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DV 2012 Applicants and Lucky Winners

I think DOS might be fooling the world,i dont think there was a random redrawer,i dont think so.cos many of the 5th and 6th won and DOS is claiming again that there was redrawer,but why all these?there is a big hidden secret about this DOS random.
I believe to my eyes, I don't see any winners, not from the first dates, neither from other period.
I'm sure and i know for a fact that people have applyed at different dates. I don't see any winning cases from november.
But i see some few wins from ex-winners. It looks ridiculous. Because from all what we can see there are 2 wins from those 22000 and 4 from other dates (yet nobody proved it by print screen).
False statistic.

I am a member of another forum. We have a few winners there:3 new ones and 1 re-selected. All submitted in different dates.
Again there is roughly 1:66 chance of winning. If there are 66 members on this forum, then there could be just one winner. OR even NONE.
Winning is not the NORM!
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@delit2727 your posts are seen clearly are you new to this forum?but why defending DOS?dont you see that the reults could not be fair randomized?i said that i know of somebody who entered over 200 entries on different dates and none win.
@delit2727 your posts are seen clearly are you new to this forum?but why defending DOS?dont you see that the reults could not be fair randomized?i said that i know of somebody who entered over 200 entries on different dates and none win.

Okay guys, can you please, let me know what your concern is with the validity of the results? You are all over the place. Put the emotions away and write it in one sentence.

@Arekee: Statistically, there will be 1 winner in about 66 entrees from Europe/Africa. For Asia, the number is even lower about 1:180. It's not hard to see how it is possible to have no selectee in 200 people.
We aren't living in a Century in Stone, people discovered by themselves how to apply mostly by using such forums.
Sure not all the people would share their private information, but I have seen how many people shared it on may 1, now I can see just a few wins,
yet no winning cases from november.
Winning is not a norm, but it says there would be 100000 winners, now it looks like not a norm with 6-7 wins from forums.
And it's all very clear.

What is you concern? One sentence. I cannot follow your logic. Put aside your emotions.
Where did you see no logic and emotions? In which sentence?
I just telling what I see. And everybody else see. You are the only one here who seems to be blind.

Okay. What do you see? Nice and easy I do not want to argue with you we are on the same side.
Answer this question: Why do you think the results are not random?
I'm not going to reply the same thing to you, since you probably doesn't read my post if keep questioning the same thing over and over.
I see the same thing as when i wrote for the first time that may 1 results was not truelly random.

I couldn't understand your posts before because they were all aver the place and there were many grammatical mistakes.
Your concern seems to be that there are no winners on this forum? Well, there are 2-3 as of right now. Which seems about right. I would't expect more than that.
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English is not my native language and it's very late here, I think my english is good.
Not too bad to not understand what I mean, and what other people trying to say to you.
I repeat that i'm not going to reply the same thing to you, evern if you will admit some little mistakes in my english. Go read again.
You didn't provide any facts to your point of view , instead of me. I still don't see any new winners, no winners from november and other dates, nobody of those 3 people proved their win.

Yes, your English is pretty bad. Not horrible but not great. However, the problem is that you are just rambling and interjecting with some emotional statements every other line. There are 100,000 or so selectees. The normal thing is to have about 1-2 old members of this forum win every year. This has been the case so far. After a day or two new winners find out about this forum and join. As simple as that.