• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.


one from Egypt

Dear all
I got my NL letter it has March 24, 2009
my CN is 2010AF0000xxxx
i am from Egypt.
Can any one give me advises on how to proceed, what is this low-high
rank number.

thank you
good luck to all of you
Dear all
I got my NL letter it has March 24, 2009
my CN is 2010AF0000xxxx
i am from Egypt.
Can any one give me advises on how to proceed, what is this low-high
rank number.

thank you
good luck to all of you

Hi My Friend semsem!
Then what is the meaning of 2010AF0000xxxx?!!! :eek:
Always you must write the first number after 0 for showing the narrow range! xxxx means it could be from 1000 to 9999!!! :D

This year was a terrible one for Asian and Europian friends. today is 18/April and nothing from AS OR EU regions.:(
I think they want to send NLs from 1/May as they said before.
the first number is 7
I also have a question
do you get the visa stamp in the same day of the interview
how long do you have to wait to get the pasport
what if i need to travel in 2-3 days after the interview

hi semsem

here check this link ,, you will find in it many things on how to prepare for your interview, medical examination and many other stuff ,, it is in Arabic


and also this one


please pray for me so I will get my NL this year :)

أرجوك لا تنسى أن تدعو لي بظاهر الغيب أن يرزقنى الله الفيزا العشوائية هذا العام​
salam Egy

Inshaa Allah you will get it.
This was the first time for me to apply and my wife told me just apply.
I kept saying I haven't ever won any lottery even for one cent.
But It was GOD willinging and Thanks GOD.

Thank you and keep in touch.
Do you know any information about the time between the interview and getting the visa. I will be working outside and need to leave in 2-3 days.
Will they keep the pasport more than that.
It was God

no, it was KCC and their computers; not God

It was God for Him as it was for me so accpt it. For some of us, any good thing that happens to us comes from God. May be your source of success is something else which I pray that you change and join us.

NL recieved 18th April
Letter posted to KCC 5th May
sent mail to KCC in July 10
KCC comfirmed reciept of form July 11
Current in December
Police Cert completed
KCC confirm interview for 19/12/08
Interview reschedulled to 23/2/09
successful fisrt interview 23/2/09
medicals completed
second interview 16/04/09
Sucessful second interview 16/04/2009
visa pick up 24/04/2009
Prov. 21:31 Horses are made ready for battle but vitory is in the hands of God
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It is always God

to eMachine

It is always and forever God willing that lets anything to happen (good or bad), believe it or not but this is the truth, and this is the only true thing in this world.

to semsem

I really don't have answers to your questions, but if you go to the links I posted before and posted your question there, I am pretty sure you will get your answers readily from people who have done the whole process and the interview recently.
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Semsem, Congratulation bro, If you have been looking around here i'm also a winner from egypt although i'm doing AOS since i'm already in the US. please feel free to contact me anytime.

egy, good luck and will pray for you.
Please, no religious stuff or trying to convert people to Christianity or any other religion. That's a whole other forum. I think it's offensive to act like non-believers are a lost cause.
Please, no religious stuff or trying to convert people to Christianity or any other religion. That's a whole other forum. I think it's offensive to act like non-believers are a lost cause.

I can understand that you don't want forum members trying to "preach" or "convert" you, however, it is you that first said that their belief in God's hand in the lottery was incorrect. If someone believes that God caused their good fortune, they are entitled to that belief and freedom of speech also entitles them to express that belief. Like someone else said earlier, if you don't like it, ignore it, but do NOT bash other people's beliefs. If you are wanting a happy, successful life in the States you'd better get used to that because Americans are firm believers in the freedom of speech. I shall now use my freedom of speech to declare that the Lord Jesus Christ is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him I will trust.
I can understand that you don't want forum members trying to "preach" or "convert" you, however, it is you that first said that their belief in God's hand in the lottery was incorrect. If someone believes that God caused their good fortune, they are entitled to that belief and freedom of speech also entitles them to express that belief. Like someone else said earlier, if you don't like it, ignore it, but do NOT bash other people's beliefs. If you are wanting a happy, successful life in the States you'd better get used to that because Americans are firm believers in the freedom of speech. I shall now use my freedom of speech to declare that the Lord Jesus Christ is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him I will trust.

Thanks bro

NL recieved 18th April
Letter posted to KCC 5th May
sent mail to KCC in July 10
KCC comfirmed reciept of form July 11
Current in December
Police Cert completed
KCC confirm interview for 19/12/08
Interview reschedulled to 23/2/09
successful fisrt interview 23/2/09
medicals completed
second interview 16/04/09
Sucessful second interview 16/04/2009
visa pick up 24/04/2009
Prov. 21:31 Horses are made ready for battle but vitory is in the hands of God
It was actually them, not eMachine, that started talking about how God is great and how this is God's work. Keep that kind of stuff to yourself. This is not a church or a mosque. Or if you do decide to say such things on this forum, don't be surprised if someone comes along and points out that you're wrong - it is all the product of human actions and machines built by humans, not God.
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sour win!

This was the second time I entered the lottery - two years in a row, and I'm from Australia but living in the US for 9 years. I was already filing through my employer but entered the lottery just in case! I got my green card 4 months ago and I wish I didnt! now I have to stay at the company for a full year otherwise pay $10,000 for all the expenses. I have been working as a slave in the same company for 4 and half years under H1b, I'm so ready to move to a new company but can't:( If I knew I would win, I could move on immediately without any debts tp my employer.

My case number is OC000001XX
Dated April 8
Mailed April 17
Received April 20

Good luck to you all!
Your comment was too. If you do not like smth, just ignore it and move on.
No; it was a semi-related post.

to eMachine
It is always and forever God willing that lets anything to happen (good or bad), believe it or not but this is the truth, and this is the only true thing in this world.
to semsem
I really don't have answers to your questions, but if you go to the links I posted before and posted your question there, I am pretty sure you will get your answers readily from people who have done the whole process and the interview recently.

There is approximately 10 million applicants each year! Think what if 10 million people are religious and assume that God wants to help 10 million individuals.
However, only the "LUCKY 55.000" win the DV lottery.
10 million - 55 thousand = 9945000 which means God ignores the rest "9945000".
It's all about KCC computers and luck! That's why THINK TWICE before you people post something.
I am personally getting offended by religious people. So keep the conversation civilized and scientific; if possible.
The problem is I personally HATE to see the big drama going on here. It is a lottery; not a Hollywood drama-love movie.
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I can understand that you don't want forum members trying to "preach" or "convert" you, however, it is you that first said that their belief in God's hand in the lottery was incorrect. If someone believes that God caused their good fortune, they are entitled to that belief and freedom of speech also entitles them to express that belief. Like someone else said earlier, if you don't like it, ignore it, but do NOT bash other people's beliefs. If you are wanting a happy, successful life in the States you'd better get used to that because Americans are firm believers in the freedom of speech. I shall now use my freedom of speech to declare that the Lord Jesus Christ is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him I will trust.

What the hell are you talking about? I never said that. You're confusing my reply with someone else's.
eMachine, I believe that you were the one that started taking this forum the wrong way. If you look all over the different forums, people have expressed their happiness whether it was through luck, faith in God, Allah, karma etc and nobody has gotten offended!. Because of freedom of speech.

If it is something you don't agree with, ignore it and move on!
People should focus on winning the lottery and stop all this nonsense!
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