• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 from Cameroon

im a winner of dv 2011 i hve sent my forms to the kcc but the problelm i have now is that i forgot to filled my father date of birth and i wrote my name and case number at the upper righthand on my forms instead of my case number alone what shd i do plse help me

print and fill a new DS230 form with the correction and send it to kcc, at the same time send and email with the correction to kcc. By the way what is your case #?
im a winner of dv 2011 i hve sent my forms to the kcc but the problelm i have now is that i forgot to filled my father date of birth and i wrote my name and case number at the upper righthand on my forms instead of my case number alone what shd i do plse help me

please write down your informations in the signature in your profile as everyone does like this:
case #?
NL1 dated from KCC?
NL1 received from KCC:?
Sent forms DS230 to KCC:?
confirmation of NL1:?
current : ??
NL2 received ??
embassy interview succesful:??
Visa picked up ??
im a winner of dv 2011 i hve sent my forms to the kcc but the problelm i have now is that i forgot to filled my father date of birth and i wrote my name and case number at the upper righthand on my forms instead of my case number alone what shd i do plse help me
Hi annita,
1) The fact that you wrote your name and case number at the upper right corner of every page is not going to cause you any troubles. They just need that info to identify your forms faster if they some how get mixed. You have taken extra caution by writing your name which is not a fault play. As a matter of fact, it doesn't matter if you even forget to write your case number on every page and this has been answered repeatedly by kcc.
2) You have to write an e mail to kcc mentioning the date of birth of your father and explaining that you have forgotten to write it. Ask them to include that info on your forms. They will do that for you. If anyone has committed only a single error when filling the forms, that can be corrected by e mail notification to kcc. If the errors are two or more, one needs to fill out new forms and re-send to kcc with a cover letter explaining why he/she is sending the new forms. Good luck.
me too im from Cameroon man, but why do you want to move to USA so badly when i think Canada is one of the best countries in the world, if i ma ask.

CN 2011AF00080358
Can someone advice me. when can this Number be current and how should i prepare?

CN 2011AF00080358

This Case number is quite high and makes me tremble and feel as if i am a looser. Do i have to prepare anyway. What has been the situation in the past, any idea please?. I just need some detail so that i can prepare against next year. can you inform me please?
Mr Ndifon, please you dont have to be scared, from past experiences your number will become current for September 2011 and you will have a chance to talk to those officers who are just like you and I. Put everything in God`s hands and continue to pray every single blessed day and you will sail through like others. For every DV winner who wants to continue with the process, preparation is mandatory,especially if you have stayed in another Country other than Country of birth for more than 12 months,then a police report from that Country would be mandatory,some police reports would actually take long before they are issued, for such Countries you have to act fast and on time so that by the time your number become current you must have gotten your police report in hand,but watch out that it shouldnt get expired in your hands before you being current.This is a single preparation from a lot of others depending your personal circumstances.


Njangah, you are an inspiration. Thanks a million for that response. i will count on you for more updates. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to you and your entire Family. Hope to hear from you again
Thank you and happy xmas bro,where are you based?Do you have family?
Bro,I will stop by from time to time to chip in what I can.
To Njangah

Happy to hear from you bros. I and my family are all based in Cameroon. I actually won the DV with my wife. We have both lived only in Cameroon. I don't know whether it poses any problem to our police records and subsequent preparations.
Remember our case # 2011AF00080358. Any more advice? Guy stay Blessed.
Hi to all Cameroonians and more to those who created this forum. I 'm a dv lottery 2011winner and a cameroonian. I sumitted my forms to the kcc last jully 2010. I'm still waiting for the 2nd NL; my CN is 2011AF00036xxx. what makes me affriad is that i have only GCE A levels. Ayn advice?
you are okay

Mr Nkwain
You don't have any problem. you are required to have atleast two A/Ls in one sitting excluding religious knowledge. I hope that settles your worry. I am also a winner but my case number is too high 80. so pray for me too. Where are you located in Cameroon? you will be current june/july 2011.

Hi to all Cameroonians and more to those who created this forum. I 'm a dv lottery 2011winner and a cameroonian. I sumitted my forms to the kcc last jully 2010. I'm still waiting for the 2nd NL; my CN is 2011AF00036xxx. what makes me affriad is that i have only GCE A levels. Ayn advice?
Mr Nkwain
You don't have any problem. you are required to have atleast two A/Ls in one sitting excluding religious knowledge. I hope that settles your worry. I am also a winner but my case number is too high 80. so pray for me too. Where are you located in Cameroon? you will be current june/july 2011.

hi ndifo,

you are not alone my friend, just look at my case # below...................
here is the visa bulletin for march 2011

AFRICA 31,950 Except: Egypt 24,275
Ethiopia 18,650
Nigeria 13,100
ASIA 17,200
EUROPE 20,450
Hi all,
Mr Ndifon
Getting a Cameroon police certificate isnt a big deal.I got mine instantly.Since you only resided in Cameroon,it`s good because you will save some money, had it been you had resided in another country for more than 12months or so,then you will have to get one police certificate from there and obviously some moeny spent. Good to know that you won with your wife.I hope you did include her originally when playing the lottery.The bottom line here is getting current for which you would according to past statistics but be mindful that that time of your being current would be crucial because all of your documents must be authentic and complete because any least error in your file would place you on administrative processing and that would add more sleepless nights.

Mr Nkwian,
Welcome on bord, a pass in A-level will qualify you for the lottery but so far as religion is concern as indicated by Dadadada,I dont have any idea about that.Since he pointed that out it means its a point to take into consideration.
From Falainwest`s flash of the visa bulletin for march,it means your number would become current either in April or May. Though,your number would become current during this period but you might not get an interview date at this time if you returned your forms late.When did you return your forms to KCC? If immediately, it might be appropriate for you to start getting set with some documents especially documents that would take long to get and the police certificate(s). My big question is, where are you based and do you have family?

Good Luck
happy new year to everybdy in the House

Hi Njangah,
Where have you been? Our House is quite cold compared to other houses. I'm grateful for your contributions to the house. I actually got married before getting into the lottery. My wedding took place in July 2009 and we played together in november 2009. We will try to keep to the advice. the only difficulty is financial now. remain blessed guy
one spirit.
thanks mr Njangah i sent my forms back to kcc on the 4th of may thhru dhl i am located in cameroon yde, and single never maried. thanks

I am afraid, you might have to start putting things together. From all indications your number would be current in March or April. If your number becomes current and your second letter isnt around, fire them an email and a response would be yours within a few days. Also,my advice for you would be, start with your police certificate, althought it`s not difficult to get and make sure it`s done in your town of birth (that is to say, if you were born in Mefou,then you will have to get if from Yaounde or if you were born in Kumba, then go to Buea. But for those born in Bamenda,they could either get theirs in Bamenda or Yaounde.
Since you are alone,the burden wouldnt be heavy as compared to those with families. Make sure all your documents are authentic. Bro,dont let this opportunity slip off your hands with a fake docky.
Luck is around the corner.

thanks mr Njangah i sent my forms back to kcc on the 4th of may thhru dhl i am located in cameroon Yde, and single never maried. thanks