• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2011 AOS Only

Hello WGeneral, Nezerbelle, Wheetiebix & goodfellas:
I wonder if you guys are still waiting for the Interview Letters. Could you update your status to us please?

We are still waiting. @ least I am. It's is a long painful wait...

Hello WGeneral, Nezerbelle, Wheetiebix & goodfellas:
I wonder if you guys are still waiting for the Interview Letters. Could you update your status to us please?
Is not it taking longer than the normal processing time? Did you try Infopass and inquire about your case? Is your file at the FO and did KCC transferred your case file to the local USCIS FO? I am curious to know...thanks

We are still waiting. @ least I am. It's is a long painful wait...
Transfer status == True;

I just called the KCC and they told me the file was transferred on Feb 15th. March is over though and no interview letter yet.

Is not it taking longer than the normal processing time? Did you try Infopass and inquire about your case? Is your file at the FO and did KCC transferred your case file to the local USCIS FO? I am curious to know...thanks
Why do not you raise a service request with USCIS if possible? Your bio was done more than 4 months ago.

I just called the KCC and they told me the file was transferred on Feb 15th. March is over though and no interview letter yet.
oh and infopasses are utterly useless in these matters. They only tell you to keep waiting because there is a backlog in Hartford, which ironically has some of the lowest applicants around
Hi Nuvf,
Thank you for being around to help us. I have a question for you; according to you, IO is who would make decision about early filling. IO will receive the package about 15 days after we send it to Chicago. So do you think it is wise to send package 15 days before the July visa bulletin come out?(as most likely in July bulletin Asia will be announced current for September).


That is not a good 'tactic' !!
All that matters is your sig and date on i-485. (legally speaking that is the case, though some may argue it is the date of the NoA which I doubt)
Wait for the VB and send with a copy of VB attached.
Ppl at the tail end of the FY are the ones who need to be extra careful on this, leave no room for error.

Having said that....
One person I remember did the exact same 'tactic' last year, he understood the risks but was fine at the end!!
However , I think it is not worth taking a chance on the USCIS 'inconsistencies'

(in this year I am yet to see s 'too early filing' success, but seen them before past few yrs. But nothing compared to a good friend of mine....DV06----> has filed i-485 in July 05, current only in July 06, yet APPROVED!!)

Really!! I hope you get it this month.

oh and infopasses are utterly useless in these matters. They only tell you to keep waiting because there is a backlog in Hartford, which ironically has some of the lowest applicants around
i485- Quick question

My USCIS status F1 and it is D/S (Duration of Study)(it is on i95 too) . what should I put in i485 form, part 1 which asks for "Expires on"
Aah, the bloody thing is over!

So, our interview was done on 3/28. We arrived half an hour early, San Jose field office looked empty, we were admitted almost immediately. The officer was neither friendly nor anything, I couldn't read off his poker face a thing. My wife, the winner, took the turn first, took the oath and then went through every single question on I-485. Then had to sign that she agrees with all the notes/corrections the IO made on her I-485. Was asked for her original birth certificate, all letters from KCC and the DV fee receipt. We had our kids with us, so were asked for both their birth certificates, even though they're US citizens.

Then I took the oath, and went through all the questions on I-485. My bad here, I had an out-of-state drivers license - I'm in consulting, move a lot, and my employers' headquarters are not in California either - so IO started asking about something that would prove that I live AND work in California, like apartment lease (didn't have it with me) and tax return (had it but FORGOT about it), or employment letter - asked if I had HR in Cali to get it the same day. I did show him my payslip, but that didn't satisfy him. I must admit, I was a bit shaken, in part due to lack of sleep the night before, in part due to not being ready for some of the questions. So I could give him W-2 that I had with me but I didn't, and I even forgot that I had all my tax returns at hand. He also asked for original marriage certificate, divorce certificate from the previous marriage. Then he turned back to my wife and said that since she's is unemployed she'll need I-134 affidavit of support. We said that we have proof of sufficient funds, but he responded that she must have an affidavit if she's unemployed, and he's going to verify if I could sign it. I spent the next couple of minutes trying to think who would do this for us if he tells that I'm not able to sign myself. Fortunately he said that I can do it, all I needed was to provide my I-94 number against option (e.) in question 1. on the form. At this point we had so many unanswered questions accumulated that I was starting to wonder which way it might go.

So he gave us a request for additional information, asking to provide within 30 days: employment letter, apartment lease, tax return, affidavit of support by me on behalf of my wife. Then he said that KCC file had not arrived yet, so he'd be working on that while we prepare all the documents. My wife was never asked for original high school diploma, which is ironic since most of other folks seem to get away with showing just that.

I got employment letter from HR on 3/30 and immediately overnighted all the docs. We've been nervously waiting since the date they were delivered, and Hallelujah, Card/ Document Production emails are sitting in my inbox for almost an hour now!
well, what can I say, these immigration officer are so hard to get sometimes, but I am happy that everything ended well and you guys got the CPO, congrats :)

Aah, the bloody thing is over!

