• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 winners from SRILANKA Report here

Notes to Sri Lankan DV Winners (CP & AoS);

Congratulations that you won !!

MOST of you should not have any problem in getting your visas. (especially via CP)

Colombo DV-CP process is very straight forward and if you follow their simple 'advise' and 'directions' you will be alright. They are good at answering most of your questions via email or by visiting the embassy (I blv you can go there for 'information' on Tue and Thu afternoons).

BUT REMEMBER THIS RULE OF THUMB....Until and unless you pay the visa fees, present your documents and face the CP intvw. (when your 'time' comes)....NO ONE THERE (or KCC) WILL GIVE YOU ANY 'Guarantees' Nor will they do prior evaluation of your documents. Do not ask for those 'facilities' either. DO NOT think that you can depend on the 'they (KCC or emb. info. ppl) said so' type answers either at the intvw.
Unfortunately that is how the US Visa issue 'system' works worldwide, you sure can blame the heck out of them for that, but that doesn't help!

If you think you have a 'complicated' case, then the burden of proof is up to you. They will help you with prior info short of actual documents review (before the intvw). But paying for visa fees/medicals and going ahead with intvw. is a 'risk' that you need to take. HOWEVER, that risk can be lessened by being well INFORMED about your chances, and there are a heck of a lot of info and support out there (this excellent forum is one of prime eg. for that) As I said the CMB embassy is very good at answering with info, but pl do not overwhelm them with 'trivial' stuff that is very obvious and answer can be found by yourself (for an eg. What is English translation of No. 6?, What is English translation of No. 8? !!)

If you're doing AoS it all depends on how USCIS FO/IO handle your case. Follow the AoS only threads (current and old) there's a treasure trove of info. See below for some of my SL specific advise for you.

ALL of you, if you lived/worked in a foreign country (than USA) for more than 6 mos, you need to get police reports from there. (Chk this for info http://travel.state.gov/visa/fees/fees_3272.html)

****CP Specific Advise**** ( most reqmts are for principal applicant and some apply to family members as well)

1. Your birth and marriage certs need to be 'originals'. They do not accept 'certified copies' issued by land/district registry. BUT if you do not have them IT IS NOT THE END OF STORY!!. Sure the 'process' will become bit complicated and bit risky. Go to the embassy a 'infor hour' (after 1pm Tue/Thu ?) and talk about it. Follow specific instructions given for your case by the embassy prior and/or after the intvw. then you will be fine. (info you get before the intvw are not binding, visa officer has the last say at or after your intvw, so be careful in saying ..but he/she said so type answers)

2. If you have a 'recognized' local degree, you sure do not need O/L and A/L certs. BUT to be on the safe side obtain them before intvw, as per embassy directions.

3. If you have some A/L and job experience, but for your O/L you DO NOT have Math and 1st Language passes....there were some cases in prior years who were refused visas. (If only good O/L and job experience, you may want to have 'assets' evidence and an I-134 ready)

4. Principal app. youngsters who have only O/L and no job, you are qualified per DV requirements but all will depend how the CO would look at the 'whole picture'. To be safe you may have to go with good evidence of 'assets' and an I-134.

5. In general, CMB embassy do not 'require' that SL DV ppl have an I-134, just a 'ready to give initial support to settle in US' type personal letter from family/friends is enough. BUT if it is not difficult for you, get an I-134 from family/friend in US and keep it just in case, do not give if not asked specifically for it. Take your own evidence of 'assets' (bank balance, deeds with assesed values of land/house etc., those will be helpful)

6. Your CP intvw. appt. will be either Tue or Thu 1pm, don't go in there before 1pm.
The security booth wont allow you into it even if it is pouring rain (like what happened to me, but I protested and let the 'Marines' monitoring the security cameras know my disappointment, I was let stay in the booth till 1pm, mere 10min extra!) Don't take that chance nor the 'indignity' of staying outside on the pavement in scorching sun or rain. Its not worth 'cos DV process is so smooth.No need to think to be 1st in line etc. Just get into a wayside 'kottu' joint near the Kolla junct. and sip a cuppa till 1pm or just chill it out at the Lib Plaza (no...not the 7th floor for heavens sake!!) and take a walk down near to 1pm. Plan to stay in the embassy ~2 Hrs the max.

