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DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

Hi Obama....
U just have to know that everyone have their reasons that u may or not understand ..... Everybody is not looking for a better life as money or work or being socialy better than where they comme from....there is culture, people, the way that people live in US, the education, the american dream, it could be more about unmaterial things but more spiritual things , more about being urself and dont have to be someone else to be a part of a country where u supposed to be born and raised but nobody wants u to be there (I take this example coz I was born raised and lived 20years of my life in France, France hates strangers as they say, people being french by the immigration and specially Africans and muslims, we r discriminated everyday, french people everysingle day reminds u that u r not french but just a bastard here and that u should go back to u r country , if u r educated u just got luck and been someone who take advantage of the social system and u r a dumb, education or not they treat us like animals who dont understand nothing, we can find a job, u always have to do more and more than u a"real french" I have a master degree and each time they see my name and picture on my resume, it goes straight to the trach and for black is the same and thats why in france the picture is an obligation on the resume, a lots of people have to change their name in a french name to find a job and cant keep their arabic name, a lot of people moved to england, irland, asia, middle east and Canada to find a job....and u r discriminated for everything!
U cant be urself , and u and up being just hating the world where u live coz u know at the end that the mentalities r not going to change in France ....IM born raised in france have a french passeport and As the french president said to US (kids from the immigration who r french)" if u r not happy here u just have to move from france...." , we r not welcome in our own country soooooo Im moving coz there is no hope for me to get a better live here and specially to be ok with myself / to like myself and to be myself here.....
I just want a country where people just dont care who u r in terms of u r origins, u skins colors, ur religion, u name, and the way that u look...
I could just go to london or anywhere in Europe coz i dont need papers or visa to move there and work but i didnt find this thing and I cant described u , but this thing that americans have and no other country have ...and this not about work or money it just about me being myself as an individual.

But i do understand people who definitely r good in their country and just dont wanna to move everywhere!!!
I think we should have to have the choice to live where we want, where we feel ourself, and where we feel welcome and love to live!!!
PAPERS, Visas, Residence r just some BS that just make everything more complicated!!!!!

hi Diafa

see girl be proud that you are from Africa and that you are arab muslim let them think that they are better than Africans

Africa is the most place are courrapted coz of them all the countries call themsalves the greatest countries yes they are greatest to stole Africa and to stole humanity form Africa people from the east to the west and from the north to the south.
everyone take a piece of Africa.
I have to agree with Diafa and also Obama has his own points too.

I came to the US in 2007 and I've been here since then. I work in downtown Manhattan and live in NJ, just across the Hudson river.

On the streets, at work, on the subway, bus etc. I hear many languages, I see many different people in different - even traditional - clothing. No one cares about any race, color or any other stuff.

On the other hand, America is / may not be what people are dreaming of. No one will give you a job as soon as you land in JFK. You have to search for one, you have to speak English very well, you have to have some type of experience. Whatever you've done in your home country doesn't matter. They don't recognize. Even the universities abroad. If your resume doesn't show a US university, you're automatically second person on the list. US graduate, even from a crappy university, gets the job.

People are struggling for putting some type of US work experience. They take unpaid internships, attend seminars, go to courses and spend a fortune, just to have a resume that has a US school and some US companies as work experience.

I know many people with technical degrees like engineering, architecture, computers etc. They don't speak good English and they end up being a waiter at a restaurant, gas station attendant, busboy, loading / organizing coca cola refrigerator at a supermarket, mopping floors etc. They make around $8-9/hr before tax. Under the table, $8-9-10 max. Some of them complain, some of them are happy. They work at a cafe, eat for free, drink their coffee for free (Starbucks grande coffee is around $2.60 in NY) and make money for rent, utilities, transportation, cell phone etc.

As an engineer, you may have a better opportunity in your home country, however, if you can apply your engineering skills in an American company, you're the king.

