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DV 2011 Under Adiminstrative Processing


but brother i dont know seems much unfair we wait we paid money and as i know per year they should take 50000 person so in this way alot of peopel will lose thier visas with AP right? so this programme wont let the the number complete.
sorry and other question brother form syria there was 132 person has been selected but notall of them been on AP ? why that? i think only me and other person from list of peopel on AP as i see on site of embassy
I have been on AP for 100 days now...
All that I can say is that you have to be very patient...
I didn t expect this before my interview, but what I can tell is I am not regretting how it happen, and I thank God the way it does because I would have miss so many things...(family, work, friends, opportunity)
Do not worry, continue doing what your doing
everything will happen IN GOD'S TIME and ON HIS WILL

sorry and other question brother form syria there was 132 person has been selected but notall of them been on AP ? why that? i think only me and other person from list of peopel on AP as i see on site of embassy
Lots of SAO criteria are classified. It might be related to your prior work experience, education or training, place of birth, date of passport issuance, last name etc.
guys have you ever read about some one who has been selected and he lost his chance of getting visa after passing 30 september ?
me too i have my passport over there at the embassy (saudi arabia - riyadh) since February 1 2011 till now
you should buy the ticket to NY city on 1 Aug and take this ticket to local embassy. i believe they will help you because of your ticket.

They will not take seriously because in the documents or other fonts of informations have been mentioned : plesase do not take any financial action (sell property or leave the job without taken the visa).
After i was documented as going through administrative processing, i emailed them again to let them know that there was one document left in my bag which the first consular did not ask for. Now, if the consular officers think that, the documents i provided were enough, can they use the email i sent them to deny me because i personally think the document should have gotten to them.

After i was documented as going through administrative processing, i emailed them again to let them know that there was one document left in my bag which the first consular did not ask for. Now, if the consular officers think that, the documents i provided were enough, can they use the email i sent them to deny me because i personally think the document should have gotten to them.


I highly doubt that they will use your e-mail against you. If they really need it, they will ask for it at your second interview.
After reading this thread, I am kinda worried about myself. I got married on July 2nd and was selected for dv2012 on July 15th. Our marriage was an arranged marriage (most of the marriages in here are arranged). Could I be put in AP because of that (considering there is only 13 day difference)? I spent 7 years studying/working in US and never was out of status. Came back to my homecountry about two years ago. Could this have a somewhat positive affect on the interview?

You e-mailing the embassy is no problem at all. If they need the doc they'll call u.


If arranged marriages are a norm in your country your embassy will be aware of it so long as you conduct your interview there.the best you can do is to ensure that what goes on from your date of marriage to the interview shows bona fide continued relationship between the two of you. That's easy if your marriage is aunthentic.
Not forgeting authentic marriage documentation.
First NL received - 23 may 2010
Forms sent to kcc - 8 july 2010
Forms received by kcc - 14 july 2010
Second NL received - 4 april, 2011
Police clearance received - May, 2011
Medicals received - may, 2011
Interview done - may 2011 Administration process
Visa picked up - july 2011 (God, You did everything. Thank You.)
NY : October 2011
Hi all forumites,

We received by mail this morning the 2nd NL with the interview appointment: thursday,September the 1st at 08:00 AM Montreal.
Step3 and 4 of www.dv.selectee.state.gov listed the required documents for the principal applicant but nothing is mentioned for the beneficiary(the spouse for exemple).

what documents the beneficiary has to bring for the interview?