• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

Well, good for you Boer because the future is really not so bright for an illegal immigrant but it's not that they have no chance at all—maybe they'll give them all amnesty as there's been much talk about this issue and I wouldn't be surprised if I saw some controversial move from the senate or however decides upon that. You must have been doing pretty good because it's not so easy to extend that F1 student visa every year, I once considered that option but I remember that I needed a pretty good sum of money to pay for the costs of only one year. Anyway, I truly wish you to win this year and make things a lot easier since you've already got that far. And also I can see that you too are very dedicated to this—you started checking out for news early last year (April-your Join Date). So, once again may your wishes come true this year my friend!
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Thank you for the kind words, it is much appreciated. This forum really has a bunch of nice people.
I hope things will change in the near future for immigration. Cause the illegal people just want a better life like we all do, but only way they can survive is to do low labor jobs, and stay under the radar. I saw they started free schooling in CA for illegals, and they are also now allowed to get health insurance.
Being on a F1 visa can be tough at times, and as you mentioned it is very expensive, but I am very fortunate to have a full scholarship.
Good luck to you, and I hope we all win the lottery.
Hi guys!!!! just checking to see how everyone is doing. Still a couple weeks at least before we start hearing of people receiving NLs so I'm just chilling before the madness starts..lollollol..
I really appreciate you guys and ladies (Daifa I thought you were a guy too..lol) keeping this thread going and I look forward to our good news soon.
BTW someone asked where we were all from, well I'm in Jamaica but I was born in Trinidad and Tobago.

I guess we've all mistaken Diafa for a guy, but she's already forgiven us :). One thing I'm sure—this thread wouldn't be anything interesting without her posts. I just want to underscore your appeal to keep this thread going and I warmly invite all of our fellow dv-2011 entrants to come by. I'm also glad to here that we're from so many different sides of the world united by the same dream.
I guess we've all mistaken Diafa for a guy, but she's already forgiven us :). One thing I'm sure—this thread wouldn't be anything interesting without her posts. I just want to underscore your appeal to keep this thread going and I warmly invite all of our fellow dv-2011 entrants to come by. I'm also glad to here that we're from so many different sides of the world united by the same dream.

thanks my man, i like this post, united by the same dream.

One love
THANK U SOO MUCH USA! for those words, @Joequi and @Obama U r WORDs mean a lot !!!!! and thanxxxsssss to EVERYONE to keep this thread in live and to share u r thoughts, lifes and ideas!!

@Boer :1st Congrats on ur associates & bachelor degree and soon u r Master !!!! I know university can be really tough specially when u have no family around for bad moments and supports ( financially and others) ...Specially when in add u always have to think if they will renew ur visa, and if u will stay n US!!! Im sure everything will be great soon by getting the GC and u ll be Stressfree, and be able to just think about u r education !!

Im also soo glad to hear that in CA they allowed illegals to have health insurrance and to get free school for kids !! its the least that the US can do !!!!!!! They have to do a lot more but when it come to a MONEY QUESTION....Humanity is something that no matter anymore (That is SAd!!) !!! We all r HUMANs, all deserve the best, we all do mistakes & r not perfect, for me it s hard to think that a human can still live in those conditions and be treated like this (in a wealthy country)....coz for me no human is superior than another one!!!, My parents kind of got treated this way (and still in France right now) when they immigrate in France 30 years ago, with no rights, and being analphabetic and treated like animals & dumbs ....but as much as it stays very good people in this earth who still helps each other , have a heart and still believe in god, U still can have to hope and can have a bright and good futur !!!! Specially if u believe in the AMERICAN DREAM LOL!!!!
Keep on trying to do the BEST Guys Im sure u ll succeed!!
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Thank you very much... You hit the nail right on the head. It is very stressful, and I worry about my future, since I have started a new life in the USA, and if I lose my visa I have to start all over again. I also agree about all immigrants, they should be treated as equals.

We are good people on this forum, and I am confident that good things will happen...
Hello everyone

I applied to the lottery and i'm waiting for the NL. hope god help us all ... and make the best for everyone:)
Hello Everyone,
Diafa, how was ur weekend? Mine was really really bad. It seems my emotions is failing me. My fiancee really kept me in a bad shape. I wonder if there's anything like true love anywhere.
Pls, i want the house to pray for me for strenght. Thanks alot guys!
Hello Everyone,
Diafa, how was ur weekend? Mine was really really bad. It seems my emotions is failing me. My fiancee really kept me in a bad shape. I wonder if there's anything like true love anywhere.
Pls, i want the house to pray for me for strenght. Thanks alot guys!

Hi ovicity,

Don't let your emotions fail you okay. That's how relationship is, you hardly get a smooth ride through out. Sometimes it tends to be sweet and other times it seems sour. Your ability to overcome the sour aspects makes you strong. I strongly believe there is true love but there is nothing like a perfect relationship or even marriage. You will be remembered in our prayers as requested.
Hey all.

