• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 Lucky winners from Nigeria meet HERE!


Hello Guys:

Let me congratulate those of you that are in the process of getting your green card. My prayer is that the good Lord who started the great work will perfect it in Jesus name. Let me encourage you that if it God's purpose, it surely will happen because God has never and will never start what He cant finish. Faithful is He who has began the good works who will also complete it (1 Thess 5:24). Also let me add that the scriptures encourages us to take matters serious in prayer when the scriptures writes "For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries" (1 Cor 16:19). In other words, the fact that God opens the door does not mean you will actually enter through the door unless you do your due diligence in prayers. Where you all are right now, I have been there maybe not exactly at the same capacity but I can tell you things happen but God is true and sure! I really dont know who this is for but someone needs to pray very well about their interview! If you need a prayer partner, I will not mind to be of assistance to you in any little way I can.

On the other hand, I need some help gathering the cost implication associated with DV lottery these days. I will appreciate it if someone can tell me a detail breakdown of cost and I need such for something I am working on.

Remain blessed and remember heaven helps those who look up to God for help. The help that comes from above is above and men will always disappoint but God has never! Prayer only shows you are dependent on God and he expects you to depend on him. While you pray, dont just talk, take time to listen too because most times, the answers to your prayer comes with an instruction on what you must do.
Still requesting for your hands in prayer. I need your prayers guyz, please join me in prayer for my next week interview.
@waheed1,our good God is in control.u would definately share ur success story by next week by HIS grace.
I am new to this site i dont no much pls can u teach me. i am among the people selected for the dv 2010, i was at the embassy in lagos on the 13 of oct 2009 but the ico refuse to give me the visa. i have try so that i can get the visa but the embassy said the case is close and kkc said i should send letter to them but they refuse.
pls if any one no who can help me out pls just send email to my mail address okun_fola@yahoo.com. the ico said i am not education quailifer and i present my O level certificate and my university certificate i just finish service NYSC. i dont understand what is going on.
i need help

I'm among those selected for the 2010 dv lottery. i was at lagos embassy at the day of my interview all my document is with me but the ico said i'm not education qualified after going through all my document. to demostrate that i was qualified i present not only my GCE but with my university degree. i have sent mail to kkc and they said i should write the embassy, but the embassy said the case have been close. i paid 37200.00 for i and my family 3 people. i dont no what to do again. my mail address is okun_fola@yahoo.com.
I'm among those selected for the 2010 dv lottery. i was at lagos embassy at the day of my interview all my document is with me but the ico said i'm not education qualified after going through all my document. to demostrate that i was qualified i present not only my GCE but with my university degree. i have sent mail to kkc and they said i should write the embassy, but the embassy said the case have been close. i paid 37200.00 for i and my family 3 people. i dont no what to do again. my mail address is okun_fola@yahoo.com.

I am so sorry about your situation. Since there has already been a decision on your dv case, it might be difficult to have them change it. But with God all things are possible. You might want to try get a good lawyer & see if you can fight their decision.

Does your GCE results have a minimum of 5 credits? because it doesnt matter how many degrees you have, all they are looking for is that you have a good secondary school result and you can defend it.

Once again i am so sorry about your situation but pls keep fighting. God can open a door before the end of fiscal year!!! Goodluck
Did u manage to answer the questions?

I'm among those selected for the 2010 dv lottery. i was at lagos embassy at the day of my interview all my document is with me but the ico said i'm not education qualified after going through all my document. to demostrate that i was qualified i present not only my GCE but with my university degree. i have sent mail to kkc and they said i should write the embassy, but the embassy said the case have been close. i paid 37200.00 for i and my family 3 people. i dont no what to do again. my mail address is okun_fola@yahoo.com.
Fola4me,am so sorry to hear of your problem, i really don't think there is much KCC can do once your case have been schedule for interview during which you are expected to prove that you are who you are and also defend your qualification,how did your interview went?, were you able to answer some of the question put to you by the CO?, as this will have a telling effect on why you were refused.The house will appreciate it more if you can throw more light on question you were asked and how you think you performed.The fact that you paid the visa fees does not mean you will be granted a visa.Am really so sorry that you were told that your case is close.
I contacted US Embassy in london and i was told that because i am the primary applicant i shud have my interview in london and if my immigrant visa application is approved, my case will then be transfered to the embassy in nigeria for my wife to do her own part of the interview.

My interview is in 4 weeks time now and i'm yet to receive my second letter.

