• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2012 AOS Only



My family took interview today and got "decision" notice this evening. We are expecting
to get green cards in 2 weeks!! Thank you for all of your support.
Here is our experience.

Our appointment was 8:30am. We went there at 8:10am. About 20 people
had already waited at the office.
We put our interview invitation letter on the "appointment check-in" counter.
We waited around 20-30 min. Then, an officer called our names.
We went to her office at the same time. She is very nice and professional.

First we raised our right hands and took the oath.

She asked us couple of questions.
+What do you do?
+What is your company's name?
+What kinds of visa do you have? Are these in status?
+Could you show me the proof of marriage?
(I showed a photo of our wedding and marriage certificate.)
+Do you have original documents of your marriage certificate with your own language?
+Yes/No question from I485 (crime, drugs, terrorism etc..)
+Do you have employment status document?

To my wife
+What do you do?
+Yes/No question from I485 (crime, drugs, terrorism etc..)

To my child
+How old are you?
+What school do you go to?

Then, she asked me to provide I797 (L1 visa approval letter). I did not know what I797 is.
So, I answered....."I have some documents related to L1 visa at home. But I am not sure
these are I797 or not." Before the meeting, I told my family that the only thing we need to do
today is just to tell the truth. If we do not know the answers, then, we would simply say
"we do not know." So, I told the truth that I do not know what I797 is and I may or may not
have one at home.
I asked her whether I can come back to the office today. She kindly said "yes."
Today, PC at the immigration office was very slow. When we finished our interview, it
was already 10am.

Then, we came home and found out that the document I have is I797. I took copy of it
and came back to the immigration office.
When I arrived at the immigration office again, I wondered whether I could enter again
or not because all I have is just a post-it memo from my officer. But, security guy
remembered my face and he let me in.
I went to the "appointment check-in" counter again and showed her memo and
said that "I would like to talk with her." I waited for her at the office and met her again
and submitted I797.

She said that green card will be sent in 2 weeks!!! It was around 2:20pm.

Around 4:45pm, I got text message. It said... "Your case is updated. Check "My case Status.""
I went home and found out that our status moved from "Initial review" to "Decision"
It says...."we had registered customer's new permanent resident status."

We are very happy!!!

Thank you again and good luck, everyone!!

Am very happy for you and your family! Congratulations! I've been checking a few times to see the progress.

My family took interview today and got "decision" notice this evening. We are expecting
to get green cards in 2 weeks!! Thank you for all of your support.


We are very happy!!!

Thank you again and good luck, everyone!!

Congratulations Max. Thanks for sharing your experience.

I know I need to put my signature ...........
Biometrics done on Feb 08; Waiting for interview letters
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My Interview Experience.

First of all I must start by saying that the best thing I did to myself was FILING EARLY. I have often wondered why I did not wait but today am so happy that I did so. Filing early is now he moral of my experience.

Entry on Jan. 18 2002 - B1/B2. Visa valid 1 year, multiple entry. I94 valid for 3 months.
4/16/02: Filed I539 to change from B1 to F1
4/18/02: I-94 expired. Same date I-539 recpt date.
Apr. 02 to May 05= denials, appeals, motions to reopen, letters etc till approval.
Sept. 05 to Apr. 10: School as F1 (plus I gave birth to a few daughters and sons)
April 2010: OPT EAD received (applied 3 weeks before)
May 2010: Graduation - Masters
Aug. 2010: concurrent filing of I-360 (R1) and I-485
Sept. 2010: bio
May 2011: renewed EAD received PLUS DV2012 win and voided results.
Jul. 2011: DV2012 win again.
Sept. 2011: concurrent I-360/I-485 denied. Just denial email.
Oct. 2011: DV I-485 filed. Rejected due to missing signature. Refiled. Accepted.
(details of this on my signature)
Current status: not even sure.
End of Oct. 2011: Notice of denial for the I360/I485 received by mail 36 days later. (DV I485 refiled n accepted as per my signature)

Today's detailed interview:

