• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 Lucky winners from Nigeria meet HERE!

my people!!! join me in praising Jehova Jireh because HE has done it again!
my interview was successful this morning. i am in a hurry to go somewhere, but i will come back to post details. i have ALOT of information to share and i hope it will be helpful to others.

i'll update my signature when i get back
congratulations to you freedom.praaaise be to GOD for His works in ur life.please ensure that u dont 4get this forum so that we that are still waiting can be assured of a successfull end like yours.congratulations once again

CN: 2010AF00010xxx
My forms were hand written and not printed

please hope this is not what is delaying my 2NL? i wrote the answers to all the questions been ask on my form with a pen.later i discovered that it should be printed in block letters.hope that can not pose a problem.then secondly i need a little more info about AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT. how to get it
please i am looking forward to ur response.

CN: 2010AF00010xxx
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That is not d problem.Block letter means in capital letters.u sent back ur forms late and kcc needs like 2months to process ur form b4 u can be scheduled 4 interview.AOS shud be filled by ur sponsor as a proof dat he/she has enough resources to cater 4 u.If u are single guys who have gone b4 us said u dont need it.But if u are married it is vital.
That is not d problem.Block letter means in capital letters.u sent back ur forms late and kcc needs like 2months to process ur form b4 u can be scheduled 4 interview.AOS shud be filled by ur sponsor as a proof dat he/she has enough resources to cater 4 u.If u are single guys who have gone b4 us said u dont need it.But if u are married it is vital.

@gasperthanks for the reply. that is not what i mean.i mean is hand written and not typed.i filled my forms with my own hand writing instead of taking it to a computer centre whare it should be typed and printed. hope it is no problem?
Guys,we all need not to worry to much cause is with all of us in this tread.life is turn by turn,God who start is still alive waiting to finish it for us. I deeply know that almighty God,d rock of ages,d living God will do it for us like he has done it for so many people in this forum. We all are come back on this tread with success stories,cos I can't wait to tell mine too.

Congrat Freedom007.

Na phone, I use ooo. U go see my signature when I dey on pc
Guys,we all need not to worry to much cause is with all of us in this tread.life is turn by turn,God who start is still alive waiting to finish it for us. I deeply know that almighty God,d rock of ages,d living God will do it for us like he has done it for so many people in this forum. We all are come back on this tread with success stories,cos I can't wait to tell mine too.

Congrat Freedom007.

Na phone, I use ooo. U go see my signature when I dey on pc

WAHEED i like your spirit.I also believe in God and i know He is not a GOD who does things halfway. We shall all rejoice at the end.just keep on with this positive spirit. TOGETHER WE SHALL ALL RISE TO THE TOP

CN: 2010AF00010xxx
@gasperthanks for the reply. that is not what i mean.i mean is hand written and not typed.i filled my forms with my own hand writing instead of taking it to a computer centre whare it should be typed and printed. hope it is no problem?

Guy we all did the filling handwrittenly.It is not a problem.Just relax and await ur letter.
Guys,we all need not to worry to much cause is with all of us in this tread.life is turn by turn,God who start is still alive waiting to finish it for us. I deeply know that almighty God,d rock of ages,d living God will do it for us like he has done it for so many people in this forum. We all are come back on this tread with success stories,cos I can't wait to tell mine too.

Congrat Freedom007.

Na phone, I use ooo.
Success shal be ours.D God i know shal do it 4 us all.
Fellow housemates, let's not worry much, God who started the great work in the house will continue, and we shall all glorify him...
U are rite Petit, I am just confident of something which is at end,we all will give thanks to almighty GOD. B'cos he started it and he is forever still alive to end it with joy.

Congratesssssssss. We are waiting for your update.

Congrats freedom007 that another good news on the forum a very good way to end the month.we are waiting for you to update us on how it went.

Congrats freedom007
Glory be to the almighty

congratulations to you freedom.praaaise be to GOD for His works in ur life.please ensure that u dont 4get this forum so that we that are still waiting can be assured of a successfull end like yours.congratulations once again

CN: 2010AF00010xxx

Guys,we all need not to worry to much cause is with all of us in this tread.life is turn by turn,God who start is still alive waiting to finish it for us. I deeply know that almighty God,d rock of ages,d living God will do it for us like he has done it for so many people in this forum. We all are come back on this tread with success stories,cos I can't wait to tell mine too.