There's also a point in a US immigrant's life, which I call "saturation point". You come fresh, look for a job, finally find something that pays $7/hr, then something better comes up, you switch jobs, now you're making $10/hr. You hold onto that for a while, meet new people, you start making friends, now you have people to go out and drink a beer or coffee after work. You start hanging out. Now, instead of eating $5 lunch from a street vendor that cooks rice and chicken, you start eating better stuff and spend $7-8 for lunch. You buy better groceries, you start going out with friends more often. Then you get a raise or get a $15/hr job. You say "what the hell" and go buy that nice sweater / jeans that you see the other day. You hear there are some nice malls around that have factory outlets etc. Guess what? They're too far and there's no public transportation. It has always been in your mind since you came to the US for the first time, you start looking at cars. You start saving and after some time, you go and buy a $3,000-5,000 car. Spend some bucks on initial maintenance. Now you have monthly car insurance to pay. If you're newly licensed in the US, it's always around $120-130 a month for a starter. Now you have insurance expenses, gas expenses, car wash, parking, you'll get some parking tickets ($65 in NY), you'll get some stupid violation tickets (cell phone - $130, blocking intersection - $160 etc). Your prepaid phone starts to kill you, what the hell, sign a contract. Now you commit yourself at least $60-70 a month for cell phone. You have a laptop, you want to use the internet at home. You start looking at cable service for home. that comes with TV too? let me buy that package, thank you. Now another $60 to $150 monthly cable TV bill (yes it's that expensive). Then with your new car and the places you hang out, you have a girlfriend. You start taking her to dinner, coffee, lunch, movies. Pick her up, drop her home. Tunnels, tolls, parking, valet, restaurant, tips, then her birthday, valentines day, anniversary, you have to engage now, go spend that $3000 to whatever your limit is on that diamond ring. etc. etc. the list goes on.

Basically, you come to a point that your lifestyle and expenses go up. You eventually eat better, dress better, go to better places, drive better cars etc. etc. and when these things "settle" and become regular for you, then you miss your home country. That's when you miss home and want to go back, because you eventually have everything you've wished for, a good salary, nice home, good furniture, electronics, car, girlfriend or wife and you can afford a good lifestyle. That's what I call "saturation point".

At this point, many, but too many people I know complain about the US and they say there's nothing better than your home country. They all regret coming here, they say everything in the US is bad, they would prefer making much less money but be with their family in their countries. However, none of these people go back. The ones that go back are always the ones who can't make it here financially. I've seen people who came here, set up a business,made a fortune and return to their country permanently at their 40s or 50s. I've also seen people who got tired of working like a dog for $7hr for years and finally said "f*ck that, I'm going back". But, nothing in the middle.

So, to summarize, it's a shot that you have to give a try. I wish everyone has a chance to come and see the US, see how things work here, if they can make it here and then decide. It's an important decision in your life, you have to make sure it's worth to leave everything behind.

Well, sorry for writing long. Again, good luck to everyone on the lottery.

Well said, I've been in the US for 12 yr and I agree with most of the things written in here!
All the best to all of you waiting for the first NL. As a 2010 winner and now GC holder, I must tell you even after you win, it's a long process, filled with anxiety, suspension etc. All you need is PATIENCE! My husband won the lottery and we received the first NL on April 17th as shown in my signature. So soon you guys will start getting some news. But I think a lot of people find this site after receiving the NL (this applies to me), so be patient. You guys are doing a great job already. If any of you wins then you HAVE to read the past threads for Adjustment of Status (AOS) or Consular Processing (CP), whichever applies to you.

I wish you all the best! Will be checking in!
hi Diafa

see girl be proud that you are from Africa and that you are arab muslim let them think that they are better than Africans

Africa is the most place are courrapted coz of them all the countries call themsalves the greatest countries yes they are greatest to stole Africa and to stole humanity form Africa people from the east to the west and from the north to the south.
everyone take a piece of Africa.