Arrival at 7:15 AM parked and went on the back door waiting line for attorneys. At 7:30 AM doors were open and a few people from the front line building were told to come to the back door line since the front door line was so long and the back door was only about 8 people. In the building, we were of course stripped and people joked that it's like an airport without planes, and the security guy said "this is the Federal Building, so if we detain you, at least you won't miss your flight" everyone laughed.*

Elevator won't stop in 13th floor so went to 14th and Security told me that USCIS MOVED.*
7:45 - gave my appointment letter to receptionist. 2 other people waiting. One waiting for his attorney, one waiting for his clients.*

8:00AM - speakers announced my name (first to be called in) and immediately I felt like going to the bathroom with a running stomach. I braved my way to the door and officer led me to his very nice large window office. (I later came to learn he's like the head for DV cases or supervisor something) note: he was very knowledgable about DV process, other processes and applications of laws.*

IO: raise your right hand...swearing. Then he sat me down . Asked for my passport and I gave him, asked for the one with visa...I didn't have it then he asked me if I renewed while in the US and he was satisfied but I had a copy of the visa I used to enter here...and honest to say started grilling me. With plain antagonism and I knew better to remain calm

IO: what is your immigration status. (I told him...F1, then OPT, then attempted R1 that was denied, then in place of appealing, I started a fresh with DV case coz the notice was taking too long to get to me and I had only 33 days to file while in lawful presence).*
IO: your DV I485 was filed too late to close the gap. (me: I had filed before but it was rejected. ) why? (me: I think I forgot to sign). Can I see the rejection notice? (me:yes, I have it).*Before I gave it out, he went on and on...really rough on me that I was out of status bla bla bla
THE ROOM WAS TENSE AT THIS POINT and I didn't know what to do or say.*

IO started explaining how DV works and if I may have fallen out of lawful presence during the F1,R1, and DV filing last few months of last year, such a person does not qualify. (me: Sir, I can confidently tell you that I have not fallen out of status at any given time during my past years here. *I worked very hard to ensure that it did not happen. You must be mistaken...I remained calm with a smile though my stomach was queezy to run to bathroom!).*

IO: you seem pretty confident about that. Do you have that notice when you were rejected? (I had taken it out but couldn't find it on the table with other papers. Then he started looking for his notes, and he couldn't find them either so he asked me "I had notes on a piece of paper, that's what am looking for..." just when I found my letter, he also found his notes hehehe! IO continued explaining things to me and I listened as he concluded the interview. (the most helpless moment)

Then my voice came up (ive been sore, can barely be heard) and I responded with a chuckle "so I didn't even need to take that flu shot that made me sick?" he chuckled back "why did you take a flu shot? Do you have new medicals?" me: I thought you would ask for it, and wanted to ensure you had all you needed. IO: Why would I ask for it when the flu season is over? We laughed... As he looked at the notice of rejection from October covering the gap in dates.*
I asked him "so what happens next? (As I picked up my papers with disbelief) He started repeating himself on KCC file and visa availability....I was almost getting up to leave.

ALL OF A SUDDEN, HE CHANGED...I felt like I had a different person in the room.*( AND THE CREDIT FOR THIS CHANGE GOES TO THE HOLY SPIRIT! Only Holy Spirits presence can do this change)

He asked me for the I-94 and stapled it to a file. IO: let me see your degrees (do you want originals, copies or both?) IO: originals. I started with the Masters, then my Professional Degree, then my Bachelors. He looked at them and gave me back. Asked for original birth certificate, I gave him and he gave me back. Asked for that letter that was rejected again (which turns out to be a life saver) and asked if I had a copy, (no) then he said that we would make copies on our way out. I stood to leave and he said "wait a minute" then he said that since visa number is not yet available, he would request for a visa for me. The other issue was that he is the only person who requests for files from KCC and he did so. Received all the other files but a blank folder labelled with my name. We both laughed...disguised at why they sent a blank folder. He said that all he needed was my original entry, but might get it by the end of the day. In the meantime, he said that he would close any gaps on my lawful presence in the afternoon as we wait for a visa.*he showed me the request to KCC marked "EXTREMELY URGENT". (by the way people ... KCC still claim that they never got a request!)