****AoS Specific advise*****

1. Follow the AoS threads ! (Duh!)
2. If you plan to go to USCIS field office (or Call them) just 'cos your 1st NL ask you to do it, just forget it...DO NOT go there or Call. I call that 'Mis-InfoPass'. Its useless, you get more valuable info in the AoS forums here. Save that journey for later when your case is some what down the road in their 'system'.
3. If you have a recognized US or SL degree/transcripts then no need to get O/L and A/L, but why take chances when it can be easily get now from exam dept. in 1 day. Ask family/friend to go there and get it for you for a 'foreign job/education' purpose, they'll tell what to do and how to get.
4. Write to CMB embassy, give your DV case # and ask them to get your SL police report. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO do this, but since they provide this facility free, I would recommend this. This will be very helpful in case you have to transfer from AoS to CP in the latter stages, then the embassy will already have the police report than asking for it anew. (Chk this link for info http://srilanka.usembassy.gov/visas/immigrant-visas/police-clearances.html)

****Chk the 1st post on this 'old' thread by 'BabaraLamb' for some grt AoS related info. http://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?229911-My-Aos-Experience-Tips-Guide

I think I covered most aspects. If you have Q s , try looking for info on the i'net or other country CP specific forums, chances are that Q has been addressed already. If not post here. I suggest that DV 10/11 SL ppl (AoS/CP) actively participate here in this thread and help out one another. It sure take time helping/advising others BUT if you have a will..........!

May the God and the Triple Gem bless you all and I wish you ALL Success !!

PS: Marriage before Intvw., after receiving 1st NL (Mainly for CP)

Very few of you will have this issue. But it is not a 'big issue' as such and many ppl in other countries has successfully faced it. Chk this out.

***This advise is for those who have won and are currently single and are 'eligible' Bachelors/Bachelorettes !***

The no nonsense way of getting your visa is going through the rest of the process 'as is' AND then think about the marriage after min. of 5 yrs when you become a citizen.
However if you are looking at marriage after DV and before 5 yrs, you may have a hard time obtaining a visa for her/him to get to US.
If that happens, she/he can 'easily' ask for their own non-immigrant, dual-intent visa to go there, like H, L etc. BUT obtaining a 'no immigrant intent' visas such as B, or F will be difficult. (F will become a dual intent soon, if law overhaul pass the congress)

You also can marry after the DV and sponsor the spouse to get GC as an 'immediate family member' , but that process can drag any where from 2-5 years!!

IF YOU UNDERSTAND ALL PROS & CONS, my advise for those in a 'hurry' is to go ahead and get married BEFORE the intvw !!

If your prospective spouse is a one whom you've known as your 'sweetheart' for sometime then it wont be a problem for you to prove (with photos, mail/emails, greeting cards etc) at the intvw. that your marriage is NOT FRAUD, not a one done for money to get the other party a GC (remember this is a pesky problem for US embassies in some African and East Asian countries)

Even if you want to go ahead with a 'good faith' arranged/proposal marriage now, my guess is you should be alright. Because....the local US embassy staff are well aware of the local 'customs' and they know well how hard it is (time wise) for a US PR to sponsor a family based GC for a spouse.

And hey!, if you are not committed now and do not want any trabl, just get you DV , get to US and then just 'look around'......there are many a good SL or US 'stuff' you can try your luck with !!

PS 2 ! :
Read the first few posts of the following thread (by 'Catseyes') for some grt. info on the DV process.



Some Info on Medicals (mainly for CP, but AoS take note too)

For vaccination, you need ONLY (in general) the ones in yellow in the following, in the fig 1.


Dr may try give more but show this and ask for less.
They should have the latest US-CDC guidelines but I remember last year the Dr did not have those with her and I gave those to her!!
Also if you have had Varicella (chickenpox/papol), you do not need that vaccine also. Drs normally accept patients' verbal confirmation on this and write 'immune' there.

I recommend Asiri for the medicals.

In my understanding the CO does not go item by item in the medical report. They just go by the Dr's final confirmation that all is Ok. So try convince Dr if they want you to do/take anything more than the minm reqmt.

Another issue is that most think that you need to wait for 2nd NL for medicals. Generally that is true but not a MUST.
Medicals are valid for CP/AoS for 1 year, in general.
But if one's CN is high and if any unknown yet resolvable complication come up in medicals, then what? (for eg. more tests for TB)
So, 4-5 mos before you think your high CN is current go talk to embassy (get medical forms) and/or go talk to Dr (they should have med forms too)
I do not think 2nd NL or embassy letter is a must (it should not be though, IMO). talk and see.