Great thread here, sharing emotions and feelings to keep the pressure down. Well at least we are very close to start hearing from people upon receipt of the first NLs this year. The dates on the initial bulk of NLs during DV2008 was today (March 15th) and US receipents had them in their mailboxs by the 17th (the earlist I remember) so I personally start to check the lottery portals for winners starting this week every year :)

Wish all of you luck and hope that everyone on this thread receives the great white envelope this year
Hi Everybody!!!!

@NOA11 : WELCOME and thanks a lot for the wishes!!! If u can tell us where u from and since how long U ve been applying to the DV lottery It will be awesome!!! Thanxxxxxx UUU!!

@Tigerman : Thankss to share with us this news Tigerman coz i didnt know exactly when the KCC really start to print the NL!!! So we should all take a breath & lets Hope for the best !! LOL
So welcome or welcome back LOl and can I ask u the same question than NOA11 as how many times did u played and where u from ?? Thankkkk uuuuu!!!

@Ovicity : My weekend was a great...just chilling...with my friends and giving my mum a headache coz i cant stop talking about the USA and the Dv lottery ...LOL
DOnt be sad ovicity..., I think u should just move on and try to dont give her that much of ur energy ...I know it s not that easy but u have to, andnot let u r emotion failing u !!! U seems like u r very attached to her if she makes this effect on U !! Dont give her that much of attention...And if she makes u this bad go see u r friends, family someone who will cheers u up and makes u laugh !!
Life is too short to just have bad moments specially with u r girlfriend, i dont say like everything should be pink and beautiful but if u r relationship is mostly bad moments u should think a little bit about urself & be a bit selfish and if u do not see a future with her U should just move on....It will hurt but at the end it will be a bad thing for a good one!!!
Trust me it s better to be single for years than in a bad relationship !!
And BTW at this moment of my life (Im just 24), and on what i have experienced and seen around me, I m kind of not that much believing in true love, but I might change my opinion in the future...People r to much vicious, calculating, and selfish in this life, but my parents r still together since 30years and that s why I still have a bit of Faith in love so Dont GIVE UP !!!!!Think u just have to find the right girl!!!
Everything will be fine Im sure!!!!! Dont let love put u down It should be the other way, U should just always have a smile on U r face !!!!

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alexee357, diafa, tigerman and everyone in the house, i really appreciate ur prayers and support. Its not easy u know, most expecially when u are in love with someone. As much as i try to make things work 4 the both of us, she keeps on cheating on me and telling me lies. I love her so much and like u say Diafa, i'm really attached to her. I gave her my heart and my whole life. She's everything av ever dreamt of. I'm sorry about my outburst, but i'm heartbroken and its just as if i'm seeing my whole life drowning. Where do i start from my good friends? Her mother whom av helped time wihtout number is also behind her. Infact, she basically warned me yesterday not to come near her daughter anymore. I seem not to understand wat i did to the mother or the daughter. I tried my best to keep this relationship going even when i meet her with other guyz. I endup begging with tears on my eyes even wen she's at fault. She will never come to terms with me unless i beg her. She refuse doing anything for me. I do av to beg her attimes to cook 4 me. Pls house, wat av i done to deserve all this. I cried thru out the night and i'm still on tears as i'm typing this message to u. Is it a crime to LOVE someone?
alexee357, diafa, tigerman and everyone in the house, i really appreciate ur prayers and support. Its not easy u know, most expecially when u are in love with someone. As much as i try to make things work 4 the both of us, she keeps on cheating on me and telling me lies. I love her so much and like u say Diafa, i'm really attached to her. I gave her my heart and my whole life. She's everything av ever dreamt of. I'm sorry about my outburst, but i'm heartbroken and its just as if i'm seeing my whole life drowning. Where do i start from my good friends? Her mother whom av helped time wihtout number is also behind her. Infact, she basically warned me yesterday not to come near her daughter anymore. I seem not to understand wat i did to the mother or the daughter. I tried my best to keep this relationship going even when i meet her with other guyz. I endup begging with tears on my eyes even wen she's at fault. She will never come to terms with me unless i beg her. She refuse doing anything for me. I do av to beg her attimes to cook 4 me. Pls house, wat av i done to deserve all this. I cried thru out the night and i'm still on tears as i'm typing this message to u. Is it a crime to LOVE someone?

Hi Ovicity!

U have done anything but love, some people doesnt deserve Love ...I definitely understand that u love her, but Love should be in Both way if not it s not Love anymore ....U should leave her I know its not easy but the more u stay with her the more its painful and u hurt urself!!! She might be doing this just for u to leave her?? After all those lies and dishonesty and deception how u did not got sooo mad and erase everything from her?? relationship hav to be both way, if she s not giving back runaway....I think u should just do like her take some space, date other girl , see someonelse and maybe u ll find u r dream girl...and it will be easier for u to completely forget her!! coz she doesnt seems like to be the one, even if u thought she was....
As for her mother she might be lying to her too saying that u r the bad one ....She is just taking advantage from u ..
This is not an easy situation I ll try to give u some girl advices, but for sure If I was u I break everything up right now.....The thing is once u let go once (lies, cheating...) without any repercussions u can be sure she will do it again no matter what coz she knows u wont react .....And another thing I can tell u 100% nobody will change for someone, if someone change its for himself not for someone...U should take a decision and dont look back at her ....
Just give u r love to Someone that deserve it!!
u seems like a good guy....U ll forget about this situation , pain will leave with time...
And I really pray & hope u ll get the GC (And for sure for all the benefits that the GC can give U ...lol ), it would definitely be easier if u live ur country without her and have a new life ...It will be definitely easier to forget this chapter of u r life !!