IO: Let me ask you a few questions so that I don't have to call you back. Have you ever done this or that ... All answers were no. Then he confirmed my address and phone number. Asked if my husband won the lottery and I said "we both won the first time, but the second drawing I won alone". Then he asked if my husband was part of my application and I told him " no, we decided to have one person at a time... ". Then he asked me if I worked and I said yes. He asked for a recent paystub and kept it.*

He said that I have everything they are looking for, I am very highly educated and that is something they look for and he also murmured that I make too much money which is great and we both chuckled. He called out the name of the company I work for and asked me "after this are you going to leave them?" I said, "yes, of course after today I can do so much more with this outcome, so yes". We both smiled...even if I lied to him...it's obvious that a professional like me works where am working for lack of GC though they give me a 6 figure salary... plus, I try to live a life which gives me no reason to lie....

Approved pending KCC file and visa number (which he would request...or wait for bulletin) on condition that I've not been out of status.
Then he said "I have a good feeling that all will go well"

Any questions? He asked. (yes, I would love to travel immediately, how can I do that and be assured to come back) he told me AP but (according to him) takes 1.5 months and threw his hands up like that's too much of a wait. They process APs on the spot via infopass and he told me how. I told him that I didn't think I would travel soon so only filed for AP last week. He checked the system, and it was not there but I told him that it was only received last Thursday and this was a long weekend. He explained that if one has been out of status, going out can trigger a bar of 3 or 10 years... "but in your case, it won't trigger anything because you haven't been out of status" {my mind went, is this the same man I was with 45 minutes ago claiming that I was out of status?}

We left and made copies by the copier and I joked that I carried the whole house of documents. He joked back that of I didn't carry, that was when he would ask for them.*

8:50 AM - Parking $11 bucks! What!

If I remember anything else...will edit.
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Hey makeiteasier.

The guy didn't make it easy for you at all. It seems he grilled you pretty good. It's all good in the end. Congratulations.
First of all I must start by saying that the best thing I did to myself was FILING EARLY. I have often wondered why I did not wait but today am so happy that I did so. Filing early is now he moral of my experience.


Do I read your DV # correct? is it AF 40k something? which would not be current till May-June??

And, you did not file for your husband concurrent derivative i-485 ? and he is in a visa category that if needed would give you derivative non-imm visa status?

IF YES....

I hope with all your past visa exp. and newly gained DV 'system' knowledge YOU FILED EARLY with full knowledge of the consequences, and that you have plan B,C,D in place.

In short, your DV will NOT get approved and ISSUED until at least May 1st.
And in the meantime (as happened to few ppl in past yrs. who filed early and had 'early' intvws.), the officer will get NEW knowledge about the DV visa filing requirements and your application MAY most probably be rejected !

Not trying to be pessimistic here, but to be realistic. Have some back-up plans for sure. Under your visa circumstances and if get rejected you will not be able to re-file in US, your best bet is to go for CP.

Again, I hope I did not read you DV# incorrect!


Do I read your DV # correct? is it AF 40k something? which would not be current till May-June??

And, you did not file for your husband concurrent derivative i-485 ? and he is in a visa category that if needed would give you derivative non-imm visa status?

IF YES....

I hope with all your past visa exp. and newly gained DV 'system' knowledge YOU FILED EARLY with full knowledge of the consequences, and that you have plan B,C,D in place.

In short, your DV will NOT get approved and ISSUED until at least May 1st.
And in the meantime (as happened to few ppl in past yrs. who filed early and had 'early' intvws.), the officer will get NEW knowledge about the DV visa filing requirements and your application MAY most probably be rejected !

Not trying to be pessimistic here, but to be realistic. Have some back-up plans for sure. Under your visa circumstances and if get rejected you will not be able to re-file in US, your best bet is to go for CP.

Again, I hope I did not read you DV# incorrect!