More for ref;

http://photos.state.gov/libraries/vietnam/8621/pdf-forms/DS-2053.pdf (you will need the latest from Dr or emb.)
OR http://www.immihelp.com/immigrant-visa/ds-2053-medical-examination-immigrant-visa.pdf



DV 2009 Winner.
Initially: AoS in US
Was Current May '09
Intvw: end of June '09
Delayed USCIS processing/decision in US.
Abandoned i-485 & Changed from AoS to CP in Aug 09.
Sept. '09 1st week - visa issued.
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Note to Sri Lanka DV Winners (CP & AoS);

Congratulations that you won !!

MOST of you should not have any problem in getting your visas. (especially via CP)

Colombo DV-CP process is very straight forward and if you follow their simple 'advise' and 'directions' you will be alright. They are good at answering most of your questions via email or by visiting the embassy (I blv you can go there for 'information' on Tue and Thu afternoons).

BUT REMEMBER THIS RULE OF THUMB....Until and unless you pay the visa fees, present your documents and face the CP intvw. (when your 'time' comes)....NO ONE THERE (or KCC) WILL GIVE YOU ANY 'Guarantees' Nor will they do prior evaluation of your documents. Do not ask for those 'facilities' either. DO NOT think that you can depend on the 'they (KCC or emb. info. ppl) said so' type answers either at the intvw.
Unfortunately that is how the US Visa issue 'system' works worldwide, you sure can blame the heck out of them for that, but that doesn't help!

If you think you have a 'complicated' case, then the burden of proof is up to you. They will help you with prior info short of actual documents review (before the intvw). But paying for visa fees/medicals and going ahead with intvw. is a 'risk' that you need to take. HOWEVER, that risk can be lessened by being well INFORMED about your chances, and there are a heck of a lot of info and support out there (this excellent forum is one of prime eg. for that) As I said the CMB embassy is very good at answering with info, but pl do not overwhelm them with 'trivial' stuff that is very obvious and answer can be found by yourself (for an eg. What is English translation of No. 6?, What is English translation of No. 8? !!)

If you're doing AoS it all depends on how USCIS FO/IO handle your case. Follow the AoS only threads (current and old) there's a treasure trove of info. See below for some of my SL specific advise for you.

ALL of you, if you lived/worked in a foreign country for more than 6 mos, you need to get police reports from there. (Chk this for info http://travel.state.gov/visa/fees/fees_3272.html)

****CP Specific Advise**** ( most reqmts are for principal applicant and some apply to family members as well)

1. Your birth and marriage certs need to be 'originals'. They do not accept 'certified copies' issued by land/district registry. BUT if you do not have them IT IS NOT THE END OF STORY!!. Sure the 'process' will become bit complicated and bit risky, but if you follow specific instructions given for your case by the embassy prior and/or after the intvw. then you will be fine.

2. If you have a 'recognized' local degree, you sure do not need O/L and A/L certs. BUT to be on the safe side obtain them before intvw, as per embassy directions.

3. If you have some A/L and job experience, but for your O/L you DO NOT have Math and 1st Language passes....there were some cases in prior years who were refused visas. (If only good O/L and job experience, you may want to have 'assets' evidence and an I-134 ready)

4. Principal app. youngsters who have only O/L and no job, you are qualified per DV requirements but all will depend how the CO would look at the 'whole picture'. To be safe you may have to go with good evidence of 'assets' and an I-134.

5. In general, CMB embassy do not 'require' that SL DV ppl have an I-134, just a 'ready to give initial support to settle in US' type personal letter from family/friends is enough. BUT if it is not difficult for you, get an I-134 from family/friend in US and keep it just in case, do not give if not asked specifically for it. Take your own evidence of 'assets' (bank balance, deeds with assesed values of land/house etc., those will be helpful)

****AoS Specific advise*****

1. Follow the AoS threads ! (Duh!)
2. If you have a recognized US or SL degree/transcripts then no need to get O/L and A/L, but why take chances when it can be easily get now from exam dept. in 1 day. Ask family/friend to go there and get it for you for a 'foreign job/education' purpose, they'll tell what to do and how to get.
3. Write to CMB embassy, give your DV case # and ask them to get your SL police report. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO do this, but since they provide this facility free, I would recommend this. This will be very helpful in case you have to transfer from AoS to CP in the latter stages, then the embassy will already have the police report than asking for it anew. (Chk this link for info http://srilanka.usembassy.gov/visas/immigrant-visas/police-clearances.html)

