• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2011 winners from Bangladesh

With the grace of allah everyone under ap will get visa.no doors open for us except praying to allah,all the blessed.

@nahel vai,
what happened when u went to gate no 3 on sunday.they give u visa or ask for more papers?pls share ur exp bec i m so tensed about that.whether they call people to give token or reject them:(.ok bye n good luck for everyone
@tasfia:No.They didnt give me visa rather asked me to go to the embassy when they call me.In reply of my e-mail they inform me that AP is still pending and they will call me as soon as they receive the result.Do not tense.You must get ur visa.Just keep believe in God.The fruits of patience is the sweetest.MAY ALLAH BLESS US ALL.
@ nehal

Nehal Bor i m also Under AP...1st day whn i got Blue ..i was like just GONE....i felt DAMN man...i have tried my best to provide everything i hav got...at last The Result is AP ...i m confused abt OFFICER just ASKED my AGE...that's it... i dnt Understand .....Nw Waiting for the result And Praying To ALLAH....Inshallah something Good will Surprise us....PLZ FRIENDS If u have any Updated INFO abt AP or Any good News Share with Us...Good NEWz always Make PPL happy...Thanxx GOD BLESS All of Us...Thank You

Hello everybody,
Alhamdulillah. At last I get interviewed today and it is successful. It is the Almighty who can turn everything possible. I will get Visa tomorrow. They gave me a token which I have to show at the time of Visa reception.
Here I like to describe my experience of interview:
• I reached at the entry of embassy at about 8:10. There was no queue. I inform about my interview to the man in charge. He let me enter without any electronics and then asked me to go to the checker. They are only a woman and a man standing beside a desk with some files on it. The woman asked me to show the Letter (2nd NL) and any thing closed in envelope. I show her the letter and gave her a closed envelope in which my University transcript was enclosed. She tore a side of the envelope and checked. After that I was asked to go.
• I walk and two other men show the way to enter in the building. Entering in to the building I was asked to put my bag on the scanner and go through the electronic check-way. I did and follow the arrow sign indicating the way to the DV, Immigrant and non-immigrant waiting room. I open the Gate and found many applicant of different category sitting in the waiting room.
• I took a sit. After a few minute I came to know that the DV applicant’s 2nd NL was collected. So I went to the man in charge of the waiting room and he told me that nothing to worry again NL would be collected. So I came to my sit and wait till to the announce of NL collection.
• Then a lady voice announced to submit the NLs to window No. 6 Two people at a time. I submitted my NL. Then she asked me to wait in the waiting room until next call.
• Next call came out from the same window (the same lady) to submit all original documents & photocopies. I entered & submitted; she checked and asked for the address of USA where rest of the processing will be done. I gave that. At the end of this step she gave me a large envelope which contains medical report (the chest x-ray film and vaccination report) and told me to carry if I finally enter USA. Then she reminds me the visa fee whether I deposited at the bank. And advised me to carry while next call came for finger print.
• After waiting for 15-20 min call (lady voice) come from door No 2. I appeared at door no 2 and according to her instruction I put my left hand four fingers except thumb on the screen, then same way the right hand four fingers finally thumbs of both hands together. Then she asked for visa fee money receipt, I submitted.
• After that I came out and waited for about 30-40 min. A male voice called me to go window No 5. I entered and He showed me highlighted space on two forms one after another for signing. I signed. Then he told that I have to promise/ oath with right hand up that the information I provided is genuine/ authentic. I did. Then I saw him writing something in piece of paper. I can’t resist me but peeped and got understand that happy news is just waiting to come out from his tongue. No sooner I thought he greeted me with smiling face that I am getting a visa. Then he gave me the token and told me to collect my visa the date stated on it.

That’s all about my experience.

I again want to give thanks to the Almighty Allah and all the forum members whose information, advice, tips or anything that helped me to achieve this success.
CONGRATZ MAN...bro i got one Question...Officer didnt Ask U any Question???...i got AP bt i had to sign two Papers and then just asked my age then gave me the Blue Sheet....

Nw just Waiting...
Welcome to everybody!!!

I want to say that the dv interview is not that tough. Actually who is waiting for interview or got 2nd NL should make their all required papers ok anyhow before interview. If your papers are ok then you might get your visa I think. You need not to change your document. In my NID my father's name do not have "MD." but all academic papers have "Md.". I was a little bit tensed. But it did not affect.
I do not take any help from any agent or lawyer except this forum. I myself did all. In making passport and PCC, I accompanied with my Friends as I was tensed and there was chance of making any mistake. Thanks to those guys.

Pray to Allah who has the maximum power and it is true that without his will nothing happens.
Again thanks to all whose any kind of help bring me this success.
Allah Hafeez.
Welcome to everybody!!!

I want to say that the dv interview is not that tough. Actually who is waiting for interview or got 2nd NL should make their all required papers ok anyhow before interview. If your papers are ok then you might get your visa I think. You need not to change your document. In my NID my father's name do not have "MD." but all academic papers have "Md.". I was a little bit tensed. But it did not affect.
I do not take any help from any agent or lawyer except this forum. I myself did all. In making passport and PCC, I accompanied with my Friends as I was tensed and there was chance of making any mistake. Thanks to those guys.

Pray to Allah who has the maximum power and it is true that without his will nothing happens.
Again thanks to all whose any kind of help bring me this success.
Allah Hafeez.

Dear bro,
Has you any Sponsor or Affidavite of support? My interview date is frist week of may, But i have no any sponsor, though i am single. Pls, Help & advise me....