hello everyone here. its really nice coming up here.congratulations to all the DV visa winners.well its quite unfortunate i came here quite late before my 1st interview. i have read most of the post here, u guys
etit, smalllarose,phluck,bammy etc , i must say you all are fantastic.
my case if u remember is still undergoing administrative processing till date.surprisingly i was called 2wks after my 2nd interview at about 4:15a.m by the u.s embassy.
the conversation was like this:
us interviewer- this is from us embassy pls give the phone to ur wife
me:hello my wife is not with me she is at her post at the youth service in xxxx state.i earlier said shes doing her nysc in our last interview.
us interviewer: ok, when last did u see her ,when last did u talk to her and what did u last say
me: answered all correctly
us interviewer: ok thankyou.pls dont call or disturb her.
i didnt call my wife
us interviewer: called my wife immediately
us interviewer: hello pls give the phone to ur husband. OTHER QUESTIONS I WAS ASKED WAS SIMILARLY ASKED FROM HER
wife: she anwered everything correctly thank GOD ,as she called me later to tell me they called her. then i explained to her that they called me first.
well i am still expecting the best....u guys pray for us
goodluck to u all moreso those waiting to be current.
hello my wife won th dv2010 lottery. we got married after applying as singles for the dv lottery.we went for interview this feb 2010 ,without our medical report because it wasnt ready. interview went on fine as we were both interviewed seperately by the c.o. after the interview we were given a 221g letter and in it we were told to get our medicals and courtship pictures.the co asked us which day is more convinient for both of us and we chose a week later because of my job. surprisingly on that day we were taking to a seperate unit upstairs one ofter the other and we were interviewed, interrogated and asked all sorts of questions by a team called F.P.U.
requirements we were asked to bring on that day was not even collected, uptill date still not.
after the interview we were just told the embassy will get back to us on phone that i should keep my phone on all the time.
i sent a mail to the us embassy, lagos and i was replied that our case is under administrative processing.