She took a risk and I strongly believe it paid off. Someone in DV 2011 had a similar situation with visa # available in June 2011 but filed in Oct 2010 and was not rejected. The difference is that the person's interview was scheduled at the time visa # was available rather than earlier as in Makeiteasier's case. Some speculated that his file will be rejected due to early filing. He waited for more than 7 months to getting an IL. You can read the DV 2011 thread in the months of May- July 2011. Makeiteasier only now needs to exercise patience for her # to be current something in May/ June. She will be just fine as I said earlier.
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@itmatters2012 - congratulations on your interview letter! I noticed your signature :)

@NuvF - no worries, you don't sound pessimistic. I appreciate. He was aware of the early filing and I explained the choice I had to make ... Either file early n through a few rejections finally make it, or not file early and disqualify myself by running out of status. He actually had felt I did not file early enough but the previous rejected filing bridged the gap.

You're right on my number...it is over 40k and pending visa# availability. If he requests and am given well and good, otherwise it will be May or June...which is around the corner anyway. If I didn't have the risk of running out of lawful presence, I would still wait till then anyhow but at least now I qualify coz of filing early. N in the worst case scenarios, he decides to reject (which he will not) ... It's just rejection, and I can still file again as long as I get it by Sept. 30th.

My plan A and B: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path"

Please realize that due to serious fraudulent cases lying around R1 applications in recent years of investigations, it IS A BIG DEAL to go before them with a denied R1. I think that's the reason I was given the most informed person in higher ranks on these petitions. However, when it was clear that my R1 wasn't denied due to investigation outcome or anything...I think he relaxed. Google recent R1 applications.

REALISTICALLY: Right now, I dont feel a worry - I've done my part and the rest is in God's hands. He sure didn't bring us this far to leave us here...and the day I went for my B1 visa, there were thousands of other more deserving people seeking visas that date, but He decided that I would be the one to get it. Once HE is done with me living in the USA, it will not take the USCIS...He sure can give me a strong desire to pack up my family and leave...so am not bothered at all as long as my life is hid with Christ in God. My steps are ordered of God...and my children will be raised where He chooses. I was born AF but wasn't raised in that continent either...and upon growing up, left the continent I was raised and moved to a different continent....and here I am with children born in a totally different one.

And in the meantime (as happened to few ppl in past yrs. who filed early and had 'early' intvws.), the officer will get NEW knowledge about the DV visa filing requirements and your application MAY most probably be rejected!

By the way, there is not one person in past couple of years who was rejected after the interview for early filing. Not one.

First of all I must start by saying that the best thing I did to myself was FILING EARLY. I have often wondered why I did not wait but today am so happy that I did so. Filing early is now he moral of my experience.

Entry on Jan. 18 2002 - B1/B2. Visa valid 1 year, multiple entry. I94 valid for 3 months.*
4/16/02: Filed I539 to change from B1 to F1
4/18/02: I-94 expired. Same date I-539 recpt date.*
Apr. 02 to May 05= denials, appeals, motions to reopen, letters etc till approval.*
Sept. 05 to Apr. 10: School as F1 (plus I gave birth to a few daughters and sons)
April 2010: OPT EAD received (applied 3 weeks before)
May 2010: Graduation - Masters
Aug. 2010: concurrent filing of I-360 (R1) and I-485
Sept. 2010: bio
May 2011: renewed EAD received PLUS DV2012 win and voided results.*
Jul. 2011: DV2012 win again.*
Sept. 2011: concurrent I-360/I-485 denied. Just denial email.*
Oct. 2011: DV I-485 filed. Rejected due to missing signature. Refiled. Accepted.*
(details of this on my signature)
Current status: not even sure.*
End of Oct. 2011: Notice of denial received by mail 36 days later.*

Today's detailed interview:

Arrival at 7:15 AM parked and went on the back door waiting line for attorneys. At 7:30 AM doors were open and a few people from the front line building were told to come to the back door line since the front door line was so long and the back door was only about 8 people. In the building, we were of course stripped and people joked that it's like an airport without planes, and the security guy said "this is the Federal Building, so if we detain you, at least you won't miss your flight" everyone laughed.*