So, our interview was done on 3/28. We arrived half an hour early, San Jose field office looked empty, we were admitted almost immediately. The officer was neither friendly nor anything, I couldn't read off his poker face a thing. My wife, the winner, took the turn first, took the oath and then went through every single question on I-485. Then had to sign that she agrees with all the notes/corrections the IO made on her I-485. Was asked for her original birth certificate, all letters from KCC and the DV fee receipt. We had our kids with us, so were asked for both their birth certificates, even though they're US citizens.

Then I took the oath, and went through all the questions on I-485. My bad here, I had an out-of-state drivers license - I'm in consulting, move a lot, and my employers' headquarters are not in California either - so IO started asking about something that would prove that I live AND work in California, like apartment lease (didn't have it with me) and tax return (had it but FORGOT about it), or employment letter - asked if I had HR in Cali to get it the same day. I did show him my payslip, but that didn't satisfy him. I must admit, I was a bit shaken, in part due to lack of sleep the night before, in part due to not being ready for some of the questions. So I could give him W-2 that I had with me but I didn't, and I even forgot that I had all my tax returns at hand. He also asked for original marriage certificate, divorce certificate from the previous marriage. Then he turned back to my wife and said that since she's is unemployed she'll need I-134 affidavit of support. We said that we have proof of sufficient funds, but he responded that she must have an affidavit if she's unemployed, and he's going to verify if I could sign it. I spent the next couple of minutes trying to think who would do this for us if he tells that I'm not able to sign myself. Fortunately he said that I can do it, all I needed was to provide my I-94 number against option (e.) in question 1. on the form. At this point we had so many unanswered questions accumulated that I was starting to wonder which way it might go.

So he gave us a request for additional information, asking to provide within 30 days: employment letter, apartment lease, tax return, affidavit of support by me on behalf of my wife. Then he said that KCC file had not arrived yet, so he'd be working on that while we prepare all the documents. My wife was never asked for original high school diploma, which is ironic since most of other folks seem to get away with showing just that.

I got employment letter from HR on 3/30 and immediately overnighted all the docs. We've been nervously waiting since the date they were delivered, and Hallelujah, Card/ Document Production emails are sitting in my inbox for almost an hour now!
I know this is kind of an old post from back in January, but I was going over the spreadsheet with the timelines and I saw that Queenslurker has another interview appointment for April 19, wondering how are things going with his case?

My interview did not go as planned. Remember that I'm filing under 245i. Well, my interviewer was CLEARLY unfamiliar with the law. Just to give you guys a background on my story:

My aunt filed a petition for my father in January 1998. I aged out of that petition. So when my father received his Green Card in 2009, he filed a family-based petition for me. I was content in waiting the many years to become current. Then in May 2010, I received the letter saying that I won the DV Lottery. So, when I became current in October, I filed AOS under 245i, since a petition was filed before January 14, 1998.

Well when I walked into the interview and swore in, my interviewer immediately told me that a Visa was not available for me because my father just filed a petition for me (she was obviously referencing the petition that my father filed for me in 2009). I corrected her and said I was there because I won the 2011 DV Lottery. She said that was fine but if I wanted to claim a VISA under my DV win, I would have to leave the country. I was enraged because that is NOT TRUE. And I couldn't believe that this lady had the audacity to say such a thing with such confection. I said no, she was mistaken and that I DID qualify under the 245i and the 245i says that as long as a petition was filed for me (or if i'm the derivative beneficiary of such petition) then the law says I can do AOS in the United States under any petition means, this include the DV Lottery. She then says "I'll talk to my supervisor, but I think you're mistaken". I listen to her talk outside the office (I only heard bits and pieces) and all I hear from her is "Oh! Is that so? I've never done a case like this! heehhe" Ugh.... I was even more upset at that point. So she comes back and says that she doesn't know why her field office (Holtsville) received my case because NYC has a special division for Diversity Lottery winners. She said it was a mistake that they received my file and that her supervisor will send over my file to NYC today. She said it should take about 1 month to get a new interview at the NYC office.

I'm utterly appalled that they have that woman working there. What if I didn't know the law and I just sat there and said "OK" and let her deny my case. What would have happened? Remember guys, educate yourself. Education is the key to freedom.

I will keep you guys up to date on when I receive my new interview letter.
CN: 2011AS00038xxx
05/06/10: 1st NL
06/05/10: DSP-122 to KCC
06/18/10: fee paid $750(375X2)
07/20/10: fee paid $130(65X2)
03/25/11: medical done
current: maybe in August or Sept

I hope that someone can answer this “hypothetical” question?
I am Lebanese and I am sure that if I did CP, the visa officer will put me on Administrative processing (my father 70 years old man waited 9 month for his visa, tourist visa, and same with my brother. I have a high number and if I am lucky I will get an interview in August. So, if they say I have to wait for name check I am screwed.
My question is that will that affect my wife CP (I am the principle applicant), she is from Poland and we are planning to do her interview in Poland? Is there a possibility that she can get her GC even if I did not get it? I am sure that her name check is only going to take couple days since she is not an applicant from the 26 countries that goes an intensive security check?

I really appreciate all the responds from you guys, this forum is an encyclopedia in the DV process…….
If you guys apply together as a family pack, I think they won't just approve her case. I am not sure. Others please chime in.