U just have to take a hard / tough decision at this time and u ll be more than relief in the future coz u cant stay like this....Life is short enjoy it as much as u can Dont cry for somebody that did not deserve this tears .....!!! Believe in Urself and Be confident U r the good one so nothing can happened to U !!!!!
There still is good girl on this earth ! U ll find the right One Im sure who will makes u happy and cook for U all the time :):):):):)!!!!!!!!!!

I dont post that much on here, I mostly read and I have been on here for about 4 years but I just had to respond to this one. Your girlfriend cheats on you????? Are hoping to make her your wife some day??? You need to brace yourself, please be a man, I know its not easy especially when u are hard fallen in love but seriously listen to your mind. This is utterly unhealthy. She is taking advantage of you, she does not deserve you. Like seriously... And dont think I'm insensitive, I just got out of a almost 5 years relationship with plenty of heartache. Sometimes you just have to open up your eyes. Stop dreaming, stop hoping, be realistic. Stand up for yourself, and be selfish like Diafa said. You can do it without her even though it doesnt seem that way right now. People make mistakes but if it's a pattern of behavior that has to stop. You are lucky you are not married to her or dont have any kid with her because then the pb would be bigger than you and your feelings, it would be your reputation, your kids and all that. Seriously women dont have any shame this day. I come from culture where women are thought to respect themselves, respect their partner, and show dignity and decency. Like I said we all make mistakes but when it's continuous, then there is a problem.
Brace yourself, and get out of this nightmare. Cry for a whole week if you need, but seriously think carefully about the meaning of all this mess...
Sorry if I was too frank.
Hi Everyone,
Sarahdiop, Diafa, I want to thank everyone that has contributed immensely to this puzzle i'm presently facing. U av all giving me hope, even when it seems as if its not there. But pls may i still remind u dat i added this same lady(fiancee) of mine to the EDV application form as MARRIED while i was filling the entry form. My plan was to take her along if we eventually win this lottery. Can u guyz see 4 goodness sake wat the DEVIL is trying to do? Wat kind of nonesense is this 4 cryout loud. I really appreciate ur advice giving and i promise, i wont let u guyz down. U know wen u are inlove , u seems not to see the wrong doings of ur partner as anything. I know i'm not perfect, but this lady do really plays with my emotions. I av tried to talk to her time without number, but it seems not to be working at all. Her body is with me but her heart is very very far from me. I will definately get over it, cos ur advice has made life worth living again. I'm in the office and i culdn't do anything. I thank God it ends this way, 4 a broken relationship is far better than a broken marriage. May God bless everyone of u in this forum and meet u guyz in every point of ur needs. Thanks once again and stay blessed.
@USA: Thanks for welcoming me

@Diafa: Thanks also for welcoming me.

I'm from Egypt and nothing look good here now in egypt so i hope to go to USA.
about the dv lottery
it is the first time for me to apply for the dv lottery.

anyway thanks and again hope the best for all :)
Hi Everyone,
Sarahdiop, Diafa, I want to thank everyone that has contributed immensely to this puzzle i'm presently facing. U av all giving me hope, even when it seems as if its not there. But pls may i still remind u dat i added this same lady(fiancee) of mine to the EDV application form as MARRIED while i was filling the entry form. My plan was to take her along if we eventually win this lottery. Can u guyz see 4 goodness sake wat the DEVIL is trying to do? Wat kind of nonesense is this 4 cryout loud. I really appreciate ur advice giving and i promise, i wont let u guyz down. U know wen u are inlove , u seems not to see the wrong doings of ur partner as anything. I know i'm not perfect, but this lady do really plays with my emotions. I av tried to talk to her time without number, but it seems not to be working at all. Her body is with me but her heart is very very far from me. I will definately get over it, cos ur advice has made life worth living again. I'm in the office and i culdn't do anything. I thank God it ends this way, 4 a broken relationship is far better than a broken marriage. May God bless everyone of u in this forum and meet u guyz in every point of ur needs. Thanks once again and stay blessed.

Wait, I didn't read your entire story, but you listed your girlfriend/fiancee as your spouse on the application when in fact you were just planning to tie the knot with her?

For your sake I hope I misunderstood.
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Hi everyone......

Ovicity, I'm sorry to read what you've posted here but I think everyone has given you a lot of great advice. In every bad situation there is some good and the good here is that she is showing you who she really is before you get married. My friend relationships are never easy but we choose our own happiness. As someone said cry for a whole week if you want and take my advice in 6 months time you would have done all your crying and moved on to better. Good Luck and make the right choice. We are all human beings and deserve to be treated with respect. The right one for you is out there but you must first make yourself available.
I don't know how this will affect you if you win because you stated you have her on your application as your wife. I'm sure the answer is here somewhere but think about that after you get the winning NL.
Take care my friend.....