Elevator won't stop in 13th floor so went to 14th and Security told me that USCIS MOVED.*
7:45 - gave my appointment letter to receptionist. 2 other people waiting. One waiting for his attorney, one waiting for his clients.*

8:00AM - speakers announced my name (first to be called in) and immediately I felt like going to the bathroom with a running stomach. I braved my way to the door and officer led me to his very nice large window office. (I later came to learn he's like the head for DV cases or supervisor something) note: he was very knowledgable about DV process, other processes and applications of laws.*

IO: raise your right hand...swearing. Then he sat me down . Asked for my passport and I gave him, asked for the one with visa...I didn't have it then he asked me if I renewed while in the US and he was satisfied but I had a copy of the visa I used to enter here...and honest to say started grilling me. With plain antagonism and I knew better to remain calm

IO: what is your immigration status. (I told him...F1, then OPT, then attempted R1 that was denied, then in place of appealing, I started a fresh with DV case coz the notice was taking too long to get to me and I had only 33 days to file while in lawful presence).*
IO: your DV I485 was filed too late to close the gap. (me: I had filed before but it was rejected. ) why? (me: I think I forgot to sign). Can I see the rejection notice? (me:yes, I have it).*Before I gave it out, he went on and on...really rough on me that I was out of status bla bla bla
THE ROOM WAS TENSE AT THIS POINT and I didn't know what to do or say.*

IO started explaining how DV works and if I may have fallen out of lawful presence during the F1,R1, and DV filing last few months of last year, such a person does not qualify. (me: Sir, I can confidently tell you that I have not fallen out of status at any given time during my past years here. *I worked very hard to ensure that it did not happen. You must be mistaken...I remained calm with a smile though my stomach was queezy to run to bathroom!).*

IO: you seem pretty confident about that. Do you have that notice when you were rejected? (I had taken it out but couldn't find it on the table with other papers. Then he started looking for his notes, and he couldn't find them either so he asked me "I had notes on a piece of paper, that's what am looking for..." just when I found my letter, he also found his notes hehehe! IO continued explaining things to me and I listened as he concluded the interview. (the most helpless moment)

Then my voice came up (ive been sore, can barely be heard) and I responded with a chuckle "so I didn't even need to take that flu shot that made me sick?" he chuckled back "why did you take a flu shot? Do you have new medicals?" me: I thought you would ask for it, and wanted to ensure you had all you needed. IO: Why would I ask for it when the flu season is over? We laughed... As he looked at the notice of rejection from October covering the gap in dates.*
I asked him "so what happens next? (As I picked up my papers with disbelief) He started repeating himself on KCC file and visa availability....I was almost getting up to leave.

ALL OF A SUDDEN, HE CHANGED...I felt like I had a different person in the room.*( AND THE CREDIT FOR THIS CHANGE GOES TO THE HOLY SPIRIT! Only Holy Spirits presence can do this change)

He asked me for the I-94 and stapled it to a file. IO: let me see your degrees (do you want originals, copies or both?) IO: originals. I started with the Masters, then my Professional Degree, then my Bachelors. He looked at them and gave me back. Asked for original birth certificate, I gave him and he gave me back. Asked for that letter that was rejected again (which turns out to be a life saver) and asked if I had a copy, (no) then he said that we would make copies on our way out. I stood to leave and he said "wait a minute" then he said that since visa number is not yet available, he would request for a visa for me. The other issue was that he is the only person who requests for files from KCC and he did so. Received all the other files but a blank folder labelled with my name. We both laughed...disguised at why they sent a blank folder. He said that all he needed was my original entry, but might get it by the end of the day. In the meantime, he said that he would close any gaps on my lawful presence in the afternoon as we wait for a visa.*he showed me the request to KCC marked "EXTREMELY URGENT". (by the way people ... KCC still claim that they never got a request!)

