“Hi friends,
This is what I have gathered of FY 2010 Process:
FY 2010
DV AOS Processing Times
by Cut-Off Dates
cooldude (Jacksonville, FL)-----October-----------2.1 Months
hek121 (Baltimore, MD)--------October-----------2.2 Months
bluet41 (Baltimore, MD)--------October-----------2.6 Months
simpleman (Minnpls, MN)-------October-----------3.0 Months
agentsmith (Seattle, WA)------October-----------3.1 Months
vzla (Virginia Beach, VA)-------October-----------3.2 Months
june620 (New York, NY) -------October-----------3.3 Months
happy2010 (Lax, CA)----------October-----------4.0 Months
jlaw (San Francisco, CA)------October-----------4.2 Months
yaku (Miami, FL)--------------October-----------5.1 Months
shasha88 (Montana)----------October-----------8.3 Months
daima (Jacksonville, FL)-------November---------2.1 Months
iceman (Charleston, SC)------November---------5.1 Months
zapatos (New York, NY) ------November---------5.9 Months
i2009 (Philadelphia, PA)-------November---------7.5 Months
thomen (W. Palm Beach, FL)--December---------3.1 Months
marley (Chicago, IL)----------December---------3.1 Months
gagaun (Dallas, TX)----------December---------3.2 Months
cm1979 (Las Vegas, NV)-----December---------3.6 Months
ayataf (Philadelphia, PA)-----December---------3.9 Months
bentlebee (Tampa, FL)-------December--------4.1 Months
chivik (Jacksonville, FL)------December--------6.2 Months
sogdian (Washington DC)-----December-------7.5 Months
middle (Denver, CO)----------January---------2.1 Months
bianfid (Nebraska)------------January---------2.6 Months
ahad (Nashville, TN)----------January---------2.7 Months
gdh (Orlando, FL)------------January---------3.0 Months
antar45 (Dallas, TX)----------February--------2.6 Months
ewokra (Boston, MA)---------February--------4.5 Months
schneidi (San Diago, CA)-----February--------6.1 Months
jasmine182 (Houston, TX)----March----------2.9 Months
houselight (Boston, MA)------March----------3.3 Months
norkira (Detroit, MI)----------April-----------1.9 Months
nepal2010 (Dallas, TX)-------April------------2.5 Months
olsson (Phoenix, AZ)---------April------------3.1 Months
2010forme (Orange Cnty, CA)-April-----------3.3 Months
x2010x (Chicago, IL)---------April-----------3.7 Months
capeolive (Philadelphia, PA)--April------------4.2 Months
new one (New York, NY)-----May------------4.0 Months
teamworks (Washington, DC)-June-----------2.6 Months
latigrenoire (Charleston, SC)--June-----------4.2 Months
insaneanil (New Orleans, LA)--July-----------2.6 Months
leongsce (Lax, CA)-----------July-----------3.3 Months
shariifka (Miami, FL)----------July-----------4.2 Months
littlejohn (Boston, MA)-------August--------2.0 Months
zubi (New Orleans, LA)-------August--------2.0 Months
chooti (Pitsburgh, PA)--------August--------2.3 Months
zuno (Lax, CA)---------------August--------2.3 Months
winee10 (Colombus, OH)------August--------2.3 Months
summet (Houston, TX)--------August--------2.5 Months
damus (Baltimore, MD)--------September-----1.5 Months
mitondaw (NY/CA)------------September ----1.9 Months
frencfic (Miami, FL)----------September-----2.8 Months
Last edited by capeolive; 29th September 2010 at 08:26 PM. “
Personally, I would like to thank him/her for this great job. thank you capeolive very much
P.S. every one is different and this might not apply to your case. it just gives us a better idea about how could the time vary from one case to another.
I will suggest for CP, I have seen in forum, one person get rejected due to not having current for their case and usually it take at least 3 months to get your GC after your case is current.