• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2011 AOS Only

It's great that you were hopeful enough to get to this stage. Sometimes, they lose correspondence, or the envelope comes back to them even though you gave them the right address. That's what the officer told me at my interview. They sent my first interview letter to an old address and it was sent back to them so instead of having it in March I ended up having it in April. But it's fine now.

Good luck and for the BCG we have that too, but my kid was just born last year and in the US so we didn't have to go through all of that nonsense. They do push you around if you're not informed which is sad. Thanks for the tips, they will help someone else I'm pretty sure.

We moved in Dec 2009 (two months after DV entry). We had the old address in the entry because we didn't know if we are moving at that time. We used to get all credit card bills, other bills, spam and all sorts of stupid mail forwarded to our new address for a year. I guess with so much other stupid mail there wasn't room for the ONLY ONE IMPORTANT :mad::mad::mad:
...and the DV fee receipt was all wet :mad: and I am pretty sure I don't have a leak in my mailbox. Nothing else was wet and the receipt envelop was at the bottom. It was one of those priority mail flat rate envelops so it took a lot of dripping to get it that wet. Thank you US Mail!
Lol, tell me about it!
Thank God, you still have time to complete the process and become a resident.

We moved in Dec 2009 (two months after DV entry). We had the old address in the entry because we didn't know if we are moving at that time. We used to get all credit card bills, other bills, spam and all sorts of stupid mail forwarded to our new address for a year. I guess with so much other stupid mail there wasn't room for the ONLY ONE IMPORTANT :mad::mad::mad:
...and the DV fee receipt was all wet :mad: and I am pretty sure I don't have a leak in my mailbox. Nothing else was wet and the receipt envelop was at the bottom. It was one of those priority mail flat rate envelops so it took a lot of dripping to get it that wet. Thank you US Mail!
Congrats on finding out!
You have plenty of time so don't worry, as they say better late than never...
But please do yourself major favor and read the whole forum. I did it, spent couple of weeks, spare time. You learn a lot!
Also add your info to the spreadsheet:

Hello and late Happy Easter,

one "lucky" winner reporting in. I've been getting tons of useful information from this forum so I felt compelled to do my part and report in.
I am joining the race late because US Mail never delivered our NL - :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
We live (myself, wife and kid) in Boston suburbs so I guess our FO will be Boston which doesn’t rank well in speed and I am not very patient person. But hopefully sooner than later we will see green.
I’ve been reading the forum for about a month now and I managed to read the first 2 pages and the last 15. I will try to catch up.

We are from Bulgaria and naturally BGC vaccinated. My wife and I are negative on TST (PPD) but our son under 5 was positive in 2007. We had to do chest Xray (again). Ever since we came here 4 years ago various doctors/pediatricians want to do harm to our kid. We didn’t let them except for Xray before and now. Doctors follow instructions. Educate yourself and show them printouts of CDC articles on TST and BGC. Nowadays IGRA is accepted (unless your kid is under 5). Here in Boston area you can do the IGRA test in Lahey Clinic in Burlington. Don’t let them push you around.
Also read the civil surgeons instructions on CDC website. Again - Don’t let them push you around. Be prepared. I had a print out of the TB table showing that the surgeon should clear us for USCIS in case there was a problem. Instructions clearly state that only one TB test should be performed and chest ray if test is positive. The you are clear unless the chest xray shows something.

As you can see in my neatly prepared signature today I’ve received 3 SMSs exactly when I was least expecting them. (And that sort’a prompted me to finally post). Otherwise ever since Friday and all Easter weekend I’ve been checking my phone and mail every 30sec.:)
Interview experience

Hi All,

So Nezerbelle and I had our interviews today @ Hartford FO. My interview was @ 11:10am but I was not called before 11:40. Luckily for me, Nezerbelle went before me (she was successful), so we were able to chat about how nice the interviewer was. This took some pressure off. So when my turn came, I did the whole swearing process, then I was asked the Yes/No questions. The whole process lasted for about 10 min. She collected all the copies of my I-120, the I-94 record of departure from my passport and asked to see the original of the birth certificate I supplied. After, the lady said she will approve my case once she is sure that she doesn't need anything else from me, and that a Visa(?) number is available (this isn't normal is it?).
I've been pretty chill since then but I've not received the CPO text. I'll keep you all posted.
Hi All,

When we submit the AOS package, what will suffice for a "Copy of government-issued photo identification". will a passport issued by my country fine in this case.

Thanks All.
Your passport is considered as photo id. But if you have drivers license, SSN, state id then attach them with the package.

Hi All,

When we submit the AOS package, what will suffice for a "Copy of government-issued photo identification". will a passport issued by my country fine in this case.

Thanks All.

I want to try and win a PR Visa via the DV-2011 Lottery... A lot of sites give me info and have told me to visit the U.S. Governments official site in order to enter but I can't seem to find the right one.. Can anyone give me a hand?

Did you win DV 2011? Are you residing in US?


I want to try and win a PR Visa via the DV-2011 Lottery... A lot of sites give me info and have told me to visit the U.S. Governments official site in order to enter but I can't seem to find the right one.. Can anyone give me a hand?

maybe DV 2013 you mean? The registration starts only in Fall, this is not a year round thing.


I want to try and win a PR Visa via the DV-2011 Lottery... A lot of sites give me info and have told me to visit the U.S. Governments official site in order to enter but I can't seem to find the right one.. Can anyone give me a hand?

I think johnhastings may be nothing but a scam here to advertise china wholesale. You can see the signature. Guys, be aware.