HI NOA11!!!
IM DEFINITELY MORE THAN PROUD TO BE AFRICAN !!!! i WILL NEVER CHANGE MY NAME even FOR BILLIONS & BILLIONS!!!!!!!, and that is why i wanna runaway from france as soon as possible, iM NOT GOING TO STAY WHERE R iM NOT WELCOME!!!
I also applied to immigrate to CANADA and the 1st respons was positive just waiting for the papers....but it takes tooo long 12 to 18 months....
All the best to all of you waiting for the first NL. As a 2010 winner and now GC holder, I must tell you even after you win, it's a long process, filled with anxiety, suspension etc. All you need is PATIENCE! My husband won the lottery and we received the first NL on April 17th as shown in my signature. So soon you guys will start getting some news. But I think a lot of people find this site after receiving the NL (this applies to me), so be patient. You guys are doing a great job already. If any of you wins then you HAVE to read the past threads for Adjustment of Status (AOS) or Consular Processing (CP), whichever applies to you.

I wish you all the best! Will be checking in!

Thanks Again!!
hmmm some really thoughtful posts today..thanks guys!!!

My take on it is that some people NEVER reach that "saturation point" (where they felt like they had everything they wanted) in their own country and that is why people always seek more by migrating. There are so many people with tons of potential BUT because of where they live or because of their status in their country this potential may never be realised.
hmmm some really thoughtful posts today..thanks guys!!!

My take on it is that some people NEVER reach that "saturation point" (where they felt like they had everything they wanted) in their own country and that is why people always seek more by migrating. There are so many people with tons of potential BUT because of where they live or because of their status in their country this potential may never be realised.

Ditto Sonibago!
HI NOA11!!!
IM DEFINITELY MORE THAN PROUD TO BE AFRICAN !!!! i WILL NEVER CHANGE MY NAME even FOR BILLIONS & BILLIONS!!!!!!!, and that is why i wanna runaway from france as soon as possible, iM NOT GOING TO STAY WHERE R iM NOT WELCOME!!!
I also applied to immigrate to CANADA and the 1st respons was positive just waiting for the papers....but it takes tooo long 12 to 18 months....

You can move to Canada and keep playing :) At least that's my plan :) Although it will be hard to leave US after living here for 8 years
You can move to Canada and keep playing :) At least that's my plan :) Although it will be hard to leave US after living here for 8 years

Hi ProudT !!
8 years that is definitely a lot , Im sure u feel US as u r Home country... I lived there not for that long and it was sooo hard to leave so....I definitely understan!!!

LOl I have the same plan LOl I will apply to this lottery until my last breath or at least until the congress will put an end to this DV...

U should have some newss veryy sooonnn!!!
Patience is the key word!!
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Hi ProudT !!
8 years that is definitely a lot , Im sure u feel US as u r Home country... I lived there not for that long and it was sooo hard to leave so....I definitely understan!!!

LOl I have the same plan LOl I will apply to this lottery until my last breath or at least until the congress will put an end to this DV...

U should have some newss veryy sooonnn!!!
Patience is the key word!!

Tomorrow should be the day :) If KCC keeps the same pattern of mailing NLs like last week, then Friday and Saturday we should get more people receiving NLs. I think last year it was Mondays when they sent them. SABR :)

I double checked last years dates on another forum, 9 out of 10 NLs were sent on Fridays and received the following Mondays. :)
Hi ProuT!!
Thanks for those infos and to have double checked ..!!!!
Sounds like it s gonnnna beee sooooonnn !!!

my wife won in the DV2010

MY wife has 5 credit in GCE this include english, maths, economy,literature, bk
when she sat for waec, she has 8 passes which is of no use


You said your wife won in DV-2010 ,,,, and you also said that you won DV-2011 ,,, are you really so lucky or am I missing something here??

I live in Africa,, I don't think the letter will come from USA to here in only 4-5 days,,,

please tell us exactly when did you get the DV-2011 letter and what is the date on the NL itself?