CN: 2011AS00038xxx
05/06/10: 1st NL
06/05/10: DSP-122 to KCC
06/18/10: fee paid $750(375X2)
07/20/10: fee paid $130(65X2)
03/25/11: medical done
current: maybe in August or Sept

I hope that someone can answer this “hypothetical” question?
I am Lebanese and I am sure that if I did CP, the visa officer will put me on Administrative processing (my father 70 years old man waited 9 month for his visa, tourist visa, and same with my brother. I have a high number and if I am lucky I will get an interview in August. So, if they say I have to wait for name check I am screwed.
My question is that will that affect my wife CP (I am the principle applicant), she is from Poland and we are planning to do her interview in Poland? Is there a possibility that she can get her GC even if I did not get it? I am sure that her name check is only going to take couple days since she is not an applicant from the 26 countries that goes an intensive security check?

I really appreciate all the responds from you guys, this forum is an encyclopedia in the DV process…….
Voxx, congratulations and thank you for sharing your experience.
Aah, the bloody thing is over!

So, our interview was done on 3/28. We arrived half an hour early, San Jose field office looked empty, we were admitted almost immediately. The officer was neither friendly nor anything, I couldn't read off his poker face a thing. My wife, the winner, took the turn first, took the oath and then went through every single question on I-485. Then had to sign that she agrees with all the notes/corrections the IO made on her I-485. Was asked for her original birth certificate, all letters from KCC and the DV fee receipt. We had our kids with us, so were asked for both their birth certificates, even though they're US citizens.

Then I took the oath, and went through all the questions on I-485. My bad here, I had an out-of-state drivers license - I'm in consulting, move a lot, and my employers' headquarters are not in California either - so IO started asking about something that would prove that I live AND work in California, like apartment lease (didn't have it with me) and tax return (had it but FORGOT about it), or employment letter - asked if I had HR in Cali to get it the same day. I did show him my payslip, but that didn't satisfy him. I must admit, I was a bit shaken, in part due to lack of sleep the night before, in part due to not being ready for some of the questions. So I could give him W-2 that I had with me but I didn't, and I even forgot that I had all my tax returns at hand. He also asked for original marriage certificate, divorce certificate from the previous marriage. Then he turned back to my wife and said that since she's is unemployed she'll need I-134 affidavit of support. We said that we have proof of sufficient funds, but he responded that she must have an affidavit if she's unemployed, and he's going to verify if I could sign it. I spent the next couple of minutes trying to think who would do this for us if he tells that I'm not able to sign myself. Fortunately he said that I can do it, all I needed was to provide my I-94 number against option (e.) in question 1. on the form. At this point we had so many unanswered questions accumulated that I was starting to wonder which way it might go.

So he gave us a request for additional information, asking to provide within 30 days: employment letter, apartment lease, tax return, affidavit of support by me on behalf of my wife. Then he said that KCC file had not arrived yet, so he'd be working on that while we prepare all the documents. My wife was never asked for original high school diploma, which is ironic since most of other folks seem to get away with showing just that.

I got employment letter from HR on 3/30 and immediately overnighted all the docs. We've been nervously waiting since the date they were delivered, and Hallelujah, Card/ Document Production emails are sitting in my inbox for almost an hour now!
You are the winner and your wife will get the GC because of you. Without processing your application, they will not process your wife's application since she cannot apply for the GC by herself.

My question is that will that affect my wife CP (I am the principle applicant), she is from Poland and we are planning to do her interview in Poland? Is there a possibility that she can get her GC even if I did not get it? I am sure that her name check is only going to take couple days since she is not an applicant from the 26 countries that goes an intensive security check?
Last edited by a moderator:
CN: 2011AS00038xxx
05/06/10: 1st NL
06/05/10: DSP-122 to KCC
06/18/10: fee paid $750(375X2)
07/20/10: fee paid $130(65X2)
03/25/11: medical done
current: maybe in August or Sept

I hope that someone can answer this “hypothetical” question?
I am Lebanese and I am sure that if I did CP, the visa officer will put me on Administrative processing (my father 70 years old man waited 9 month for his visa, tourist visa, and same with my brother. I have a high number and if I am lucky I will get an interview in August. So, if they say I have to wait for name check I am screwed.
My question is that will that affect my wife CP (I am the principle applicant), she is from Poland and we are planning to do her interview in Poland? Is there a possibility that she can get her GC even if I did not get it? I am sure that her name check is only going to take couple days since she is not an applicant from the 26 countries that goes an intensive security check?

I really appreciate all the responds from you guys, this forum is an encyclopedia in the DV process…….
She can go to interview separately but only after your case is approved and they forward the approval to Warsaw. It is called a follow to join process.

Considering that your case number is high, you would not have much time left for such an approach, especially if they screw up and fail to transfer your file to the US embassy in Warsaw immediately. This happened to somebody last year, but they had a bit more time so the process ended well.

Is your wife living in US currently? If that is the case, I think the best option for you is to do AOS together in US. I notice that you already paid the DV fee for both of you. You should be aware that there is a name check process for AOS cases as well.