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DV 2011 AOS Only

FINALLY guys we received IL for the 04/12. Hope the member who sent the aos lately don't have to wait 5 months like us!
Hi everyone, like R2010, I also received the IL for 04/12. And I also share the same wish with R2010 since we also had to wait almost 5 months.
congrats R2010.
I hope your interview goes well (like everybody's else)
btw: what is your FO (field office) ?
I'm trying to figure out the reason for your long delay (5 months). Is that the FO like Newark, NJ, or something to do with 245i that i believe you do.

FINALLY guys we received IL for the 04/12. Hope the member who sent the aos lately don't have to wait 5 months like us!
Hey guys.. I finally was rescheduled for a new interview date. The 2 month wait was nervous-inducing. But I'm happy that everything seems to be coming along again.
Guys, I still have not received my bio appoint. letter. I wonder if it is mailed out by the local ASC for all applicants. I think some of us got it from NBC directly...Could you share your experience? Thanks.
@feel: I got from NBC. I think, you can call USCIS about it.

Guys, I still have not received my bio appoint. letter. I wonder if it is mailed out by the local ASC for all applicants. I think some of us got it from NBC directly...Could you share your experience? Thanks.
Thanks Yoni123, Newark, NJ. I dont think is realted with the 245i because Umuteren has the same timeline as me and he is from Newark too. So it must be a Newark thing!
congrats R2010.
I hope your interview goes well (like everybody's else)
btw: what is your FO (field office) ?
I'm trying to figure out the reason for your long delay (5 months). Is that the FO like Newark, NJ, or something to do with 245i that i believe you do.
hi everyone, I got the interview letter and on the attached document, its written exactly that Bring the following documents :
- High School Diploma and/ or college degree and official transcripts( if foreign, must be accompanied by official evaluation/certification -ie ...WES (world education service)( Or if no high school diploma must submit proof of qualifying training /work exprience)

I checked the AOS 2009 and AOS 2010 pages, I havent seen anything regarding diploma evaluation. Do we have to evaluate the high school diploma for the interview ??
For those who are still waitin---

Here is to hoping that this week brings IL for us. It's been almost six months and Hartford FO is still keeping us in wait.
For those who are still waitin---

Here is to hoping that this week brings IL for us. It's been almost six months and Hartford FO is still keeping us in wait.
Hi Guys, in the affidavit of support(I-134) which box the sponsor needs to check on #11 "I intend" or "I do not intend to make specific contributions"?
Can it be, I do not intend to make specific contributions and still be a valid affidavit of support?
Hi All,

to those who already recieved their GCs,
does the online status change from CPO to PDA for when the GCs are mailed or it is not necessary to happen. And also Does everone get a Welcome Letter Too.

I have been monitoring my mailbox closely these day :)
Hi Guys, in the affidavit of support(I-134) which box the sponsor needs to check on #11 "I intend" or "I do not intend to make specific contributions"?
Can it be, I do not intend to make specific contributions and still be a valid affidavit of support?

Yes you can select 'I do not intend to'