• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

Hello Berrar,
I'm from Algeria, and by the way your English is good.
I didn't send back yet the requested forms. I had a look at the bar code sheet I received and it appears that it's a plain printed US letter size paper. From here I suggest you send the forms with the copy of the bar code sheet you have. Clearly it's not a big deal, the bar code sheet is meant to accelerate the process by using a Barcode reader
And every time a barcode reader fails to read the data, it's manually entered in the system. So the worst it can get is the operator interring manually your identification data.
Good luck!

thanks for your reply....

but they said you must join the original barcode with the documents

and good luck too Mr Montreal2011DV inchallah
Hello all ,

I was selected for further processing in the diversity immigrant Visa program for year 2011

I'm from morocco

Case Number : 2011AF0003XXXX

by mistake i sent only the barcode to (U.S. department of state kentucky consular center 3505 north
highway 25 w Williamsburg KY 40769 U.S.A. ) without requiered documents as shown in ther website :
besides this i have a copy of my barcode

my question is : * can i join this copy of the barcode with my requiered documents ? Or i wait till they return to me my original barcode ?

because i didn't read carefully the instructions that i must download the DSP-122 nd DS-230 forms ......so by mistake i sent only the barcode to KKC

so please ..can someone help me for this mistake ????????? and what should I do now ????

I send an email to them nd they said :

and sorry for my bad ENGLISH


I have a couple of questions for you:

a) Is this the first time you apply?
b) What is your residence country? I mean, where did you receive the NL ?


I have a couple of questions for you:

a) Is this the first time you apply?
b) What is your residence country? I mean, where did you receive the NL ?


a) yes the first time

b) my residence country is morocco....I receive the NL in morocco
Any more winners from Asia or South East Asia with Asia address not US address ? Please kindly report. :)
Good luck to every dv 2011 participants..
God bless!!
Hi Baobab,
Congrats, you are so smart to fill the form immediately and sent back to KCC,
my spouse won the DV2011 for us and we received her NL on May the 5th with
case number 2011EU00004XXX, I hope it is a good number.
please,can you help us with an answer to the question on Pertitioner?
What do they mean by Pertitioner?
What exactly did you send back to KCC?

Thank you.
Hi Baobab,
Congrats, you are so smart to fill the form immediately and sent back to KCC,
my spouse won the DV2011 for us and we received her NL on May the 5th with
case number 2011EU00004XXX, I hope it is a good number.
please,can you help us with an answer to the question on Pertitioner?
What do they mean by Pertitioner?
What exactly did you send back to KCC?

Thank you.

my congratulations!!!

the petitioner means the applicant whoo was selected.

the documents you need to send are DSP-122, Ds-230, barcode and photos, everything should be written in the instruction they sent!
Hello good people I am a complete novice with the DV process but I've been lucky and have been selected albeit with a high case number of 2011AF00088XXX. could those of you more familiar with the DV process please help me get a feel of my chances given this high case number.
Thnx Baobab,
How did you enclose the photos? and did you write your names at the back of each photo?
I think we have a common course to follow and would be absolutely wonderful if we could always come here to share our latest development.
Which part of Europe are you?I am in Germany.I am trying to make sure that our documents are sent to KCC before the end of next week.

Obviously we received different kind of notification letters, as on my side there's no where I can read "ORIGINAL BARCODE".

Good luck! and I wish you to be among those who will get the green card.

thanks for your reply....

but they said you must join the original barcode with the documents

and good luck too Mr Montreal2011DV inchallah
Can any one help explaining me what other fees beside the $375 need to be paid.

Any feed back will be highly appreciated.


this amount is paid to DOS, and then if you are going to do AOS you will pay another amount to USCIS (this year it was 1010 per applicant) or if it's CP then you'll pay to the Embassy or Consulate.
Hi Baobab,
Congrats, you are so smart to fill the form immediately and sent back to KCC,
my spouse won the DV2011 for us and we received her NL on May the 5th with
case number 2011EU00004XXX, I hope it is a good number.
please,can you help us with an answer to the question on Pertitioner?
What do they mean by Pertitioner?
What exactly did you send back to KCC?

Thank you.
Hi Njangah,
Congratulations to you and your spouse as well.
As middle.com explained already, the petitioner is the lottery winner, i.e. your spouse in your case.
Your case number is very good. Most likely you will be current in October.

I sent back only the DSP-122 form and the barcode page. But I live in US and I am doing Adjustment of Status (AOS). Since I see you live in Germany, you will have to use Consular Processing (CP).
You need to send back form DSP-122 filled by your spouse (the lottery winner), form DS-230 part 1 and 2 for the winner and each dependent, 2 photographs for the winner and each dependent, and the barcode page.

Thnx Baobab,
How did you enclose the photos? and did you write your names at the back of each photo?
I think we have a common course to follow and would be absolutely wonderful if we could always come here to share our latest development.
Which part of Europe are you?I am in Germany.I am trying to make sure that our documents are sent to KCC before the end of next week.
Hey, those thanks should go to middle.com. He answered your questions initially.
I am from Romania, but I've been living in US for about 10 years.
So my situation is a bit different. As I said, I sent only form DSP-122. I did not include any photos.

You are in the right place here. There are many people who can provide help. I've done some reading since I received my NL, but many people went through this process already and they know it much better.
Thanks a bunch Middle.com
I see that the process is not that affordable for someone who is not sure to move to the southern neighbourhood (lol, the long lasting winters are summit of boredom and made me decide to apply for DV2011).
So correct me if I'm wrong: It's 1010 + 375 + approximately 200$ for the medical visit = 1585 $.
Since it's me and my wife so I should expect the whole fees to average : 3200 US $?

Thanks again :)

this amount is paid to DOS, and then if you are going to do AOS you will pay another amount to USCIS (this year it was 1010 per applicant) or if it's CP then you'll pay to the Embassy or Consulate.
I've got a question about chargeability on the NL?
Applying from French Polynesia in the south pacific with my birth country as France. Would I have, if I'm selected, a NL selectee number with EU or with OC region ?

How are you guys??

congrats for winners !!!

Nothing here in Japan so far...

I have a small question. I am living apartment residence with room No. each.

I wonder KCC do mistake the room No. ?? For example, my room No. 301, but KCC mistook write to 303.

Maybe they use exactly what I write as a data, not KCC people re-typing.

However, I can check on the web after July 1st anyway.

I just feel worry above thing, so I posted...

DV2010 : Nothing
DV2011 : still waiting.......
For sure EU. I'm Canadian living in Montreal, claiming with birth country Algeria, I received the NL and the CN is with AF for Africa.

Good luck!

I've got a question about chargeability on the NL?
Applying from French Polynesia in the south pacific with my birth country as France. Would I have, if I'm selected, a NL selectee number with EU or with OC region ?
Don't give up your hope, guys... This is still early to assume the worst scenario .... because we still got more weeks til early July to find out about our winning notification..
Keep having a strong faith...

Have a good awaiting days everyone..... *_*