****Chk the 1st post on this 'old' thread by 'BabaraLamb' for some grt AoS related info. http://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?229911-My-Aos-Experience-Tips-Guide

I think I covered most aspects. If you have Q s , try looking for info on the i'net or other country CP specific forums, chances are that Q has been addressed already. If not post here. I suggest that DV 10/11 SL ppl (AoS/CP) actively participate here in this thread and help out one another. It sure take time helping/advising others BUT if you have a will..........!

May the God and the Triple Gem bless you all and I wish you ALL Success !!

PS: Marriage before Intvw., after receiving 1st NL (Mainly for CP)

Very few of you will have this issue. But it is not a 'big issue' as such and many ppl in other countries has successfully faced it. Chk this out.

***This advise is for those who have won and are currently single and are 'eligible' Bachelors/Bachelorettes !***

The no nonsense way of getting your visa is going through the rest of the process 'as is' AND then think about the marriage after min. of 5 yrs when you become a citizen.
However if you are looking at marriage after DV and before 5 yrs, you may have a hard time obtaining a visa for her/him to get to US.
If that happens, she/he can 'easily' ask for their own non-immigrant, dual-intent visa to go there, like H, L etc. BUT obtaining a 'no immigrant intent' visas such as B, or F will be difficult. (F will become a dual intent soon, if law overhaul pass the congress)

You also can marry after the DV and sponsor the spouse to get GC as an 'immediate family member' , but that process can drag any where from 2-5 years!!

IF YOU UNDERSTAND ALL PROS & CONS, my advise for those in a 'hurry' is to go ahead and get married before the intvw !!
If the prospective spouse is a one whom you've known as your 'sweetheart' for sometime then it wont be a problem for you to prove (with photos, mail/emails, greeting cards etc) at the intvw. that your marriage is NOT FRAUD, not a one done for money to get the other party a GC (remember this is a pesky problem for US embassies in some African and East Asian countries)

Even if you want to go ahead with a 'good faith' arranged/proposal marriage now, my guess is you should be alright. Because....the local US embassy staff are well aware of the local 'customs' and they know well how hard it is (time wise) for a US PR to sponsor a family based GC for a spouse.

And hey!, if you are not committed now and do not want any trabl, just get you DV , get to US and then just 'look around'......there are many a good SL or US 'stuff' you can try your luck with !!

PS 2 ! :
Read the first few posts of the following thread (by 'Catseyes') for some grt. info on the DV process.


y u so jealous with guganath....thats non of ur business....up to us whether we want to contact with him or not ....do ur own business here don advice any body
Phew!!....why ppl contact you personally? you want to make a fast buck out of them?
IF NOT, (and I like to blv you are not) pl share your ideas/concerns/experience here and keep the spirit of this forum up !
Then ppl can pitch in, especially if you're on the wrong track (like your idea about DV stats)

For others....I repeat again CMB DV process is v straight fwd and you DO NOT have to pay anyone to do it for you!

As for documents, PL DO NOT RISK YOUR CHANCES by trying to make new original looking documents. It MAY look fraud in their eyes.

If you do not have originals, walk into the embassy (I blv Tue/Thu after 1 pm?) and tell them your situation, they will advise you about the ALTERNATIVES, but will also say that the final decision is with the visa officer later at your intvw and that is a FACT you cannot argue about.

BEFORE THAT , try find out yourself what is LOST. For an eg. go to your last school and get your school leaving cert, AND your original birth cert with them. Most keep those in good care for years and years. Do not just give up saying oh it is waste of time.

I have more useful info in this thread http://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?278195-Successful-CP-in-Colombo-Sri-Lanka

Good Luck!

Theruwan Saranai !!/ May God Bless you!!

y u so jealous with guganath....thats non of ur business....up to us whether we want to contact with him or not ....do ur own business here don advice any body....i dont blame u ...u also doin exelent work here but don make others feel bad...
dv-2011 winners from Srilana

So, How many people are here now from SL.

kuhananth - 33XXX
Srikaran - 160XX
Thanushan - 31xx
Senuk - 18XXX

kuhananth - 33XXX
Srikaran - 160XX
Nalin -30XXX
Thanushan - 31xx
Ruban -21XXX
Senuk - 18XXX
Nuvf - ?????

