• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.



well i am from Romania...still nothing received from USA,,,
we keep our eyes on the post-man:p
well good luck to everyone!!!!
if there's something new, i'll let you all know!
be blessed!
france, kuwait, australia

dear brothers, I was reading about the dv winners in the official site of the usa foreign minister and I really wonder, why people from countries like france or Germany or Australia, which is very rich, stable and develop countries participate in this lottery, I think they can take visa to USA in few hours, so why they interest in this lottery
however, I think the dual citizenship is their aim, I think they will return back to their countries after awhile,,
however good luck for them, this is not our interest now,
any new news<<< did any body find envelope in his mail box >>>
not the three African knights, from Asia and especially from Iraq
I am very overstrung
france, kuwait, australia

dear brothers, I was reading about the dv winners in the official site of the usa foreign minister and I really wonder, why people from countries like france or Germany or Australia, which is very rich, stable and develop countries participate in this lottery, I think they can take visa to USA in few hours, so why they interest in this lottery
however, I think the dual citizenship is their aim, I think they will return back to their countries after awhile,,
however good luck for them, this is not our interest now,
any new news<<< did any body find envelope in his mail box >>>
not the three African knights, from Asia and especially from Iraq
I am very overstrung
france, germany and australia

dear brothers, I was reading about the dv winners in the official site of the usa foreign minister and I really wonder, why people from countries like france or Germany or Australia, which is very rich, stable and develop countries participate in this lottery, I think they can take visa to USA in few hours, so why they interest in this lottery
however, I think the dual citizenship is their aim, I think they will return back to their countries after awhile,,
however good luck for them, this is not our interest now,
any new news<<< did any body find envelope in his mail box >>>
not the three African knights, from Asia and especially from Iraq
I am very overstrung
dear brothers, I was reading about the dv winners in the official site of the usa foreign minister and I really wonder, why people from countries like france or Germany or Australia, which is very rich, stable and develop countries participate in this lottery, I think they can take visa to USA in few hours, so why they interest in this lottery
however, I think the dual citizenship is their aim, I think they will return back to their countries after awhile,,
however good luck for them, this is not our interest now,
any new news<<< did any body find envelope in his mail box >>>
not the three African knights, from Asia and especially from Iraq
I am very overstrung
You should know what is "DIVERSITY" to understand the goal of this lottery.
a. The fact or quality of being diverse; difference.
b. A point or respect in which things differ.
2. Variety or multiformity.


1. the quality of being different or varied
2. a point of difference


I'm citizen of a European country and I do not need a visa to visit USA but I need a residence permit to live there as the others.

and check the recent results:

ALGERIA is an African country

GREECE is a European country (as you consider rich)



I mean 3rd world countries have more winners than rich european countries.
I also don't understand why??
dear brothers, I was reading about the dv winners in the official site of the usa foreign minister and I really wonder, why people from countries like france or Germany or Australia, which is very rich, stable and develop countries participate in this lottery, I think they can take visa to USA in few hours, so why they interest in this lottery
however, I think the dual citizenship is their aim, I think they will return back to their countries after awhile,,
however good luck for them, this is not our interest now,
any new news<<< did any body find envelope in his mail box >>>
not the three African knights, from Asia and especially from Iraq
I am very overstrung

I'm European and this sorta feels like, "you're rich, why are you playing and hogging visas?". Well, for the same reason Americans want to move to Europe and God knows where else. A search for a better life isn't necessarily driven by financial gain. Although my life is perfectly fine in Holland, I feel more at home in the US. Apart from all that, I'm not rich. Not in Europe, not in the US.
By the way, you seem to think people from visa waiver and "developed" countries are greeted with red carpets and flowers at American embassies and border checkpoints. I can tell you, we are under as much scrutiny as everyone else. Nor are we presented green cards on silver platters.
as for me...

Living in a EU country, Portugal that can hardly be said to be rich (although, yes, it is when compared with a big part of the world), now without work due to this world crisis, having bills to pay and a person I am in a relationship with (in the US) but dont want to push into a fiancee visa, the DV seems a pretty good way out.
Hello, everyone! I'm in Australia and haven't recieved NLs yet! I played like Russian citizen! Hopefully, I'll win! I wish good luck to everyone!
nothing here either (US), I have applied for 12 years in a row now and nothing yet and my country gets anywhere from 2000 to 3000 winners every year.....tough luck............let's see now this year LOL it will be the last year I apply otherwise Canada here I come ;)
i'm from malaysia, small country .. only 85-87 malaysian are granted with DV last 2 years (probably because of the 7%) .. i just apply it this year and hope i'll get it ..

i love my country .. but the reason why i want to move to another country, because of the opportunity and experience .. i see lots of other people doing this, like Bangladeshi, pakistani, india .. malaysian are not like this, we love to just stay where we are.. so i want to change it .. if i got this Visa, i will give chance to my families to travel to other side of the world .. that's my intention ..
Whoohoooo... I'm a winner

Looking for complementary information I found this forum and want to share my experience with you.

After 10 years (maybe more) trying, finally I'm a winner...:D:D:D

I received my NL on 04/06/09. The envelope is dated 04/02/09
The number is SA00000XXX
Today I'm filling all the papers and sending it back to KCC and doing AOS

btw, I am living in the USA under a H1B Visa.
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Looking for complementary information I found this forum and want to share my experience with you.

After 10 years (maybe more) trying, finally I'm a winner...:D:D:D

I received my NL on 06/04/09. The envelope is dated 04/02/09
The number is SA00000XXX
Today I'm filling all the papers and sending it back to KCC and doing AOS

btw, I am living in the USA under a H1B Visa.

Great news!
It means they finished sending letters to AF region and began sending to SA.
Usually SA receives rather few letters.
It means that people in EU region will begin to receive letters in 1-2 weeks maximum.
Looking for complementary information I found this forum and want to share my experience with you.

After 10 years (maybe more) trying, finally I'm a winner...:D:D:D

I received my NL on 06/04/09. The envelope is dated 04/02/09
The number is SA00000XXX
Today I'm filling all the papers and sending it back to KCC and doing AOS

btw, I am living in the USA under a H1B Visa.

Congratulations, Yaku!
It looks you made mistake in dates. Did you mean

"I received my NL on April 06th 09. The envelope is dated April 02nd 09"

Congratulations, Yaku!
It looks you made mistake in dates. Did you mean

"I received my NL on April 06th 09. The envelope is dated April 02nd 09"


You are right,
Correct info is:

I received my NL on 04/06/09. The envelope is dated 04/02/09 ;)
anees first of all there are sisters here too :rolleyes:.......and i believe you should not make thoughts who like to play in the lottery or not......
everyone who play in the lottery has a reason and only because we are europeans they don't make us easy to come to the usa......please think !!!!

i'm the spouse of a LPR and for me it would be very important to win the GC, luckily i'm in the states on a B-Visa but its not that funny to leave my husband every 6 months and don't have the warranty to come in again......of course i will get my greencard anyway because of his status, but it will take years!!!

i wish everyone good luck this year and i'm glad for other people too if they will win, as far as their real ittention is to live in the usa.....
Hello House

I am a Nigerian ,base in Lagos.I am a regular visitor to this great forum.I am one of those that is waiting for God highest miracle in my life this year to win DV lottery.But I haven’t received anything yet.Despite that I still want to tell the entire house that the 2010DV result is out and I have seen it with my two naked eyes here in Nigeria at the Ikeja post office.I saw two married people that won with there case number 2xxx and 3xx respectively.More have been distributed throughout the counrty.It was sent from KCC dated 20th March and it arrive at the post office on March 9th.

I pray that those that needed it most should win.