Also about the police certificate, i've applied for a police certificate here and i also have a fingerprinted policae certificate that i did when i came to nigeria in october 2009 with me. But a friend told me i will have to re-do the fingerprint here and send it to nigeria to get the certificate that they will not accept the one i did in nigeria. I dont how if this is true or not. Anybody in the house that have any idea(s) shud pls tell me what to do.


thats good information!!! Dont forget to get a sponsor(I-134) for your interview in London. It seems the US embassy there have been asking people for it before they approve the visa.
This is to let you know that you are on my radar,may God go ahead of you 2morrow all is well.
I'm among those selected for the 2010 dv lottery. i was at lagos embassy at the day of my interview all my document is with me but the ico said i'm not education qualified after going through all my document. to demostrate that i was qualified i present not only my GCE but with my university degree. i have sent mail to kkc and they said i should write the embassy, but the embassy said the case have been close. i paid 37200.00 for i and my family 3 people. i dont no what to do again. my mail address is okun_fola@yahoo.com.

helloo fola, pls lets start this way, wen u send back ur 1st notification letter, did u state that u are qualify with work experience? then wat is ur case number and when was ur case current 4 interview, i think something is wrong some where in ur o level how many credits do u have and how many sitting did u presnted let us know all this first before we can advise u proper
This is to let you know that you are on my radar,may God go ahead of you 2morrow all is well.

dotman, thanks very much. Its nice to know there is a brother praying for this case out there. God can surprise all of us in tomorrow's bulletin, i will be shocked if you are not current as well. I wonder what Joequi predictions are? :eek:
I will like to share with you the words of a living legend Dr.Nelson Mandela,during his inaugural , let this words rings aloud in your hearts as we go to our interviews in days, weeks and months ahead.
'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light,not our darkness that frightens us.We ask ourselves who am i to be brilliant,gorgeous,talented,fabulous?Actually,Who are you not to be?Your playing small doesn't serve the world.There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.WE are all meant to SHINE, as children do;And as we let our own light shine,we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are librated from our own fear ,our presence automatically liberates others".(Nelson Mandela;Recreating the words of Mananne Willianson at his Presidential inauguration.) Dear all the purpose of this message is to provide a succor to us all,WE CAN DO IT. The thing we fear most never materialise, let's go in the might of God=Prayer+Preparation= Good Success. Cheers.
Hopefully against all odds!!!

dotman, thanks very much. Its nice to know there is a brother praying for this case out there. God can surprise all of us in tomorrow's bulletin, i will be shocked if you are not current as well. I wonder what Joequi predictions are? :eek:
looking forward to 2morrow with great hope and anticipation,hope you have sorted out your ticket for March?am sure by God grace all is set!!:cool:
I'm among those selected for the 2010 dv lottery. i was at lagos embassy at the day of my interview all my document is with me but the ico said i'm not education qualified after going through all my document. to demostrate that i was qualified i present not only my GCE but with my university degree. i have sent mail to kkc and they said i should write the embassy, but the embassy said the case have been close. i paid 37200.00 for i and my family 3 people. i dont no what to do again. my mail address is okun_fola@yahoo.com.

With those English language expressions, I dobut you could convince anyone with your O'level and A'level grades and their supporting documents. Am afraid it may have been over. Embassy Lagos has the final say once it comes to DV lottery, because KY has never seen you and ur documents and will never and will never be able to assess you all around.One can get qualified via needed jobs but you get to check labor dept. demands first. Someone I know went in being a fashion designer and she was denied and that was after paying visa fees, doing medicals, getting passports and miscellany for family of seven.

Well, it is very unfortunate that Nigerians get pruned at the US Embassy. We cook doucments and go to Embassies to go stuck. Am not unsympathetic but let the truth be told. I've someone that wants to register for UTME, she was avoiding anything math or majors that will involved math, I asked her why seeing she has C5 in Math from WAEC and she told me it was EXPO.

To be frank if the Embassy doubts you, they will like to have to tie you to something provable and am not unaware that the rush to get out of this stench (Country) helps their behavior.Eagerness to get out is one of the reasons folks are saying Thank God and by His Grace as if America is heaven.If your documents are forged and you were told to go and come back, don't just waste anybody's time and resources.
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It's over for now

I'm among those selected for the 2010 dv lottery. i was at lagos embassy at the day of my interview all my document is with me but the ico said i'm not education qualified after going through all my document. to demostrate that i was qualified i present not only my GCE but with my university degree. i have sent mail to kkc and they said i should write the embassy, but the embassy said the case have been close. i paid 37200.00 for i and my family 3 people. i dont no what to do again. my mail address is okun_fola@yahoo.com.

Hi Fola, sorry that you & your family were denied DV visa.

- It's a pity you came to this forum quite late. You would have thrown your situation forward long before interview and the house would have advised you accordingly.

- DV visa denial cannot be objected, KCC can't do anything and the embassy will not act again on your case because it is truly a closed case.

- Some 2010 DV winners re-applied for DV 2011 in case of visa denial, better if you also did,but I don't know.

- Go about 3 pages backward, you'll see the 2 most recent interview experiences (Toncana & Shinadave), use that method to give us your own interview experience and all that transpired during the interview.

- All those that commented on your case were all correct, but no one knows the true picture. Please, kindly give us the detailed & exact picture of your case for us to give appropriate answers accordingly.

- That's not the end of life my brother and you can still be what you wanna be without going to the U.S. This denial is not the end of your American dream man, re-apply the next time.

Move on and you'll make it because you were born to be successful.