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y u so jealous with guganath....thats non of ur business....up to us whether we want to contact with him or not ....do ur own business here don advice any body....i dont blame u ...u also doin exelent work here but don make others feel bad...

Oh sure....and btw....did i ask anybody to NOT to contact anybody??
Phew!!....why ppl contact you personally? you want to make a fast buck out of them?
IF NOT, (and I like to blv you are not) pl share your ideas/concerns/experience here and keep the spirit of this forum up !
Then ppl can pitch in, especially if you're on the wrong track (like your idea about DV stats)

For others....I repeat again CMB DV process is v straight fwd and you DO NOT have to pay anyone to do it for you!

As for documents, PL DO NOT RISK YOUR CHANCES by trying to make new original looking documents. It MAY look fraud in their eyes.

If you do not have originals, walk into the embassy (I blv Tue/Thu after 1 pm?) and tell them your situation, they will advise you about the ALTERNATIVES, but will also say that the final decision is with the visa officer later at your intvw and that is a FACT you cannot argue about.

BEFORE THAT , try find out yourself what is LOST. For an eg. go to your last school and get your school leaving cert, AND your original birth cert with them. Most keep those in good care for years and years. Do not just give up saying oh it is waste of time.

I have more useful info in this thread http://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?278195-Successful-CP-in-Colombo-Sri-Lanka

Good Luck!

Theruwan Saranai !!/ May God Bless you!!

Hi New idea from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_Immigrant_Visa

total visas 55,000
5000 for under the NACARA Programme (AOS)
7500 to asia
7% per country (50,000/100X7 = 3500)
So Bangaladesh 5,999 winners . 5,999-3500 = 2499 visas reject (2500)
Now listen
Totl asia winnes 15,000
15,000-2500 = 12,500
12,500 selectees for eligible to 7500 visas (only primary applicant)

Yes, kuhanath's explanation/idea about the DV stats are WRONG !!

Its a different ball game and we basically do not have to worry about it, let DoS handle it.
Bottom line is ...NO ONE COUNTRY IN ANY REGION WILL BE ALLOCATED MORE THAN 3,850 DVs (its the total, ie. Principal+family) [3850=7% of 55,000]
and why Asia only 14k odd winners ....when you take out population of India, China and Pakistan, Asia is VERY SMALL ! (this is well explained in the DoS DV winner allocation formula)

Theoretically all SL winners should be able to get it. and 511=Principal+family...its the total. (In 09, there were 795 original winners, prin+family, and almost 590 got the visas. Not sure how many were rejected and why. At least 2 were said to be rejected 'cos they claimed DV eligibility from work experience but did not have O/L passes for math and 1st language)

Follow CMB US embassy rules and instructions, which are very straight fwd and all will be fine.
DO NOT try make up any new 'original looking' documents, it will come back to haunt you, take my word !

3850 is wrong only 3500


50,00/100X7 = 3500

50,000+5,000 = 55,000
5,000 under the NACARA programme (AOS) living in unites states EX : F1 visa
3850 is wrong only 3500..........

Well, do not rush with your 'conclusions'.....yet!

take your time and understand how it works, lot of info out there which at this moment i do not want to dwell into 'cos its not my focus. (and i do not have all the refs to the 'correct' info readily avlbl w/me, its buried here and there)

But, yeah.....ppl should be inquisitive about these numbers so go ahead learn about it.

good starting pt , see exactly what is NACARA program.

dv-2011 winners from srilanka

Well, do not rush with your 'conclusions'.....yet!

take your time and understand how it works, lot of info out there which at this moment i do not want to dwell into 'cos its not my focus. (and i do not have all the refs to the 'correct' info readily avlbl w/me, its buried here and there)

But, yeah.....ppl should be inquisitive about these numbers so go ahead learn about it.

good starting pt , see exactly what is NACARA program.


More than 1.7 million applications were submitted by Bangladesh born people in the year 2006 for the DV Lottery 2008 and around 5,983 people were selected as winners. Take note that no country can get more than 7% of the totally available visa. It means 3,500 people will be given with the US immigrant visa if they are found eligible at the time of the dv lottery interview.