Congrat Freedom007.

Na phone, I use ooo.
Success shal be ours.D God i know shal do it 4 us all.

@freedom007, PRAISE GOD, CONGRATS.
Still waitin 2 hear abt ur interview @d embassy.

God will do your own too in Jesus Name
I'll try to be as detailed as possible. After my interview, i just typed out everything i could remember into my phone so i wont forget when i come here to relay my experience...haha

after submitting my appointment letter at the security check point, they gave me a brown card with a number on it. Just like everyone that has posted their experience before me, i went through security, paid my visa fee, collected the receipt and entered the embassy to wait.

When it was my turn to be interviewed I already knew they were about to call me because my university certificate is huge!!! I could see two of the COs staring at it from my chair so i was laughing when i reached window 11 (the man).

CO: you knew i was going to call you when you saw this didn't you? (referring to my certificate)
ME: (laughing) yes i saw it
CO: raise your right hand. do you promise to tell the truth today?
ME: Yes, i do
CO: what's your name?
CO: what's your date of birth?
CO: what's your highest degree?
ps: he asked these questions VERY quickly. i think the idea is that if you're lying you might not be able to answer these questions as quickly as someone who is telling the truth. so don't panic if they breeze through the first few questions.
CO: you graduated from *** right?
CO: what did you study?
CO: did you have to take any accounting classes?
ME: Yes...i only had to take two
CO: what is a balance sheet
CO: what is a statement of cash flows
CO: what do you do now?
CO: what are you planning to do when you return to the states?
CO: who applied for the lottery on your behalf
CO: You were in the US when you applied
ME: yes i was bla bla bla
CO: you are very lucky
ME: i know (laughing)
CO: so you came back just for this? oh never mind. you've been around for a while
ME: *smile*

he went and came back with an orange pick up letter
ME: thank you very much
CO: you're the one with the good luck...you should wish me luck
ME: well, good luck then...lol

c'est fini
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I'll try to be as detailed as possible. After my interview, i just typed out everything i could remember into my phone so i wont forget when i come here to relay my experience...haha

after submitting my appointment letter at the security check point, they gave me a brown card with a number on it. Just like everyone that has posted their experience before me, i went through security, paid my visa fee, collected the receipt and entered the embassy to wait.

When it was my turn to be interviewed I already knew they were about to call me because my university certificate is huge!!! I could see two of the COs staring at it from my chair so i was laughing when i reached window 11 (the man).

CO: you knew i was going to call you when you saw this didn't you? (referring to my certificate)
ME: (laughing) yes i saw it
CO: raise your right hand. do you promise to tell the truth today?
ME: Yes, i do
CO: what's your name?
CO: what's your date of birth?
CO: what's your highest degree?
ps: he asked these questions VERY quickly. i think the idea is that if you're lying you might not be able to answer these questions as quickly as someone who is telling the truth. so don't panic if they breeze through the first few questions.
CO: you graduated from *** right?
CO: what did you study?
CO: did you have to take any accounting classes?
ME: Yes...i only had to take two
CO: what is a balance sheet
CO: what is a statement of cash flows
CO: what do you do now?
CO: what are you planning to do when you return to the states?
CO: who applied for the lottery on your behalf
CO: You were in the US when you applied
ME: yes i was bla bla bla
CO: you are very lucky
ME: i know (laughing)
CO: so you came back just for this? oh never mind. you've been around for a while
ME: *smile*

he went and came back with an orange pick up letter
ME: thank you very much
CO: you're the one with the good luck...you should wish me luck
ME: well, good luck then...lol

c'est fini

Congrats once again.You werent really that quizzed.I guess because u reside in the states so you werent really looking desperate.Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, i arrived at the embassy a little past 6am and it was not my turn to be interviewed until a few minutes to 11am. so i sat and watched them interview other people for like 4 hours!!!! here are some tips i gleaned from watching and listening:

1. Speak confidently. Look them in the eye and smile as appropriate

2. No matter how hot tempered you are never ever ever ever argue with the CO. I overheard one lady snap at the same man that interviewed me. He asked her a question and she snapped and said something like "i'm not done talking". he also interrupted me maybe once or twice when i was talking to him but it didnt annoy me. it just felt like a normal conversation. In any case, that lady was denied

3. While waiting, pray that you get a CO that's in a good mood. Ask God to send you to the CO with who you will find favor.