IO: Let me ask you a few questions so that I don't have to call you back. Have you ever done this or that ... All answers were no. Then he confirmed my address and phone number. Asked if my husband won the lottery and I said "we both won the first time, but the second drawing I won alone". Then he asked if my husband was part of my application and I told him " no, we decided to have one person at a time... ". Then he asked me if I worked and I said yes. He asked for a recent paystub and kept it.*

He said that I have everything they are looking for, I am very highly educated and that is something they look for and he also murmured that I make too much money which is great and we both chuckled. He called out the name of the company I work for and asked me "after this are you going to leave them?" I said, "yes, of course after today I can do so much more with this outcome, so yes". We both smiled...even if I lied to him...it's obvious that a professional like me works where am working for lack of GC though they give me a 6 figure salary... plus, I try to live a life which gives me no reason to lie....

Approved pending KCC file and visa number (which he would request...or wait for bulletin) on condition that I've not been out of status.
Then he said "I have a good feeling that all will go well"

Any questions? He asked. (yes, I would love to travel immediately, how can I do that and be assured to come back) he told me AP but (according to him) takes 1.5 months and threw his hands up like that's too much of a wait. They process APs on the spot via infopass and he told me how. I told him that I didn't think I would travel soon so only filed for AP last week. He checked the system, and it was not there but I told him that it was only received last Thursday and this was a long weekend. He explained that if one has been out of status, going out can trigger a bar of 3 or 10 years... "but in your case, it won't trigger anything because you haven't been out of status" {my mind went, is this the same man I was with 45 minutes ago claiming that I was out of status?}

We left and made copies by the copier and I joked that I carried the whole house of documents. He joked back that of I didn't carry, that was when he would ask for them.*

8:50 AM - Parking $11 bucks! What!

If I remember anything else...will edit.

Congrats! Your confidence paid off. Well done! In addition, they should eliminate the minimum DV requirement (high school education) if they are looking for highly educated people as mentioned in your post.

In addition, they should eliminate the minimum DV requirement (high school education) if they are looking for highly educated people as mentioned in your post.

This wouldnt be so fair, I think. What happens to all our relatives and friends who never made it that far? I would want them to be eligible by all means...I hope they do not.

@Max - Yes, it was pretty long and tough, but in the end went well.

Well, it looks like that it is going well this year. Congratulations dear friends for your successful interviews
Best Wishes to everyone else

Congratulations for a successful interview. God will surely give you a successful end.
Thanks. "To man belongs the plans, but the decision comes from the Lord".

Well, it looks like that it is going well this year. Congratulations dear friends for your successful interviews
Thanks. I pray that all goes well with everyone else remaining.

makeiteasier, Max - congratulations!

seems like quite a experience. nerves of steel Ah?
LOL! of steel :) and the concoctions of hot spices ingested over years!
Thanks though...if I was to do this whole thing again, I would do it the same same way; just that I would file on Oct. 1 not 11th and would not be nerve wrecked wishing I could push the interview... I am honestly very happy person right now. (When I told my kids this morning "everything will be alright" with so deep meaning; the innocent ones asked me "Werent they before?" hehehehe! They have no idea!!
I-485 Documents for AOS

I have few questions please help.

1) the form I94 ...Do we need to fill out a new I94 form or they are requesting to send the old one.

2) I am currently on OPT. on the I-765 application do I check (permission to accept employment) or renewal ? note that my OPT(EAD) is still valid until 07/12

thank you

I have few questions please help.

1) the form I94 ...Do we need to fill out a new I94 form or they are requesting to send the old one.

2) I am currently on OPT. on the I-765 application do I check (permission to accept employment) or renewal ? note that my OPT(EAD) is still valid until 07/12

thank you

Requesting fora COPY of the old one. I sent a copy but they took the original during my interview.

Renewal of EAD. Attach copy of the old one. Note that they might only send a new one in June before the expiry of the old one...if ur not processed yet.

Best wishes.

@Verdite - I was waiting for you to see this so I could personally thank you! Am sure you know what am talking about.