Bangladesh, number of winners selected for the Green card lottery in the recent years.
DV 2009 - 6,023
DV 2010 - 6,001
DV 2011 - 5,999
and select bangladesh
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All official DV websites are publishing all dv winners eligible for dv interview. So Do you think any please send me...
But other websites......
Oh sure....and btw....did i ask anybody to NOT to contact anybody??

of course u dint ask any body to do that but ur tone is like that..first of all i would say very big thanks to u ....for ur explanation regarding on AOS ,CP,and clarification about the birth certificates issues...by the way u dint mention ur case number......don't take seriously i just put my thoughts ....please continuing ur writing here that will be very useful for us
More than 1.7 million applications were submitted by Bangladesh born people in the year 2006 for the DV Lottery 2008 and around 5,983 people were selected as winners. Take note that no country can get more than 7% of the totally available visa. It means 3,500 people will be given with the US immigrant visa if they are found eligible at the time of the dv lottery interview.

Bangladesh, number of winners selected for the Green card lottery in the recent years.
DV 2009 - 6,023
DV 2010 - 6,001
DV 2011 - 5,999
and select bangladesh

Diversity (Average Last 6yr) Family base((Average Last 6yr)

Africa-40% 3%
Asia- 19 43%
Europe-34% 8%
North America-2% 35%
Oceania-1% 1%
South America-4% 10%

This is Primary reason the Asia get lower % of DV Comparing to Africa&Europe
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DV Stats


I am done with this process, last yr.


When you look for info on this process try first get the hard facts from 'official' sources, ie DoS, DHS/USCIS, embassies etc.

DV is a stand alone program, no relation to other, like family based.

~105k (which are about 35-40k principal applicants) are selected to give out 55k TOTAL DVs. For SL 511=may be ~150 PA s.

Regional quotas are allocated proportional to the 'eligible' regional population (not per country population based) Bigger no of winners in some countries are 'cos lot of ppl from there apply, then statistically more get into the 105k pool. But no single ctry will get more than 3850 out of 55k.

After that, intvws are scheduled on a staggered basis based on CN, and the 55k is filled on 'cases first approved basis' (not fist come first serve basis, cos some get lagged due to various reasons like admin processing etc)

below 1st 2 tables suggest that the program came closer to 55k only in the 1st 4 yrs. Then they found it has lot of fraud (in Africa specially) and made it v strict. Now lot of ppl get rejected or ppl from 105k pool do not apply at all.

Also you will see that very few countries had the 7% mark or came close.

http://www.travel.state.gov/pdf/FY2000 table VII.pdf


here are some more US imm stats for you to dive into



hope this helps.

DV-2011 winners from srilakna


I am done with this process, last yr.


When you look for info on this process try first get the hard facts from 'official' sources, ie DoS, DHS/USCIS, embassies etc.

DV is a stand alone program, no relation to other, like family based.

~105k (which are about 35-40k principal applicants) are selected to give out 55k TOTAL DVs. For SL 511=may be ~150 PA s.

Regional quotas are allocated proportional to the 'eligible' regional population (not per country population based) Bigger no of winners in some countries are 'cos lot of ppl from there apply, then statistically more get into the 105k pool. But no single ctry will get more than 3850 out of 55k.

After that, intvws are scheduled on a staggered basis based on CN, and the 55k is filled on 'cases first approved basis' (not fist come first serve basis, cos some get lagged due to various reasons like admin processing etc)

below 1st 2 tables suggest that the program came closer to 55k only in the 1st 4 yrs. Then they found it has lot of fraud (in Africa specially) and made it v strict. Now lot of ppl get rejected or ppl from 105k pool do not apply at all.

Also you will see that very few countries had the 7% mark or came close.

http://www.travel.state.gov/pdf/FY2000 table VII.pdf


here are some more US imm stats for you to dive into



hope this helps.


Hi Nuvf

Thanks alot it's very needful to me

My CN 33XXX Can i expect 2nd NL?

This year -dv-2011
y not ....

How do you make sure that? ...........Just to console Kuhananth?

I mean nobody knows what would happend rather than keep hopes.


The highest CN from asia I've heard is 42xxx.
So family members for each principal applicant is 42000/15000 = 2.8(Avg)
So Kuhananth CN is 33000

Family members are rejected automatically if main Appl. is rejected. So they are not effective at all in this game

So his place in the queue is 33000/2.8 = 11785 (without family members)

Since only 7310 will be selected, 4475 applicants should be rejected to kuhananth to have chance.
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