4.Don't worry if you have a weak NECO/WAEC result. As long as you meet the minimum requirement stated on the "notice to applicants from Nigeria" you will be fine. just be confident. besides, a weak result is easier to defend than straight A1s. Personally, i was happy that my NECO result wasnt fantastic because i figured that if they ask me any secondary school question that i dont remember, i'll just tell them that they can see that i flunked NECO. LoL One lady came with her husband and son and the CO asked her husband to go and sit while she was being interviewed. Her results were only three months old but when she couldnt answer the questions asked, the CO said "tell me what types of questions you encountered on the biology exam"--she kept saying "cells" so she was asked about her physics exam and she still couldnt say what types of questions she encountered on that exam. She was denied

5.if you are married take LOTS of pictures of you and your spouse together. Pictures of your spouse with your family as well as pictures of you with your spouse's family are also helpful. If the pictures are in an album, it looks more credible. I mean, if you say you've been married for 5 years and the album looks a little worn out from age, it's hard to discredit such a relationship

6.If for some reason, your spouse is abroad, make sure you take along records of text messages and emails exchanged

7.If you are asked a question and you miss it, or you don't know the answer, don't panic. One young man told the Chinese CO at window 12 that the word “is” is an adjective and he still got approved for the visa. So don't ever panic. Just keep your cool, maintain a positive attitude and you will find favor

8.If for some reason, you open your xray before reaching to embassy, don't worry yourself. They kuku told us to open the thing from outside...i just have to add this tip because the nurse at kamorass was almost screaming “don't open it oh” when I asked her about the documents inside the xray envelope...hahaha

9.If you cram answers, be careful to listen to what you are being asked. One lady really annoyed the CO because she kept answering questions she wasn't asked. If you choose to cram things to say, practice enough times that it sounds natural. The CO kept telling her to stop saying things that she had crammed but she continued doing it. She was denied. Another lady kept giving short incomplete answers—even though this lady got her visa, the CO was getting impatient with her and she was almost in tears by the end of the interview. Even the CO had to ask if she was okay

10.remember that tag I said they gave me after i submitted my appointment letter? The one that has a number on it? Guard it like a gem! One man lost his, and they spent like 10 minutes looking for it because it must be returned to the CO before the interview can take place. Trust me, you don't want this type of pressure just before the interview.

11.If you are going for a visiting visa, you are supposed to act as if you absolutely love Nigeria and would never want to relocate to America. Please don't try to give them this impression during your DV interview. One man was denied, and in an attempt to change the CO's mind, he told the CO that his intention was to get residency and then come back to Nigeria. That he is the Chairman somewhere etc etc. that basically sealed the deal. The CO told him that the visa is not intended for people that intend to get residency and then come back to Nigeria—so please, even if this is your plan, do not tell the CO about it.

Finally, I feel that God helped me to realize something about two days to my interview. The visa is already yours—you won it in the lottery. The ONLY reasons for the interview are for you to prove your identity (which is accomplished via the documents you take along). The other point of the interview is to prove that you are educated—so even if you don't know the answer to a question, just say something that sounds smart.

Go and succeed.
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Common questions that many people were asked are:
1.tell me the parts of a cell
2.what is an adverb?
3.What is an adjective
4.what is an adjective
5.*they typically also give sentences and ask the candidate to identify the noun, adjective, and adverb in it*
6.arithmetic. Some that I remember overhearing are: 7x7, 11 x 11, and 7 x 8
7.One girl who was fresh out of secondary school was asked: if demand increases, and supply decreases, what happens to price?
Congrats once again.You werent really that quizzed.I guess because u reside in the states so you werent really looking desperate.Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks gasper. but i don't think it has anything to do with where i've lived in the past oh.

