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DV 2011 AOS Only

No you do not need to furnish ANYTHING for speeding tickets or traffic violation... anyways do not even volunteer this information since it is not needed.

Onebowloflaksa, thank you for prompt response, helpful as usual =) Could you also tell how do you know that no additional papers needed for traffic violations? Is it info from your attorney or maybe your personal experience? THanks!
I got my BIOmetrics appointment at last !

Indeed I got 3 Letters

1. Referral for FD 258 Fingerprints: Fingerprints& Biometrics for ICMS, CODE 3 between 12-26 Nov. What does it mean CODE 3??

2. ASC Application Support Center Appointment Notice to have Biometrics Taken for 23 Nov. Why I have an appointment like that, different from item 1( Fingerprint&Biometrics appointment)?


3rd Lettler : It is an appointment for "COMPLETION FOR AoS- DV CASE" @ 29 November with M. Vasquez

Is it an interview or what????

NirvanaGranger, I think your biometrics letter is really item 2, ASC Appointment Notice, since my biometrics letter also states that it is "ASC Appointment Notice". My guess that item 1 is just an additional supporting request for biometrics to be taken between 12-26Nov, I would just ignore this.

Code 3 means that you'll be doing fingerprints of all 10 fingers, photo and signature.
Generally Biometrics appointment code:
1= fingerprinting all 10 fingers
2=fingerprinting right index finger only, photo, and signature
3=fingerprinting all 10 fingers, photo, and signature

As for item 3, I do not know, very hope it is an interview letter! Maybe that is why they requested your biometrics to be sometime between 12-26, so you have it done before the interview, do not know. Happy interview letter holders will answer better =)
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NirvanaGrunger, your 3rd letter, I am pretty sure, is an interview letter because it mentions the name of the person whom you are scheduled to meet. Guys, please chime in.
it is interview letter, have fun and good luck

NirvanaGrunger, your 3rd letter, I am pretty sure, is an interview letter because it mentions the name of the person whom you are scheduled to meet. Guys, please chime in.
Onebowloflaksa, thank you for prompt response, helpful as usual =) Could you also tell how do you know that no additional papers needed for traffic violations? Is it info from your attorney or maybe your personal experience? THanks!

My attorney told me that it is not needed..
I got my BIOmetrics appointment at last !

Indeed I got 3 Letters

1. Referral for FD 258 Fingerprints: Fingerprints& Biometrics for ICMS, CODE 3 between 12-26 Nov. What does it mean CODE 3??

2. ASC Application Support Center Appointment Notice to have Biometrics Taken for 23 Nov. Why I have an appointment like that, different from item 1( Fingerprint&Biometrics appointment)?


3rd Lettler : It is an appointment for "COMPLETION FOR AoS- DV CASE" @ 29 November with M. Vasquez

Is it an interview or what????

Congrats! Yeah, it is an interview letter... but there should also be an exact time as well for your interview, if you do not see a time or you're unsure about your biometrics appointment date, MAKE AN INFOPASS APPOINTMENT (as I've already repeated many times previously, feel kinda naggy.. hehehe!)

If I were you, I would go to the nearest ASC for the biometrics today or tomorrow since the first letter stated between Nov 12-26 (just show the first letter when you get there and then when the officer comes to get your for the fingerprinting, then show her both 1st and 2nd biometrics appointment notice)... the earlier you get your background check cleared the better!
Hi guys, I just notice that my traslated birth certificate was notarized buy someone that had the comission expired on june 2010, but the traslation was notarized few days before.. Do you think that could be a problem? anyone sent the aos pkge with a document like this?? ..

I do not think it matters. Document is properly notarized as soon as commission of notary public is valid on the date of notarization, so you should be OK
Baobab, that is funny and neet how you have your signature "greener and greener" =))) GREEN card is on the way!
I just noticed newbie had a good interview but KCC had not sent his/her file to the field office.
Newbie, will you share your experience with us? Had you contacted KCC before to see if they had sent your file?

Friends, please tell us your stories here as well. For the sake of our fellow DVs. Much appreciated! Best wishes for you
I have a specific date and hour for Biopass for 23th November. Do I need do an additional Infopass appoitment??

Generally how long does it take to get a Clearance for Biometric? Perhaps, I'd do your suggestion about going there between 12-26th Nov

Congrats! Yeah, it is an interview letter... but there should also be an exact time as well for your interview, if you do not see a time or you're unsure about your biometrics appointment date, MAKE AN INFOPASS APPOINTMENT (as I've already repeated many times previously, feel kinda naggy.. hehehe!)

If I were you, I would go to the nearest ASC for the biometrics today or tomorrow since the first letter stated between Nov 12-26 (just show the first letter when you get there and then when the officer comes to get your for the fingerprinting, then show her both 1st and 2nd biometrics appointment notice)... the earlier you get your background check cleared the better!