ALL the glory must go to God. One of my main prayer points up to the day of the interview was that they shouldn't ask me too many questions. In fact, I told God that they should only ask me 3 questions. Two of which should be my name and date of birth. hahaha. so when he started asking about accounting i was like chei! :eek:
Now, i arrived at the embassy a little past 6am and it was not my turn to be interviewed until a few minutes to 11am. so i sat and watched them interview other people for like 4 hours!!!! here are some tips i gleaned from watching and listening:

1. Speak confidently. Look them in the eye and smile as appropriate

2. No matter how hot tempered you are never ever ever ever argue with the CO. I overheard one lady snap at the same man that interviewed me. He asked her a question and she snapped and said something like "i'm not done talking". he also interrupted me maybe once or twice when i was talking to him but it didnt annoy me. it just felt like a normal conversation. In any case, that lady was denied

3. While waiting, pray that you get a CO that's in a good mood. Ask God to send you to the CO with who you will find favor.

4.Don't worry if you have a weak NECO/WAEC result. As long as you meet the minimum requirement stated on the "notice to applicants from Nigeria" you will be fine. just be confident. besides, a weak result is easier to defend than straight A1s. Personally, i was happy that my NECO result wasnt fantastic because i figured that if they ask me any secondary school question that i dont remember, i'll just tell them that they can see that i flunked NECO. LoL One lady came with her husband and son and the CO asked her husband to go and sit while she was being interviewed. Her results were only three months old but when she couldnt answer the questions asked, the CO said "tell me what types of questions you encountered on the biology exam"--she kept saying "cells" so she was asked about her physics exam and she still couldnt say what types of questions she encountered on that exam. She was denied

5.if you are married take LOTS of pictures of you and your spouse together. Pictures of your spouse with your family as well as pictures of you with your spouse's family are also helpful. If the pictures are in an album, it looks more credible. I mean, if you say you've been married for 5 years and the album looks a little worn out from age, it's hard to discredit such a relationship

6.If for some reason, your spouse is abroad, make sure you take along records of text messages and emails exchanged

7.If you are asked a question and you miss it, or you don't know the answer, don't panic. One young man told the Chinese CO at window 12 that the word “is” is an adjective and he still got approved for the visa. So don't ever panic. Just keep your cool, maintain a positive attitude and you will find favor

8.If for some reason, you open your xray before reaching to embassy, don't worry yourself. They kuku told us to open the thing from outside...i just have to add this tip because the nurse at kamorass was almost screaming “don't open it oh” when I asked her about the documents inside the xray envelope...hahaha

9.If you cram answers, be careful to listen to what you are being asked. One lady really annoyed the CO because she kept answering questions she wasn't asked. If you choose to cram things to say, practice enough times that it sounds natural. The CO kept telling her to stop saying things that she had crammed but she continued doing it. She was denied. Another lady kept giving short incomplete answers—even though this lady got her visa, the CO was getting impatient with her and she was almost in tears by the end of the interview. Even the CO had to ask if she was okay

10.remember that tag I said they gave me after i submitted my appointment letter? The one that has a number on it? Guard it like a gem! One man lost his, and they spent like 10 minutes looking for it because it must be returned to the CO before the interview can take place. Trust me, you don't want this type of pressure just before the interview.

11.If you are going for a visiting visa, you are supposed to act as if you absolutely love Nigeria and would never want to relocate to America. Please don't try to give them this impression during your DV interview. One man was denied, and in an attempt to change the CO's mind, he told the CO that his intention was to get residency and then come back to Nigeria. That he is the Chairman somewhere etc etc. that basically sealed the deal. The CO told him that the visa is not intended for people that intend to get residency and then come back to Nigeria—so please, even if this is your plan, do not tell the CO about it.

Finally, I feel that God helped me to realize something about two days to my interview. The visa is already yours—you won it in the lottery. The ONLY reasons for the interview are for you to prove your identity (which is accomplished via the documents you take along). The other point of the interview is to prove that you are educated—so even if you don't know the answer to a question, just say something that sounds smart.

Go and succeed.


You did a yoo man's job by given us this details, honestly i quite appreciate. This is a good lesson learnt.

Take care of yourself and do pray for us that are still waiting to be current.
@Freedom007, Thanks 4 this details, it is definately highly detailed. Sure with GOD's divine intervention it'll go a long way to better prepare us dat are waitin 4 d interview. Thanks.